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# Defining a Mock Class #
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## Mocking a Normal Class ##
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class Foo {
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  virtual ~Foo();
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  virtual int GetSize() const = 0;
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  virtual string Describe(const char* name) = 0;
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  virtual string Describe(int type) = 0;
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  virtual bool Process(Bar elem, int count) = 0;
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(note that `~Foo()` **must** be virtual) we can define its mock as
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#include "gmock/gmock.h"
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class MockFoo : public Foo {
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  MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetSize, int());
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  MOCK_METHOD1(Describe, string(const char* name));
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  MOCK_METHOD1(Describe, string(int type));
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  MOCK_METHOD2(Process, bool(Bar elem, int count));
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To create a "nice" mock object which ignores all uninteresting calls,
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or a "strict" mock object, which treats them as failures:
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NiceMock<MockFoo> nice_foo;     // The type is a subclass of MockFoo.
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StrictMock<MockFoo> strict_foo; // The type is a subclass of MockFoo.
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## Mocking a Class Template ##
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To mock
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template <typename Elem>
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class StackInterface {
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  virtual ~StackInterface();
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  virtual int GetSize() const = 0;
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  virtual void Push(const Elem& x) = 0;
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(note that `~StackInterface()` **must** be virtual) just append `_T` to the `MOCK_*` macros:
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template <typename Elem>
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class MockStack : public StackInterface<Elem> {
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  MOCK_CONST_METHOD0_T(GetSize, int());
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  MOCK_METHOD1_T(Push, void(const Elem& x));
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## Specifying Calling Conventions for Mock Functions ##
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If your mock function doesn't use the default calling convention, you
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can specify it by appending `_WITH_CALLTYPE` to any of the macros
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described in the previous two sections and supplying the calling
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convention as the first argument to the macro. For example,
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where `STDMETHODCALLTYPE` is defined by `<objbase.h>` on Windows.
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# Using Mocks in Tests #
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The typical flow is:
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  1. Import the Google Mock names you need to use. All Google Mock names are in the `testing` namespace unless they are macros or otherwise noted.
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  1. Create the mock objects.
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  1. Optionally, set the default actions of the mock objects.
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  1. Set your expectations on the mock objects (How will they be called? What wil they do?).
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  1. Exercise code that uses the mock objects; if necessary, check the result using [Google Test](../../googletest/) assertions.
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  1. When a mock objects is destructed, Google Mock automatically verifies that all expectations on it have been satisfied.
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Here is an example:
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using ::testing::Return;                            // #1
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TEST(BarTest, DoesThis) {
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  MockFoo foo;                                    // #2
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  ON_CALL(foo, GetSize())                         // #3
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  // ... other default actions ...
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  EXPECT_CALL(foo, Describe(5))                   // #4
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      .WillRepeatedly(Return("Category 5"));
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  // ... other expectations ...
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  EXPECT_EQ("good", MyProductionFunction(&foo));  // #5
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}                                                 // #6
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# Setting Default Actions #
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Google Mock has a **built-in default action** for any function that
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returns `void`, `bool`, a numeric value, or a pointer.
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To customize the default action for functions with return type `T` globally:
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using ::testing::DefaultValue;
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// Sets the default value to be returned. T must be CopyConstructible.
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// Sets a factory. Will be invoked on demand. T must be MoveConstructible.
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//   T MakeT();
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// ... use the mocks ...
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// Resets the default value.
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To customize the default action for a particular method, use `ON_CALL()`:
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ON_CALL(mock_object, method(matchers))
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    .With(multi_argument_matcher)  ?
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# Setting Expectations #
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`EXPECT_CALL()` sets **expectations** on a mock method (How will it be
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called? What will it do?):
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EXPECT_CALL(mock_object, method(matchers))
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    .With(multi_argument_matcher)  ?
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    .Times(cardinality)            ?
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    .InSequence(sequences)         *
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    .After(expectations)           *
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    .WillOnce(action)              *
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    .WillRepeatedly(action)        ?
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    .RetiresOnSaturation();        ?
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If `Times()` is omitted, the cardinality is assumed to be:
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  * `Times(1)` when there is neither `WillOnce()` nor `WillRepeatedly()`;
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  * `Times(n)` when there are `n WillOnce()`s but no `WillRepeatedly()`, where `n` >= 1; or
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  * `Times(AtLeast(n))` when there are `n WillOnce()`s and a `WillRepeatedly()`, where `n` >= 0.
