Blame doc/splinalg.rst

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.. index::
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   single: sparse linear algebra
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   single: linear algebra, sparse
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Sparse Linear Algebra
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This chapter describes functions for solving sparse linear systems
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of equations. The library provides linear algebra routines which
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operate directly on the :type:`gsl_spmatrix` and :type:`gsl_vector`
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The functions described in this chapter are declared in the header file
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.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: sparse linear algebra, overview
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This chapter is primarily concerned with the solution of the
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linear system
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.. math:: A x = b
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where :math:`A` is a general square :math:`n`-by-:math:`n` non-singular
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sparse matrix, :math:`x` is an unknown :math:`n`-by-:math:`1` vector, and
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:math:`b` is a given :math:`n`-by-1 right hand side vector. There exist
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many methods for solving such sparse linear systems, which broadly
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fall into either direct or iterative categories. Direct methods include
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LU and QR decompositions, while iterative methods start with an
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initial guess for the vector :math:`x` and update the guess through
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iteration until convergence. GSL does not currently provide any
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direct sparse solvers.
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.. index::
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   single: sparse matrices, iterative solvers
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   single: sparse linear algebra, iterative solvers
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   single: sparse, iterative solvers
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Sparse Iterative Solvers
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Many practical iterative methods of solving large :math:`n`-by-:math:`n`
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sparse linear systems involve projecting an approximate solution for
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:data:`x` onto a subspace of :math:`{\bf R}^n`. If we define a :math:`m`-dimensional
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subspace :math:`{\cal K}` as the subspace of approximations to the solution
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:data:`x`, then :math:`m` constraints must be imposed to determine
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the next approximation. These :math:`m` constraints define another
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:math:`m`-dimensional subspace denoted by :math:`{\cal L}`. The
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subspace dimension :math:`m` is typically chosen to be much smaller than
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:math:`n` in order to reduce the computational
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effort needed to generate the next approximate solution vector.
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The many iterative algorithms which exist differ mainly
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in their choice of :math:`{\cal K}` and :math:`{\cal L}`.
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Types of Sparse Iterative Solvers
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The sparse linear algebra library provides the following types
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of iterative solvers:
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.. type:: gsl_splinalg_itersolve_type
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   .. index:: gmres
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   .. var:: gsl_splinalg_itersolve_gmres
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      This specifies the Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES).
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      This is a projection method using :math:`{\cal K} = {\cal K}_m`
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      and :math:`{\cal L} = A {\cal K}_m` where :math:`{\cal K}_m` is
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      the :math:`m`-th Krylov subspace
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      .. only:: not texinfo
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         .. math:: {\cal K}_m = span \left\{ r_0, A r_0, ..., A^{m-1} r_0 \right\}
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      .. only:: texinfo
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            K_m = span( r_0, A r_0, ..., A^(m-1) r_0)
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      and :math:`r_0 = b - A x_0` is the residual vector of the initial guess
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      :math:`x_0`. If :math:`m` is set equal to :math:`n`, then the Krylov
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      subspace is :math:`{\bf R}^n` and GMRES will provide the exact solution
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      :data:`x`.  However, the goal is for the method to arrive at a very good
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      approximation to :data:`x` using a much smaller subspace :math:`{\cal K}_m`. By
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      default, the GMRES method selects :math:`m = MIN(n,10)` but the user
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      may specify a different value for :math:`m`. The GMRES storage
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      requirements grow as :math:`O(n(m+1))` and the number of flops
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      grow as :math:`O(4 m^2 n - 4 m^3 / 3)`.
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      In the below function :func:`gsl_splinalg_itersolve_iterate`, one
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      GMRES iteration is defined as projecting the approximate solution
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      vector onto each Krylov subspace :math:`{\cal K}_1, ..., {\cal K}_m`,
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      and so :math:`m` can be kept smaller by "restarting" the method
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      and calling :func:`gsl_splinalg_itersolve_iterate` multiple times,
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      providing the updated approximation :data:`x` to each new call. If
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      the method is not adequately converging, the user may try increasing
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      the parameter :math:`m`.
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      GMRES is considered a robust general purpose iterative solver, however
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      there are cases where the method stagnates if the matrix is not
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      positive-definite and fails to reduce the residual until the very last
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      projection onto the subspace :math:`{\cal K}_n = {\bf R}^n`. In these
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      cases, preconditioning the linear system can help, but GSL does not
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      currently provide any preconditioners.
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Iterating the Sparse Linear System
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The following functions are provided to allocate storage for the
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sparse linear solvers and iterate the system to a solution.
