Blame doc/multiset.rst

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.. index:: multisets
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.. include:: include.rst
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This chapter describes functions for creating and manipulating multisets. A
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multiset :math:`c` is represented by an array of :math:`k` integers in the range
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0 to :math:`n - 1`, where each value :math:`c_i` may occur more than once.  The
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multiset :math:`c` corresponds to indices of :math:`k` elements chosen from an
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:math:`n` element vector with replacement.  In mathematical terms, :math:`n` is
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the cardinality of the multiset while :math:`k` is the maximum multiplicity of
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any value.  Multisets are useful, for example, when iterating over the indices
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of a :math:`k`-th order symmetric tensor in :math:`n`-space.
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The functions described in this chapter are defined in the header file
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The Multiset struct
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.. type:: gsl_multiset
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   A multiset is defined by a structure containing three components, the
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   values of :math:`n` and :math:`k`, and a pointer to the multiset array.
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   The elements of the multiset array are all of type :code:`size_t`, and
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   are stored in increasing order.  The :type:`gsl_multiset` structure
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   looks like this::
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      typedef struct
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        size_t n;
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        size_t k;
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        size_t *data;
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      } gsl_multiset;
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Multiset allocation
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.. function:: gsl_multiset * gsl_multiset_alloc (size_t n, size_t k)
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   This function allocates memory for a new multiset with parameters :data:`n`,
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   :data:`k`.  The multiset is not initialized and its elements are undefined.  Use
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   the function :func:`gsl_multiset_calloc` if you want to create a multiset which
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   is initialized to the lexicographically first multiset element. A null pointer
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   is returned if insufficient memory is available to create the multiset.
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.. function:: gsl_multiset * gsl_multiset_calloc (size_t n, size_t k)
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   This function allocates memory for a new multiset with parameters :data:`n`,
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   :data:`k` and initializes it to the lexicographically first multiset element. A
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   null pointer is returned if insufficient memory is available to create the
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.. function:: void gsl_multiset_init_first (gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function initializes the multiset :data:`c` to the lexicographically first
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   multiset element, i.e. :math:`0` repeated :math:`k` times.
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.. function:: void gsl_multiset_init_last (gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function initializes the multiset :data:`c` to the lexicographically last
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   multiset element, i.e. :math:`n-1` repeated :math:`k` times.
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.. function:: void gsl_multiset_free (gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function frees all the memory used by the multiset :data:`c`.
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.. function:: int gsl_multiset_memcpy (gsl_multiset * dest, const gsl_multiset * src)
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   This function copies the elements of the multiset :data:`src` into the
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   multiset :data:`dest`.  The two multisets must have the same size.
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Accessing multiset elements
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The following function can be used to access the elements of a multiset.
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.. function:: size_t gsl_multiset_get (const gsl_multiset * c, const size_t i)
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   This function returns the value of the :data:`i`-th element of the
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   multiset :data:`c`.  If :data:`i` lies outside the allowed range of 0 to
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   :math:`k - 1` then the error handler is invoked and 0 is returned. |inlinefn|
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Multiset properties
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.. function:: size_t gsl_multiset_n (const gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function returns the range (:math:`n`) of the multiset :data:`c`.
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.. function:: size_t gsl_multiset_k (const gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function returns the number of elements (:math:`k`) in the multiset :data:`c`.
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.. function:: size_t * gsl_multiset_data (const gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function returns a pointer to the array of elements in the
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   multiset :data:`c`.
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.. index::
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   single: checking multiset for validity
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   single: testing multiset for validity
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.. function:: int gsl_multiset_valid (gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function checks that the multiset :data:`c` is valid.  The :data:`k`
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   elements should lie in the range 0 to :math:`n - 1`, with each
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   value occurring in nondecreasing order.
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Multiset functions
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.. index:: iterating through multisets
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.. function:: int gsl_multiset_next (gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function advances the multiset :data:`c` to the next multiset element in
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   lexicographic order and returns :macro:`GSL_SUCCESS`.  If no further multisets
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   elements are available it returns :macro:`GSL_FAILURE` and leaves :data:`c`
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   unmodified.  Starting with the first multiset and repeatedly applying this
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   function will iterate through all possible multisets of a given order.
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.. function:: int gsl_multiset_prev (gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function steps backwards from the multiset :data:`c` to the previous
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   multiset element in lexicographic order, returning :macro:`GSL_SUCCESS`.  If no
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   previous multiset is available it returns :macro:`GSL_FAILURE` and leaves :data:`c`
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Reading and writing multisets
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The library provides functions for reading and writing multisets to a
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file as binary data or formatted text.
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.. function:: int gsl_multiset_fwrite (FILE * stream, const gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function writes the elements of the multiset :data:`c` to the
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   stream :data:`stream` in binary format.  The function returns
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   :macro:`GSL_EFAILED` if there was a problem writing to the file.  Since the
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   data is written in the native binary format it may not be portable
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   between different architectures.
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.. function:: int gsl_multiset_fread (FILE * stream, gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function reads elements from the open stream :data:`stream` into the
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   multiset :data:`c` in binary format.  The multiset :data:`c` must be
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   preallocated with correct values of :math:`n` and :math:`k` since the
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   function uses the size of :data:`c` to determine how many bytes to read.
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   The function returns :macro:`GSL_EFAILED` if there was a problem reading
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   from the file.  The data is assumed to have been written in the native
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   binary format on the same architecture.
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.. function:: int gsl_multiset_fprintf (FILE * stream, const gsl_multiset * c, const char * format)
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   This function writes the elements of the multiset :data:`c`
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   line-by-line to the stream :data:`stream` using the format specifier
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   :data:`format`, which should be suitable for a type of :code:`size_t`.
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   In ISO C99 the type modifier :code:`z` represents :code:`size_t`, so
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   :code:`"%zu\n"` is a suitable format [#f1]_.
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   The function returns :macro:`GSL_EFAILED` if there was a problem writing to the file.
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.. function:: int gsl_multiset_fscanf (FILE * stream, gsl_multiset * c)
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   This function reads formatted data from the stream :data:`stream` into the
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   multiset :data:`c`.  The multiset :data:`c` must be preallocated with
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   correct values of :math:`n` and :math:`k` since the function uses the size of :data:`c` to
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   determine how many numbers to read.  The function returns
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   :macro:`GSL_EFAILED` if there was a problem reading from the file.
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The example program below prints all multisets elements containing the values
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:math:`{0,1,2,3}` ordered by size.  Multiset elements of the same size are
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ordered lexicographically.
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.. include:: examples/multiset.c
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Here is the output from the program,
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.. include:: examples/multiset.txt
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All 70 multisets are generated and sorted lexicographically.
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.. rubric:: Footnotes
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.. [#f1] In versions of the GNU C library prior to the ISO C99 standard,
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         the type modifier :code:`Z` was used instead.