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A method with no `EXPECT_CALL()` is free to be invoked _any number of times_, and the default action will be taken each time.
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# Matchers #
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A **matcher** matches a _single_ argument.  You can use it inside
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`ON_CALL()` or `EXPECT_CALL()`, or use it to validate a value
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| `EXPECT_THAT(value, matcher)` | Asserts that `value` matches `matcher`. |
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| `ASSERT_THAT(value, matcher)` | The same as `EXPECT_THAT(value, matcher)`, except that it generates a **fatal** failure. |
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Built-in matchers (where `argument` is the function argument) are
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divided into several categories:
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## Wildcard ##
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|`_`|`argument` can be any value of the correct type.|
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|`A<type>()` or `An<type>()`|`argument` can be any value of type `type`.     |
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## Generic Comparison ##
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|`Eq(value)` or `value`|`argument == value`|
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|`Ge(value)`           |`argument >= value`|
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|`Gt(value)`           |`argument > value` |
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|`Le(value)`           |`argument <= value`|
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|`Lt(value)`           |`argument < value` |
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|`Ne(value)`           |`argument != value`|
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|`IsNull()`            |`argument` is a `NULL` pointer (raw or smart).|
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|`NotNull()`           |`argument` is a non-null pointer (raw or smart).|
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|`Ref(variable)`       |`argument` is a reference to `variable`.|
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|`TypedEq<type>(value)`|`argument` has type `type` and is equal to `value`. You may need to use this instead of `Eq(value)` when the mock function is overloaded.|
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Except `Ref()`, these matchers make a _copy_ of `value` in case it's
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modified or destructed later. If the compiler complains that `value`
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doesn't have a public copy constructor, try wrap it in `ByRef()`,
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e.g. `Eq(ByRef(non_copyable_value))`. If you do that, make sure
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`non_copyable_value` is not changed afterwards, or the meaning of your
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matcher will be changed.
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## Floating-Point Matchers ##
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|`DoubleEq(a_double)`|`argument` is a `double` value approximately equal to `a_double`, treating two NaNs as unequal.|
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|`FloatEq(a_float)`  |`argument` is a `float` value approximately equal to `a_float`, treating two NaNs as unequal.  |
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|`NanSensitiveDoubleEq(a_double)`|`argument` is a `double` value approximately equal to `a_double`, treating two NaNs as equal.  |
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|`NanSensitiveFloatEq(a_float)`|`argument` is a `float` value approximately equal to `a_float`, treating two NaNs as equal.    |
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The above matchers use ULP-based comparison (the same as used in
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[Google Test](../../googletest/)). They
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automatically pick a reasonable error bound based on the absolute
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value of the expected value.  `DoubleEq()` and `FloatEq()` conform to
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the IEEE standard, which requires comparing two NaNs for equality to
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return false. The `NanSensitive*` version instead treats two NaNs as
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equal, which is often what a user wants.
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|`DoubleNear(a_double, max_abs_error)`|`argument` is a `double` value close to `a_double` (absolute error <= `max_abs_error`), treating two NaNs as unequal.|
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|`FloatNear(a_float, max_abs_error)`  |`argument` is a `float` value close to `a_float` (absolute error <= `max_abs_error`), treating two NaNs as unequal.  |
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|`NanSensitiveDoubleNear(a_double, max_abs_error)`|`argument` is a `double` value close to `a_double` (absolute error <= `max_abs_error`), treating two NaNs as equal.  |
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|`NanSensitiveFloatNear(a_float, max_abs_error)`|`argument` is a `float` value close to `a_float` (absolute error <= `max_abs_error`), treating two NaNs as equal.    |
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## String Matchers ##
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The `argument` can be either a C string or a C++ string object:
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|`ContainsRegex(string)`|`argument` matches the given regular expression.|
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|`EndsWith(suffix)`     |`argument` ends with string `suffix`.           |
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|`HasSubstr(string)`    |`argument` contains `string` as a sub-string.   |
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|`MatchesRegex(string)` |`argument` matches the given regular expression with the match starting at the first character and ending at the last character.|
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|`StartsWith(prefix)`   |`argument` starts with string `prefix`.         |
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|`StrCaseEq(string)`    |`argument` is equal to `string`, ignoring case. |
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|`StrCaseNe(string)`    |`argument` is not equal to `string`, ignoring case.|
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|`StrEq(string)`        |`argument` is equal to `string`.                |
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|`StrNe(string)`        |`argument` is not equal to `string`.            |
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`ContainsRegex()` and `MatchesRegex()` use the regular expression
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syntax defined
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`StrCaseEq()`, `StrCaseNe()`, `StrEq()`, and `StrNe()` work for wide
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strings as well.