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.. function:: gsl_splinalg_itersolve * gsl_splinalg_itersolve_alloc (const gsl_splinalg_itersolve_type * T, const size_t n, const size_t m)
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   This function allocates a workspace for the iterative solution of
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   :data:`n`-by-:data:`n` sparse matrix systems. The iterative solver type
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   is specified by :data:`T`. The argument :data:`m` specifies the size
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   of the solution candidate subspace :math:`{\cal K}_m`. The dimension
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   :data:`m` may be set to 0 in which case a reasonable default value is used.
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.. function:: void gsl_splinalg_itersolve_free (gsl_splinalg_itersolve * w)
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   This function frees the memory associated with the workspace :data:`w`.
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.. function:: const char * gsl_splinalg_itersolve_name (const gsl_splinalg_itersolve * w)
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   This function returns a string pointer to the name of the solver.
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.. function:: int gsl_splinalg_itersolve_iterate (const gsl_spmatrix * A, const gsl_vector * b, const double tol, gsl_vector * x, gsl_splinalg_itersolve * w)
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   This function performs one iteration of the iterative method for
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   the sparse linear system specfied by the matrix :data:`A`, right hand
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   side vector :data:`b` and solution vector :data:`x`. On input, :data:`x`
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   must be set to an initial guess for the solution. On output,
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   :data:`x` is updated to give the current solution estimate. The
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   parameter :data:`tol` specifies the relative tolerance between the residual
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   norm and norm of :data:`b` in order to check for convergence.
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   When the following condition is satisfied:
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   .. only:: not texinfo
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      .. math:: || A x - b || \le tol \times || b ||
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         || A x - b || <= tol * || b ||
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   the method has converged, the function returns :macro:`GSL_SUCCESS` and
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   the final solution is provided in :data:`x`. Otherwise, the function
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   returns :macro:`GSL_CONTINUE` to signal that more iterations are
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   required. Here, :math:`|| \cdot ||` represents the Euclidean norm.
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   The input matrix :data:`A` may be in triplet or compressed format.
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.. function:: double gsl_splinalg_itersolve_normr (const gsl_splinalg_itersolve * w)
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   This function returns the current residual norm
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   :math:`||r|| = ||A x - b||`, which is updated after each call to
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.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: sparse linear algebra, examples
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This example program demonstrates the sparse linear algebra routines on
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the solution of a simple 1D Poisson equation on :math:`[0,1]`:
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.. only:: not texinfo
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   .. math:: {d^2 u(x) \over dx^2} = f(x) = -\pi^2 \sin{(\pi x)}
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.. only:: texinfo
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      u''(x) = f(x) = -\pi^2 \sin(\pi x)
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with boundary conditions :math:`u(0) = u(1) = 0`. The analytic solution of
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this simple problem is :math:`u(x) = \sin{\pi x}`. We will solve this
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problem by finite differencing the left hand side to give
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.. only:: not texinfo
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   .. math:: {1 \over h^2} \left( u_{i+1} - 2 u_i + u_{i-1} \right) = f_i
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.. only:: texinfo
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      1/h^2 ( u_(i+1) - 2 u_i + u_(i-1) ) = f_i
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Defining a grid of :math:`N` points, :math:`h = 1/(N-1)`. In the finite
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difference equation above, :math:`u_0 = u_{N-1} = 0` are known from
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the boundary conditions, so we will only put the equations for
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:math:`i = 1, ..., N-2` into the matrix system. The resulting
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:math:`(N-2) \times (N-2)` matrix equation is
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.. only:: not texinfo
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   .. math::
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      {1 \over h^2}
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          -2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\
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          1 & -2 & 1 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\
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          0 & 1 & -2 & 1 & \ldots & 0 \\
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          \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\
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          0 & \ldots & \ldots & 1 & -2 & 1 \\
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          0 & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & 1 & -2
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          u_1 \\
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          u_2 \\
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          u_3 \\
Packit 67cb25
          \vdots \\
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          u_{N-3} \\
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      \right) =
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          f_1 \\
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          f_2 \\
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          f_3 \\
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          \vdots \\
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          f_{N-3} \\
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An example program which constructs and solves this system is given below.
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The system is solved using the iterative GMRES solver. Here is
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the output of the program::
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  iter 0 residual = 4.297275996844e-11
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showing that the method converged in a single iteration.
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The calculated solution is shown in :numref:`fig_splinalg-poisson`.
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.. _fig_splinalg-poisson:
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.. figure:: /images/sparse_poisson.png
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   Solution of PDE
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.. include:: examples/poisson.c
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.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: sparse linear algebra, references
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References and Further Reading
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The implementation of the GMRES iterative solver closely follows
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the publications
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* H. F. Walker, Implementation of the GMRES method using
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  Householder transformations, SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput.
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  9(1), 1988.
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* Y. Saad, Iterative methods for sparse linear systems, 2nd edition,
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  SIAM, 2003.