Blame googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h

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// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
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// All rights reserved.
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// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
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// met:
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//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
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// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
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// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
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// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
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// distribution.
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//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
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// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
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// this software without specific prior written permission.
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// Author: (Zhanyong Wan)
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// Google Mock - a framework for writing C++ mock classes.
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// This file defines some utilities useful for implementing Google
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// Mock.  They are subject to change without notice, so please DO NOT
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#include <stdio.h>
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#include <ostream>  // NOLINT
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#include <string>
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#include "gmock/internal/gmock-generated-internal-utils.h"
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#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
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#include "gtest/gtest.h"
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namespace testing {
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namespace internal {
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// Converts an identifier name to a space-separated list of lower-case
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// words.  Each maximum substring of the form [A-Za-z][a-z]*|\d+ is
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// treated as one word.  For example, both "FooBar123" and
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// "foo_bar_123" are converted to "foo bar 123".
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GTEST_API_ string ConvertIdentifierNameToWords(const char* id_name);
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// PointeeOf<Pointer>::type is the type of a value pointed to by a
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// Pointer, which can be either a smart pointer or a raw pointer.  The
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// following default implementation is for the case where Pointer is a
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// smart pointer.
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template <typename Pointer>
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struct PointeeOf {
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  // Smart pointer classes define type element_type as the type of
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  // their pointees.
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  typedef typename Pointer::element_type type;
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// This specialization is for the raw pointer case.
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template <typename T>
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struct PointeeOf<T*> { typedef T type; };  // NOLINT
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// GetRawPointer(p) returns the raw pointer underlying p when p is a
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// smart pointer, or returns p itself when p is already a raw pointer.
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// The following default implementation is for the smart pointer case.
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template <typename Pointer>
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inline const typename Pointer::element_type* GetRawPointer(const Pointer& p) {
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  return p.get();
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// This overloaded version is for the raw pointer case.
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template <typename Element>
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inline Element* GetRawPointer(Element* p) { return p; }
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// This comparator allows linked_ptr to be stored in sets.
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template <typename T>
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struct LinkedPtrLessThan {
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  bool operator()(const ::testing::internal::linked_ptr<T>& lhs,
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                  const ::testing::internal::linked_ptr<T>& rhs) const {
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    return lhs.get() < rhs.get();
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// Symbian compilation can be done with wchar_t being either a native
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// type or a typedef.  Using Google Mock with OpenC without wchar_t
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// should require the definition of _STLP_NO_WCHAR_T.
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// MSVC treats wchar_t as a native type usually, but treats it as the
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// same as unsigned short when the compiler option /Zc:wchar_t- is
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// specified.  It defines _NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED symbol when wchar_t
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// is a native type.
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#if (GTEST_OS_SYMBIAN && defined(_STLP_NO_WCHAR_T)) || \
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    (defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED))
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// wchar_t is a typedef.
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// signed wchar_t and unsigned wchar_t are NOT in the C++ standard.
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// Using them is a bad practice and not portable.  So DON'T use them.
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// Still, Google Mock is designed to work even if the user uses signed
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// wchar_t or unsigned wchar_t (obviously, assuming the compiler
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// supports them).
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// To gcc,
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//   wchar_t == signed wchar_t != unsigned wchar_t == unsigned int
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#ifdef __GNUC__
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// signed/unsigned wchar_t are valid types.
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// In what follows, we use the term "kind" to indicate whether a type
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// is bool, an integer type (excluding bool), a floating-point type,
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// or none of them.  This categorization is useful for determining
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// when a matcher argument type can be safely converted to another
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// type in the implementation of SafeMatcherCast.
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enum TypeKind {
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  kBool, kInteger, kFloatingPoint, kOther
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// KindOf<T>::value is the kind of type T.
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template <typename T> struct KindOf {
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  enum { value = kOther };  // The default kind.
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// This macro declares that the kind of 'type' is 'kind'.
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#define GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(type, kind) \
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  template <> struct KindOf<type> { enum { value = kind }; }
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// All standard integer types.
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(char, kInteger);
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(signed char, kInteger);
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(unsigned char, kInteger);
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(short, kInteger);  // NOLINT
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(unsigned short, kInteger);  // NOLINT
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(int, kInteger);
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(unsigned int, kInteger);
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(long, kInteger);  // NOLINT
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(unsigned long, kInteger);  // NOLINT
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(wchar_t, kInteger);
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// Non-standard integer types.
