Blame doc/blas.rst

Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: linear algebra, BLAS
Packit 67cb25
   single: matrix, operations
Packit 67cb25
   single: vector, operations
Packit 67cb25
   single: BLAS
Packit 67cb25
   single: CBLAS
Packit 67cb25
   single: Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. _chap_blas-support:
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
BLAS Support
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) define a set of fundamental
Packit 67cb25
operations on vectors and matrices which can be used to create optimized
Packit 67cb25
higher-level linear algebra functionality.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
The library provides a low-level layer which corresponds directly to the
Packit 67cb25
C-language BLAS standard, referred to here as "CBLAS", and a
Packit 67cb25
higher-level interface for operations on GSL vectors and matrices.
Packit 67cb25
Users who are interested in simple operations on GSL vector and matrix
Packit 67cb25
objects should use the high-level layer described
Packit 67cb25
in this chapter.  The functions are declared in the file
Packit 67cb25
:file:`gsl_blas.h` and should satisfy the needs of most users.  
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Note that GSL matrices are implemented using dense-storage so the
Packit 67cb25
interface only includes the corresponding dense-storage BLAS
Packit 67cb25
functions.  The full BLAS functionality for band-format and
Packit 67cb25
packed-format matrices is available through the low-level CBLAS
Packit 67cb25
interface.  Similarly, GSL vectors are restricted to positive strides,
Packit 67cb25
whereas the low-level CBLAS interface supports negative
Packit 67cb25
strides as specified in the BLAS standard [#f1]_.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
The interface for the :code:`gsl_cblas` layer is specified in the file
Packit 67cb25
:file:`gsl_cblas.h`.  This interface corresponds to the BLAS Technical
Packit 67cb25
Forum's standard for the C interface to legacy BLAS
Packit 67cb25
implementations. Users who have access to other conforming CBLAS
Packit 67cb25
implementations can use these in place of the version provided by the
Packit 67cb25
library.  Note that users who have only a Fortran BLAS library can
Packit 67cb25
use a CBLAS conformant wrapper to convert it into a CBLAS
Packit 67cb25
library.  A reference CBLAS wrapper for legacy Fortran
Packit 67cb25
implementations exists as part of the CBLAS standard and can
Packit 67cb25
be obtained from Netlib.  The complete set of CBLAS functions is
Packit 67cb25
listed in an :ref:`appendix <chap_cblas>`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
There are three levels of BLAS operations,
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
=========== ===============================================================
Packit 67cb25
**Level 1** Vector operations, e.g. :math:`y = \alpha x + y`
Packit 67cb25
**Level 2** Matrix-vector operations, e.g. :math:`y = \alpha A x + \beta y`
Packit 67cb25
**Level 3** Matrix-matrix operations, e.g. :math:`C = \alpha A B + C`
Packit 67cb25
=========== ===============================================================
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Each routine has a name which specifies the operation, the type of
Packit 67cb25
matrices involved and their precisions.  Some of the most common
Packit 67cb25
operations and their names are given below,
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
======== =====================================
Packit 67cb25
**DOT**  scalar product, :math:`x^T y`
Packit 67cb25
**AXPY** vector sum, :math:`\alpha x + y`
Packit 67cb25
**MV**   matrix-vector product, :math:`A x`
Packit 67cb25
**SV**   matrix-vector solve, :math:`inv(A) x`
Packit 67cb25
**MM**   matrix-matrix product, :math:`A B`
Packit 67cb25
**SM**   matrix-matrix solve, :math:`inv(A) B`
Packit 67cb25
======== =====================================
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
The types of matrices are,
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
====== =================
Packit 67cb25
**GE** general
Packit 67cb25
**GB** general band
Packit 67cb25
**SY** symmetric
Packit 67cb25
**SB** symmetric band
Packit 67cb25
**SP** symmetric packed
Packit 67cb25
**HE** hermitian
Packit 67cb25
**HB** hermitian band
Packit 67cb25
**HP** hermitian packed
Packit 67cb25
**TR** triangular 
Packit 67cb25
**TB** triangular band
Packit 67cb25
**TP** triangular packed
Packit 67cb25
====== =================
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Each operation is defined for four precisions,
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
===== ==============
Packit 67cb25
**S** single real
Packit 67cb25
**D** double real
Packit 67cb25
**C** single complex
Packit 67cb25
**Z** double complex
Packit 67cb25
===== ==============
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Thus, for example, the name SGEMM stands for "single-precision
Packit 67cb25
general matrix-matrix multiply" and ZGEMM stands for
Packit 67cb25
"double-precision complex matrix-matrix multiply".
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Note that the vector and matrix arguments to BLAS functions must not
Packit 67cb25
be aliased, as the results are undefined when the underlying arrays
Packit 67cb25
overlap (:ref:`aliasing-of-arrays`).