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## Container Matchers ##
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Most STL-style containers support `==`, so you can use
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`Eq(expected_container)` or simply `expected_container` to match a
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container exactly.   If you want to write the elements in-line,
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match them more flexibly, or get more informative messages, you can use:
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| `ContainerEq(container)` | The same as `Eq(container)` except that the failure message also includes which elements are in one container but not the other. |
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| `Contains(e)`            | `argument` contains an element that matches `e`, which can be either a value or a matcher.                                       |
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| `Each(e)`                | `argument` is a container where _every_ element matches `e`, which can be either a value or a matcher.                           |
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| `ElementsAre(e0, e1, ..., en)` | `argument` has `n + 1` elements, where the i-th element matches `ei`, which can be a value or a matcher. 0 to 10 arguments are allowed. |
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| `ElementsAreArray({ e0, e1, ..., en })`, `ElementsAreArray(array)`, or `ElementsAreArray(array, count)` | The same as `ElementsAre()` except that the expected element values/matchers come from an initializer list, STL-style container, or C-style array. |
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| `IsEmpty()`              | `argument` is an empty container (`container.empty()`).                                                                          |
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| `Pointwise(m, container)` | `argument` contains the same number of elements as in `container`, and for all i, (the i-th element in `argument`, the i-th element in `container`) match `m`, which is a matcher on 2-tuples. E.g. `Pointwise(Le(), upper_bounds)` verifies that each element in `argument` doesn't exceed the corresponding element in `upper_bounds`. See more detail below. |
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| `SizeIs(m)`              | `argument` is a container whose size matches `m`. E.g. `SizeIs(2)` or `SizeIs(Lt(2))`.                                           |
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| `UnorderedElementsAre(e0, e1, ..., en)` | `argument` has `n + 1` elements, and under some permutation each element matches an `ei` (for a different `i`), which can be a value or a matcher. 0 to 10 arguments are allowed. |
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| `UnorderedElementsAreArray({ e0, e1, ..., en })`, `UnorderedElementsAreArray(array)`, or `UnorderedElementsAreArray(array, count)` | The same as `UnorderedElementsAre()` except that the expected element values/matchers come from an initializer list, STL-style container, or C-style array. |
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| `WhenSorted(m)`          | When `argument` is sorted using the `<` operator, it matches container matcher `m`. E.g. `WhenSorted(UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3))` verifies that `argument` contains elements `1`, `2`, and `3`, ignoring order. |
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| `WhenSortedBy(comparator, m)` | The same as `WhenSorted(m)`, except that the given comparator instead of `<` is used to sort `argument`. E.g. `WhenSortedBy(std::greater<int>(), ElementsAre(3, 2, 1))`. |
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  * These matchers can also match:
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    1. a native array passed by reference (e.g. in `Foo(const int (&a)[5])`), and
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    1. an array passed as a pointer and a count (e.g. in `Bar(const T* buffer, int len)` -- see [Multi-argument Matchers](
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  * The array being matched may be multi-dimensional (i.e. its elements can be arrays).