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(Int64, kInteger);
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(UInt64, kInteger);
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// All standard floating-point types.
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(float, kFloatingPoint);
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(double, kFloatingPoint);
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GMOCK_DECLARE_KIND_(long double, kFloatingPoint);
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// Evaluates to the kind of 'type'.
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#define GMOCK_KIND_OF_(type) \
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  static_cast< ::testing::internal::TypeKind>( \
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// Evaluates to true iff integer type T is signed.
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#define GMOCK_IS_SIGNED_(T) (static_cast<T>(-1) < 0)
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// LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl<kFromKind, From, kToKind, To>::value
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// is true iff arithmetic type From can be losslessly converted to
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// arithmetic type To.
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// It's the user's responsibility to ensure that both From and To are
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// raw (i.e. has no CV modifier, is not a pointer, and is not a
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// reference) built-in arithmetic types, kFromKind is the kind of
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// From, and kToKind is the kind of To; the value is
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// implementation-defined when the above pre-condition is violated.
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template <TypeKind kFromKind, typename From, TypeKind kToKind, typename To>
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struct LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl : public false_type {};
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// Converting bool to bool is lossless.
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template <>
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struct LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl<kBool, bool, kBool, bool>
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    : public true_type {};  // NOLINT
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// Converting bool to any integer type is lossless.
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template <typename To>
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struct LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl<kBool, bool, kInteger, To>
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    : public true_type {};  // NOLINT
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// Converting bool to any floating-point type is lossless.
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template <typename To>
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struct LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl<kBool, bool, kFloatingPoint, To>
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    : public true_type {};  // NOLINT
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// Converting an integer to bool is lossy.
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template <typename From>
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struct LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl<kInteger, From, kBool, bool>
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    : public false_type {};  // NOLINT
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// Converting an integer to another non-bool integer is lossless iff
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// the target type's range encloses the source type's range.
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template <typename From, typename To>
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struct LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl<kInteger, From, kInteger, To>
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    : public bool_constant<
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      // When converting from a smaller size to a larger size, we are
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      // fine as long as we are not converting from signed to unsigned.
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      ((sizeof(From) < sizeof(To)) &&
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       (!GMOCK_IS_SIGNED_(From) || GMOCK_IS_SIGNED_(To))) ||
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      // When converting between the same size, the signedness must match.
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      ((sizeof(From) == sizeof(To)) &&
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       (GMOCK_IS_SIGNED_(From) == GMOCK_IS_SIGNED_(To)))> {};  // NOLINT
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// Converting an integer to a floating-point type may be lossy, since
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// the format of a floating-point number is implementation-defined.
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template <typename From, typename To>
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struct LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl<kInteger, From, kFloatingPoint, To>
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    : public false_type {};  // NOLINT
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// Converting a floating-point to bool is lossy.
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template <typename From>
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struct LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl<kFloatingPoint, From, kBool, bool>
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    : public false_type {};  // NOLINT
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// Converting a floating-point to an integer is lossy.
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template <typename From, typename To>
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struct LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl<kFloatingPoint, From, kInteger, To>
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    : public false_type {};  // NOLINT
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// Converting a floating-point to another floating-point is lossless
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// iff the target type is at least as big as the source type.
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template <typename From, typename To>
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struct LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl<
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  kFloatingPoint, From, kFloatingPoint, To>
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    : public bool_constant<sizeof(From) <= sizeof(To)> {};  // NOLINT
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// LosslessArithmeticConvertible<From, To>::value is true iff arithmetic
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// type From can be losslessly converted to arithmetic type To.
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// It's the user's responsibility to ensure that both From and To are
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// raw (i.e. has no CV modifier, is not a pointer, and is not a
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// reference) built-in arithmetic types; the value is
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// implementation-defined when the above pre-condition is violated.
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template <typename From, typename To>
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struct LosslessArithmeticConvertible
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    : public LosslessArithmeticConvertibleImpl<
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  GMOCK_KIND_OF_(From), From, GMOCK_KIND_OF_(To), To> {};  // NOLINT
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// This interface knows how to report a Google Mock failure (either
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// non-fatal or fatal).
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class FailureReporterInterface {
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  // The type of a failure (either non-fatal or fatal).