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
GSL BLAS Interface
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
GSL provides dense vector and matrix objects, based on the relevant
Packit 67cb25
built-in types.  The library provides an interface to the BLAS
Packit 67cb25
operations which apply to these objects.  The interface to this
Packit 67cb25
functionality is given in the file :file:`gsl_blas.h`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, CblasConjTrans
Packit 67cb25
.. CblasUpper, CblasLower
Packit 67cb25
.. CblasNonUnit, CblasUnit
Packit 67cb25
.. CblasLeft, CblasRight
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Level 1
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: DOT, Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_sdsdot (float alpha, const gsl_vector_float * x, const gsl_vector_float * y, float * result)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   This function computes the sum :math:`\alpha + x^T y` for the vectors
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`x` and :data:`y`, returning the result in :data:`result`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_sdot (const gsl_vector_float * x, const gsl_vector_float * y, float * result)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dsdot (const gsl_vector_float * x, const gsl_vector_float * y, double * result)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_ddot (const gsl_vector * x, const gsl_vector * y, double * result)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the scalar product :math:`x^T y` for the vectors
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`x` and :data:`y`, returning the result in :data:`result`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_cdotu (const gsl_vector_complex_float * x, const gsl_vector_complex_float * y, gsl_complex_float * dotu)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zdotu (const gsl_vector_complex * x, const gsl_vector_complex * y, gsl_complex * dotu)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the complex scalar product :math:`x^T y` for the
Packit 67cb25
   vectors :data:`x` and :data:`y`, returning the result in :data:`dotu`
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_cdotc (const gsl_vector_complex_float * x, const gsl_vector_complex_float * y, gsl_complex_float * dotc)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zdotc (const gsl_vector_complex * x, const gsl_vector_complex * y, gsl_complex * dotc)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the complex conjugate scalar product :math:`x^H y`
Packit 67cb25
   for the vectors :data:`x` and :data:`y`, returning the result in
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: NRM2, Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: float gsl_blas_snrm2 (const gsl_vector_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              double gsl_blas_dnrm2 (const gsl_vector * x)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the Euclidean norm 
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`||x||_2 = \sqrt{\sum x_i^2}` of the vector :data:`x`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: float gsl_blas_scnrm2 (const gsl_vector_complex_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              double gsl_blas_dznrm2 (const gsl_vector_complex * x)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the Euclidean norm of the complex vector :data:`x`,
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   .. math:: ||x||_2 = \sqrt{\sum (\Re(x_i)^2 + \Im(x_i)^2)}.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: ASUM, Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: float gsl_blas_sasum (const gsl_vector_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              double gsl_blas_dasum (const gsl_vector * x)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the absolute sum :math:`\sum |x_i|` of the
Packit 67cb25
   elements of the vector :data:`x`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: float gsl_blas_scasum (const gsl_vector_complex_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              double gsl_blas_dzasum (const gsl_vector_complex * x)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the sum of the magnitudes of the real and
Packit 67cb25
   imaginary parts of the complex vector :data:`x`, 
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`\sum \left( |\Re(x_i)| + |\Im(x_i)| \right)`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: AMAX, Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: CBLAS_INDEX_t gsl_blas_isamax (const gsl_vector_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              CBLAS_INDEX_t gsl_blas_idamax (const gsl_vector * x)
Packit 67cb25
              CBLAS_INDEX_t gsl_blas_icamax (const gsl_vector_complex_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              CBLAS_INDEX_t gsl_blas_izamax (const gsl_vector_complex * x)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions return the index of the largest element of the vector
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`x`. The largest element is determined by its absolute magnitude for
Packit 67cb25
   real vectors and by the sum of the magnitudes of the real and imaginary
Packit 67cb25
   parts :math:`|\Re(x_i)| + |\Im(x_i)|` for complex vectors.  If the
Packit 67cb25
   largest value occurs several times then the index of the first
Packit 67cb25
   occurrence is returned.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: SWAP, Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_sswap (gsl_vector_float * x, gsl_vector_float * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dswap (gsl_vector * x, gsl_vector * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_cswap (gsl_vector_complex_float * x, gsl_vector_complex_float * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zswap (gsl_vector_complex * x, gsl_vector_complex * y)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions exchange the elements of the vectors :data:`x` and :data:`y`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: COPY, Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_scopy (const gsl_vector_float * x, gsl_vector_float * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dcopy (const gsl_vector * x, gsl_vector * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_ccopy (const gsl_vector_complex_float * x, gsl_vector_complex_float * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zcopy (const gsl_vector_complex * x, gsl_vector_complex * y)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions copy the elements of the vector :data:`x` into the vector
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: AXPY, Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
   single: DAXPY, Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
   single: SAXPY, Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_saxpy (float alpha, const gsl_vector_float * x, gsl_vector_float * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_daxpy (double alpha, const gsl_vector * x, gsl_vector * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_caxpy (const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_vector_complex_float * x, gsl_vector_complex_float * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zaxpy (const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_vector_complex * x, gsl_vector_complex * y)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the sum :math:`y = \alpha x + y` for the vectors