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  * `m` in `Pointwise(m, ...)` should be a matcher for `::testing::tuple<T, U>` where `T` and `U` are the element type of the actual container and the expected container, respectively. For example, to compare two `Foo` containers where `Foo` doesn't support `operator==` but has an `Equals()` method, one might write:
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using ::testing::get;
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MATCHER(FooEq, "") {
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  return get<0>(arg).Equals(get<1>(arg));
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EXPECT_THAT(actual_foos, Pointwise(FooEq(), expected_foos));
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## Member Matchers ##
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|`Field(&class::field, m)`|`argument.field` (or `argument->field` when `argument` is a plain pointer) matches matcher `m`, where `argument` is an object of type _class_.|
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|`Key(e)`                 |`argument.first` matches `e`, which can be either a value or a matcher. E.g. `Contains(Key(Le(5)))` can verify that a `map` contains a key `<= 5`.|
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|`Pair(m1, m2)`           |`argument` is an `std::pair` whose `first` field matches `m1` and `second` field matches `m2`.                                                |
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|`Property(&class::property, m)`|`` (or `argument->property()` when `argument` is a plain pointer) matches matcher `m`, where `argument` is an object of type _class_.|
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## Matching the Result of a Function or Functor ##
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|`ResultOf(f, m)`|`f(argument)` matches matcher `m`, where `f` is a function or functor.|
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## Pointer Matchers ##
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|`Pointee(m)`|`argument` (either a smart pointer or a raw pointer) points to a value that matches matcher `m`.|
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|`WhenDynamicCastTo<T>(m)`| when `argument` is passed through `dynamic_cast<T>()`, it matches matcher `m`.                 |
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## Multiargument Matchers ##
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Technically, all matchers match a _single_ value. A "multi-argument"
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matcher is just one that matches a _tuple_. The following matchers can
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be used to match a tuple `(x, y)`:
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|`Eq()`|`x == y`|
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|`Ge()`|`x >= y`|
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|`Gt()`|`x > y` |
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|`Le()`|`x <= y`|
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|`Lt()`|`x < y` |
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|`Ne()`|`x != y`|
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You can use the following selectors to pick a subset of the arguments
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(or reorder them) to participate in the matching:
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|`AllArgs(m)`|Equivalent to `m`. Useful as syntactic sugar in `.With(AllArgs(m))`.|
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|`Args<N1, N2, ..., Nk>(m)`|The tuple of the `k` selected (using 0-based indices) arguments matches `m`, e.g. `Args<1, 2>(Eq())`.|
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## Composite Matchers ##
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You can make a matcher from one or more other matchers:
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|`AllOf(m1, m2, ..., mn)`|`argument` matches all of the matchers `m1` to `mn`.|
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|`AnyOf(m1, m2, ..., mn)`|`argument` matches at least one of the matchers `m1` to `mn`.|
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|`Not(m)`                |`argument` doesn't match matcher `m`.               |
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## Adapters for Matchers ##
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|`MatcherCast<T>(m)`|casts matcher `m` to type `Matcher<T>`.|
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|`SafeMatcherCast<T>(m)`| [safely casts]( matcher `m` to type `Matcher<T>`. |
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|`Truly(predicate)` |`predicate(argument)` returns something considered by C++ to be true, where `predicate` is a function or functor.|
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## Matchers as Predicates ##
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|`Matches(m)(value)`|evaluates to `true` if `value` matches `m`. You can use `Matches(m)` alone as a unary functor.|
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|`ExplainMatchResult(m, value, result_listener)`|evaluates to `true` if `value` matches `m`, explaining the result to `result_listener`.       |
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|`Value(value, m)`  |evaluates to `true` if `value` matches `m`.                                                   |
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## Defining Matchers ##
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| `MATCHER(IsEven, "") { return (arg % 2) == 0; }` | Defines a matcher `IsEven()` to match an even number. |
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| `MATCHER_P(IsDivisibleBy, n, "") { *result_listener << "where the remainder is " << (arg % n); return (arg % n) == 0; }` | Defines a macher `IsDivisibleBy(n)` to match a number divisible by `n`. |
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| `MATCHER_P2(IsBetween, a, b, std::string(negation ? "isn't" : "is") + " between " + PrintToString(a) + " and " + PrintToString(b)) { return a <= arg && arg <= b; }` | Defines a matcher `IsBetween(a, b)` to match a value in the range [`a`, `b`]. |
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  1. The `MATCHER*` macros cannot be used inside a function or class.
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  1. The matcher body must be _purely functional_ (i.e. it cannot have any side effect, and the result must not depend on anything other than the value being matched and the matcher parameters).
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  1. You can use `PrintToString(x)` to convert a value `x` of any type to a string.