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  enum FailureType {
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    kNonfatal, kFatal
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  virtual ~FailureReporterInterface() {}
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  // Reports a failure that occurred at the given source file location.
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  virtual void ReportFailure(FailureType type, const char* file, int line,
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                             const string& message) = 0;
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// Returns the failure reporter used by Google Mock.
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GTEST_API_ FailureReporterInterface* GetFailureReporter();
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// Asserts that condition is true; aborts the process with the given
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// message if condition is false.  We cannot use LOG(FATAL) or CHECK()
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// as Google Mock might be used to mock the log sink itself.  We
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// inline this function to prevent it from showing up in the stack
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// trace.
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inline void Assert(bool condition, const char* file, int line,
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                   const string& msg) {
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  if (!condition) {
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                                        file, line, msg);
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inline void Assert(bool condition, const char* file, int line) {
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  Assert(condition, file, line, "Assertion failed.");
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// Verifies that condition is true; generates a non-fatal failure if
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// condition is false.
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inline void Expect(bool condition, const char* file, int line,
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                   const string& msg) {
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  if (!condition) {
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                                        file, line, msg);
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inline void Expect(bool condition, const char* file, int line) {
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  Expect(condition, file, line, "Expectation failed.");
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// Severity level of a log.
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enum LogSeverity {
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  kInfo = 0,
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  kWarning = 1
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// Valid values for the --gmock_verbose flag.
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// All logs (informational and warnings) are printed.
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const char kInfoVerbosity[] = "info";
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// Only warnings are printed.
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const char kWarningVerbosity[] = "warning";
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// No logs are printed.
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const char kErrorVerbosity[] = "error";
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// Returns true iff a log with the given severity is visible according
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// to the --gmock_verbose flag.
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GTEST_API_ bool LogIsVisible(LogSeverity severity);
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// Prints the given message to stdout iff 'severity' >= the level
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// specified by the --gmock_verbose flag.  If stack_frames_to_skip >=
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// 0, also prints the stack trace excluding the top
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// stack_frames_to_skip frames.  In opt mode, any positive
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// stack_frames_to_skip is treated as 0, since we don't know which
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// function calls will be inlined by the compiler and need to be
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// conservative.
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GTEST_API_ void Log(LogSeverity severity,
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                    const string& message,
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                    int stack_frames_to_skip);
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// TODO( group all type utilities together.
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// Type traits.
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// is_reference<T>::value is non-zero iff T is a reference type.
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template <typename T> struct is_reference : public false_type {};
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template <typename T> struct is_reference<T&> : public true_type {};
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// type_equals<T1, T2>::value is non-zero iff T1 and T2 are the same type.
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template <typename T1, typename T2> struct type_equals : public false_type {};
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template <typename T> struct type_equals<T, T> : public true_type {};
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// remove_reference<T>::type removes the reference from type T, if any.
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template <typename T> struct remove_reference { typedef T type; };  // NOLINT
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template <typename T> struct remove_reference<T&> { typedef T type; }; // NOLINT
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// DecayArray<T>::type turns an array type U[N] to const U* and preserves
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// other types.  Useful for saving a copy of a function argument.
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template <typename T> struct DecayArray { typedef T type; };  // NOLINT
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template <typename T, size_t N> struct DecayArray<T[N]> {
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  typedef const T* type;
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// Sometimes people use arrays whose size is not available at the use site
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// (e.g. extern const char kNamePrefix[]).  This specialization covers that
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// case.
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template <typename T> struct DecayArray<T[]> {
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  typedef const T* type;
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// Disable MSVC warnings for infinite recursion, since in this case the
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// the recursion is unreachable.
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#ifdef _MSC_VER
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# pragma warning(push)
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# pragma warning(disable:4717)
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// Invalid<T>() is usable as an expression of type T, but will terminate
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// the program with an assertion failure if actually run.  This is useful
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// when a value of type T is needed for compilation, but the statement
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// will not really be executed (or we don't care if the statement
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// crashes).
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template <typename T>
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inline T Invalid() {
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  Assert(false, "", -1, "Internal error: attempt to return invalid value");
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  // This statement is unreachable, and would never terminate even if it
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  // could be reached. It is provided only to placate compiler warnings
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  // about missing return statements.
