# -*- org -*- #+CATEGORY: cdf * discrete inverse distributions - easy apart from hypergeometric(?) * look for integer overflow in the discrete functions - this could be hard to find - perform computations in double to avoid. gsl_cdf_binomial_P (unsigned int k, double p, unsigned int n); gsl_cdf_binomial_Q (unsigned int k, double p, unsigned int n); gsl_cdf_poisson_P (unsigned int k, double mu); gsl_cdf_poisson_Q (unsigned int k, double mu); gsl_cdf_geometric_P (unsigned int k, double p); gsl_cdf_geometric_Q (unsigned int k, double p); gsl_cdf_negative_binomial_P (unsigned int k, double p, double n); gsl_cdf_negative_binomial_Q (unsigned int k, double p, double n); gsl_cdf_pascal_P (unsigned int k, double p, unsigned int n); gsl_cdf_pascal_Q (unsigned int k, double p, unsigned int n); gsl_cdf_hypergeometric_P (unsigned int k, unsigned int n1, unsigned int n2, unsigned int t); gsl_cdf_hypergeometric_Q (unsigned int k, unsigned int n1, unsigned int n2, unsigned int t); * Unify the beta_inc function with the special functions, put all the functionaity in gsl_sf_beta_inc, providing a new function for the AXPY part if necessary (can we do everything with gsl_sf_beta_inc and gsl_sf_beta_inc_1mx keeping in mind that we cannot do 1-x because of cancellation for small x)