Blame multifit/TODO

Packit 67cb25
# -*- org -*-
Packit 67cb25
#+CATEGORY: multifit
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
The following would also be nice additions to the multifit function suite
Packit 67cb25
(see MS Excel regression output for example):
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
1. Produce the correlation coefficient (r) and other statistics.
Packit 67cb25
2. Allow fit variable weighting (not observation weighting).
Packit 67cb25
3. Allow for principal factor computations.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
The following features should be added to the nonlinear least squares routines:
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
1. Support for constraints
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
2. robust nonlinear least squares and robust ridge regression
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
3. covariance matrices for ridge regression
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
4. min_workspace_p is dynamically allocated in gsl_multifit_linear_gcv_min - fix