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  return Invalid<T>();
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#ifdef _MSC_VER
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# pragma warning(pop)
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// Given a raw type (i.e. having no top-level reference or const
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// modifier) RawContainer that's either an STL-style container or a
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// native array, class StlContainerView<RawContainer> has the
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// following members:
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//   - type is a type that provides an STL-style container view to
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//     (i.e. implements the STL container concept for) RawContainer;
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//   - const_reference is a type that provides a reference to a const
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//     RawContainer;
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//   - ConstReference(raw_container) returns a const reference to an STL-style
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//     container view to raw_container, which is a RawContainer.
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//   - Copy(raw_container) returns an STL-style container view of a
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//     copy of raw_container, which is a RawContainer.
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// This generic version is used when RawContainer itself is already an
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// STL-style container.
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template <class RawContainer>
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class StlContainerView {
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  typedef RawContainer type;
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  typedef const type& const_reference;
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  static const_reference ConstReference(const RawContainer& container) {
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    // Ensures that RawContainer is not a const type.
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    return container;
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  static type Copy(const RawContainer& container) { return container; }
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// This specialization is used when RawContainer is a native array type.
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template <typename Element, size_t N>
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class StlContainerView<Element[N]> {
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  typedef GTEST_REMOVE_CONST_(Element) RawElement;
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  typedef internal::NativeArray<RawElement> type;
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  // NativeArray<T> can represent a native array either by value or by
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  // reference (selected by a constructor argument), so 'const type'
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  // can be used to reference a const native array.  We cannot
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  // 'typedef const type& const_reference' here, as that would mean
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  // ConstReference() has to return a reference to a local variable.
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  typedef const type const_reference;
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  static const_reference ConstReference(const Element (&array)[N]) {
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    // Ensures that Element is not a const type.
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    testing::StaticAssertTypeEq<Element, RawElement>();
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    // The Nokia Symbian compiler confuses itself in template instantiation
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    // for this call without the cast to Element*:
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    // function call '[testing::internal::NativeArray<char *>].NativeArray(
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    //     {lval} const char *[4], long, testing::internal::RelationToSource)'
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    //     does not match
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    // 'testing::internal::NativeArray<char *>::NativeArray(
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    //     char *const *, unsigned int, testing::internal::RelationToSource)'
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    // (instantiating: 'testing::internal::ContainsMatcherImpl
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    //     <const char * (&)[4]>::Matches(const char * (&)[4]) const')
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    // (instantiating: 'testing::internal::StlContainerView<char *[4]>::
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    //     ConstReference(const char * (&)[4])')
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    // (and though the N parameter type is mismatched in the above explicit
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    // conversion of it doesn't help - only the conversion of the array).
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    return type(const_cast<Element*>(&array[0]), N,
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    return type(array, N, RelationToSourceReference());
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  static type Copy(const Element (&array)[N]) {
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    return type(const_cast<Element*>(&array[0]), N, RelationToSourceCopy());
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    return type(array, N, RelationToSourceCopy());
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// This specialization is used when RawContainer is a native array
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// represented as a (pointer, size) tuple.
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template <typename ElementPointer, typename Size>
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class StlContainerView< ::testing::tuple<ElementPointer, Size> > {
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      typename internal::PointeeOf<ElementPointer>::type) RawElement;
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  typedef internal::NativeArray<RawElement> type;
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  typedef const type const_reference;
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  static const_reference ConstReference(
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      const ::testing::tuple<ElementPointer, Size>& array) {
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    return type(get<0>(array), get<1>(array), RelationToSourceReference());
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  static type Copy(const ::testing::tuple<ElementPointer, Size>& array) {
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    return type(get<0>(array), get<1>(array), RelationToSourceCopy());
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// The following specialization prevents the user from instantiating
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// StlContainer with a reference type.
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template <typename T> class StlContainerView<T&>;
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// A type transform to remove constness from the first part of a pair.
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// Pairs like that are used as the value_type of associative containers,
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// and this transform produces a similar but assignable pair.
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template <typename T>
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struct RemoveConstFromKey {
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  typedef T type;
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// Partially specialized to remove constness from std::pair<const K, V>.
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template <typename K, typename V>
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struct RemoveConstFromKey<std::pair<const K, V> > {
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  typedef std::pair<K, V> type;
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// Mapping from booleans to types. Similar to boost::bool_<kValue> and
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// std::integral_constant<bool, kValue>.
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template <bool kValue>
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struct BooleanConstant {};
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}  // namespace internal
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}  // namespace testing
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