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## Matchers as Test Assertions ##
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|`ASSERT_THAT(expression, m)`|Generates a [fatal failure](../../googletest/docs/ if the value of `expression` doesn't match matcher `m`.|
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|`EXPECT_THAT(expression, m)`|Generates a non-fatal failure if the value of `expression` doesn't match matcher `m`.                                                          |
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# Actions #
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**Actions** specify what a mock function should do when invoked.
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## Returning a Value ##
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|`Return()`|Return from a `void` mock function.|
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|`Return(value)`|Return `value`. If the type of `value` is different to the mock function's return type, `value` is converted to the latter type at the time the expectation is set, not when the action is executed.|
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|`ReturnArg<N>()`|Return the `N`-th (0-based) argument.|
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|`ReturnNew<T>(a1, ..., ak)`|Return `new T(a1, ..., ak)`; a different object is created each time.|
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|`ReturnNull()`|Return a null pointer.             |
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|`ReturnPointee(ptr)`|Return the value pointed to by `ptr`.|
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|`ReturnRef(variable)`|Return a reference to `variable`.  |
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|`ReturnRefOfCopy(value)`|Return a reference to a copy of `value`; the copy lives as long as the action.|
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## Side Effects ##
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|`Assign(&variable, value)`|Assign `value` to variable.|
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| `DeleteArg<N>()`         | Delete the `N`-th (0-based) argument, which must be a pointer. |
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| `SaveArg<N>(pointer)`    | Save the `N`-th (0-based) argument to `*pointer`. |
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| `SaveArgPointee<N>(pointer)` | Save the value pointed to by the `N`-th (0-based) argument to `*pointer`. |
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| `SetArgReferee<N>(value)` |	Assign value to the variable referenced by the `N`-th (0-based) argument. |
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|`SetArgPointee<N>(value)` |Assign `value` to the variable pointed by the `N`-th (0-based) argument.|
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|`SetArgumentPointee<N>(value)`|Same as `SetArgPointee<N>(value)`. Deprecated. Will be removed in v1.7.0.|
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|`SetArrayArgument<N>(first, last)`|Copies the elements in source range [`first`, `last`) to the array pointed to by the `N`-th (0-based) argument, which can be either a pointer or an iterator. The action does not take ownership of the elements in the source range.|
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|`SetErrnoAndReturn(error, value)`|Set `errno` to `error` and return `value`.|
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|`Throw(exception)`        |Throws the given exception, which can be any copyable value. Available since v1.1.0.|
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## Using a Function or a Functor as an Action ##
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|`Invoke(f)`|Invoke `f` with the arguments passed to the mock function, where `f` can be a global/static function or a functor.|
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|`Invoke(object_pointer, &class::method)`|Invoke the {method on the object with the arguments passed to the mock function.                                  |
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|`InvokeWithoutArgs(f)`|Invoke `f`, which can be a global/static function or a functor. `f` must take no arguments.                       |
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|`InvokeWithoutArgs(object_pointer, &class::method)`|Invoke the method on the object, which takes no arguments.                                                        |
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|`InvokeArgument<N>(arg1, arg2, ..., argk)`|Invoke the mock function's `N`-th (0-based) argument, which must be a function or a functor, with the `k` arguments.|
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The return value of the invoked function is used as the return value
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of the action.
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When defining a function or functor to be used with `Invoke*()`, you can declare any unused parameters as `Unused`:
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  double Distance(Unused, double x, double y) { return sqrt(x*x + y*y); }
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  EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo("Hi", _, _)).WillOnce(Invoke(Distance));
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In `InvokeArgument<N>(...)`, if an argument needs to be passed by reference, wrap it inside `ByRef()`. For example,
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  InvokeArgument<2>(5, string("Hi"), ByRef(foo))
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calls the mock function's #2 argument, passing to it `5` and `string("Hi")` by value, and `foo` by reference.
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## Default Action ##
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|`DoDefault()`|Do the default action (specified by `ON_CALL()` or the built-in one).|
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**Note:** due to technical reasons, `DoDefault()` cannot be used inside  a composite action - trying to do so will result in a run-time error.
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## Composite Actions ##
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|`DoAll(a1, a2, ..., an)`|Do all actions `a1` to `an` and return the result of `an` in each invocation. The first `n - 1` sub-actions must return void. |
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|`IgnoreResult(a)`       |Perform action `a` and ignore its result. `a` must not return void.                                                           |
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|`WithArg<N>(a)`         |Pass the `N`-th (0-based) argument of the mock function to action `a` and perform it.                                         |
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|`WithArgs<N1, N2, ..., Nk>(a)`|Pass the selected (0-based) arguments of the mock function to action `a` and perform it.                                      |
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|`WithoutArgs(a)`        |Perform action `a` without any arguments.                                                                                     |
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## Defining Actions ##
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| `ACTION(Sum) { return arg0 + arg1; }` | Defines an action `Sum()` to return the sum of the mock function's argument #0 and #1. |
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| `ACTION_P(Plus, n) { return arg0 + n; }` | Defines an action `Plus(n)` to return the sum of the mock function's argument #0 and `n`. |
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| `ACTION_Pk(Foo, p1, ..., pk) { statements; }` | Defines a parameterized action `Foo(p1, ..., pk)` to execute the given `statements`.   |
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The `ACTION*` macros cannot be used inside a function or class.
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# Cardinalities #
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These are used in `Times()` to specify how many times a mock function will be called:
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|`AnyNumber()`|The function can be called any number of times.|
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|`AtLeast(n)` |The call is expected at least `n` times.       |
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|`AtMost(n)`  |The call is expected at most `n` times.        |
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|`Between(m, n)`|The call is expected between `m` and `n` (inclusive) times.|
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|`Exactly(n) or n`|The call is expected exactly `n` times. In particular, the call should never happen when `n` is 0.|
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# Expectation Order #
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By default, the expectations can be matched in _any_ order.  If some
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or all expectations must be matched in a given order, there are two
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ways to specify it.  They can be used either independently or
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## The After Clause ##
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using ::testing::Expectation;
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Expectation init_x = EXPECT_CALL(foo, InitX());
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Expectation init_y = EXPECT_CALL(foo, InitY());
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EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar())
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    .After(init_x, init_y);
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says that `Bar()` can be called only after both `InitX()` and
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`InitY()` have been called.
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If you don't know how many pre-requisites an expectation has when you
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write it, you can use an `ExpectationSet` to collect them:
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using ::testing::ExpectationSet;
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ExpectationSet all_inits;
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for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) {
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  all_inits += EXPECT_CALL(foo, InitElement(i));
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EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar())
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says that `Bar()` can be called only after all elements have been
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initialized (but we don't care about which elements get initialized
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before the others).
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Modifying an `ExpectationSet` after using it in an `.After()` doesn't
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affect the meaning of the `.After()`.
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## Sequences ##
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When you have a long chain of sequential expectations, it's easier to
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specify the order using **sequences**, which don't require you to given
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each expectation in the chain a different name.  All expected
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calls in the same sequence must occur in the order they are
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using ::testing::Sequence;
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Sequence s1, s2;
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EXPECT_CALL(foo, Reset())
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    .InSequence(s1, s2)
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EXPECT_CALL(foo, GetSize())
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EXPECT_CALL(foo, Describe(A<const char*>()))
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says that `Reset()` must be called before _both_ `GetSize()` _and_
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`Describe()`, and the latter two can occur in any order.
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To put many expectations in a sequence conveniently:
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using ::testing::InSequence;
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  InSequence dummy;
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says that all expected calls in the scope of `dummy` must occur in
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strict order. The name `dummy` is irrelevant.)
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# Verifying and Resetting a Mock #
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Google Mock will verify the expectations on a mock object when it is destructed, or you can do it earlier:
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using ::testing::Mock;
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// Verifies and removes the expectations on mock_obj;
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// returns true iff successful.
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// Verifies and removes the expectations on mock_obj;
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// also removes the default actions set by ON_CALL();
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// returns true iff successful.
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You can also tell Google Mock that a mock object can be leaked and doesn't
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need to be verified:
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# Mock Classes #
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Google Mock defines a convenient mock class template
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class MockFunction<R(A1, ..., An)> {
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  MOCK_METHODn(Call, R(A1, ..., An));
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See this [recipe]( for one application of it.
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# Flags #
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| `--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks=0` | Don't report leaked mock objects as failures. |
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| `--gmock_verbose=LEVEL`        | Sets the default verbosity level (`info`, `warning`, or `error`) of Google Mock messages. |