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`x` and :data:`y`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: SCAL, Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: void gsl_blas_sscal (float alpha, gsl_vector_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              void gsl_blas_dscal (double alpha, gsl_vector * x)
Packit 67cb25
              void gsl_blas_cscal (const gsl_complex_float alpha, gsl_vector_complex_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              void gsl_blas_zscal (const gsl_complex alpha, gsl_vector_complex * x)
Packit 67cb25
              void gsl_blas_csscal (float alpha, gsl_vector_complex_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              void gsl_blas_zdscal (double alpha, gsl_vector_complex * x)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions rescale the vector :data:`x` by the multiplicative factor
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: ROTG, Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
   single: Givens Rotation, BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_srotg (float a[], float b[], float c[], float s[])
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_drotg (double a[], double b[], double c[], double s[])
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute a Givens rotation :math:`(c,s)` which zeroes the
Packit 67cb25
   vector :math:`(a,b)`,
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   .. only:: not texinfo
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
      .. math::
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
            c & s \\
Packit 67cb25
           -s & c
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
           a \\
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
           r' \\
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   .. only:: texinfo
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
         [  c  s ] [ a ] = [ r ]
Packit 67cb25
         [ -s  c ] [ b ]   [ 0 ]
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   The variables :data:`a` and :data:`b` are overwritten by the routine.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_srot (gsl_vector_float * x, gsl_vector_float * y, float c, float s)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_drot (gsl_vector * x, gsl_vector * y, const double c, const double s)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions apply a Givens rotation :math:`(x', y') = (c x + s y, -s x + c y)`
Packit 67cb25
   to the vectors :data:`x`, :data:`y`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: Modified Givens Rotation, BLAS
Packit 67cb25
   single: Givens Rotation, Modified, BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_srotmg (float d1[], float d2[], float b1[], float b2, float P[])
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_drotmg (double d1[], double d2[], double b1[], double b2, double P[])
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute a modified Givens transformation.  The modified
Packit 67cb25
   Givens transformation is defined in the original Level-1 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
   specification, given in the references.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_srotm (gsl_vector_float * x, gsl_vector_float * y, const float P[])
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_drotm (gsl_vector * x, gsl_vector * y, const double P[])
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions apply a modified Givens transformation.  
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Level 2
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: GEMV, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_sgemv (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, float alpha, const gsl_matrix_float * A, const gsl_vector_float * x, float beta, gsl_vector_float * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dgemv (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, double alpha, const gsl_matrix * A, const gsl_vector * x, double beta, gsl_vector * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_cgemv (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, const gsl_vector_complex_float * x, const gsl_complex_float beta, gsl_vector_complex_float * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zgemv (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, const gsl_vector_complex * x, const gsl_complex beta, gsl_vector_complex * y)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the matrix-vector product and sum :math:`y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y`,
Packit 67cb25
   where :math:`op(A) = A`, :math:`A^T`, :math:`A^H` for :data:`TransA` = :code:`CblasNoTrans`,
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasTrans`, :code:`CblasConjTrans`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: TRMV, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_strmv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_matrix_float * A, gsl_vector_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dtrmv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_matrix * A, gsl_vector * x)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_ctrmv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, gsl_vector_complex_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_ztrmv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, gsl_vector_complex * x)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the matrix-vector product 
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`x = op(A) x` for the triangular matrix :data:`A`, where
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`op(A) = A`, :math:`A^T`, :math:`A^H` for :data:`TransA` =
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasNoTrans`, :code:`CblasTrans`, :code:`CblasConjTrans`.  When
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle of :data:`A` is
Packit 67cb25
   used, and when :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle
Packit 67cb25
   of :data:`A` is used.  If :data:`Diag` is :code:`CblasNonUnit` then the
Packit 67cb25
   diagonal of the matrix is used, but if :data:`Diag` is :code:`CblasUnit`
Packit 67cb25
   then the diagonal elements of the matrix :data:`A` are taken as unity and
Packit 67cb25
   are not referenced.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: TRSV, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_strsv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_matrix_float * A, gsl_vector_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dtrsv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_matrix * A, gsl_vector * x)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_ctrsv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, gsl_vector_complex_float * x)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_ztrsv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, gsl_vector_complex * x)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute :math:`inv(op(A)) x` for :data:`x`, where
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`op(A) = A`, :math:`A^T`, :math:`A^H` for :data:`TransA` =
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasNoTrans`, :code:`CblasTrans`, :code:`CblasConjTrans`.  When
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle of :data:`A` is
Packit 67cb25
   used, and when :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle
Packit 67cb25
   of :data:`A` is used.  If :data:`Diag` is :code:`CblasNonUnit` then the
Packit 67cb25
   diagonal of the matrix is used, but if :data:`Diag` is :code:`CblasUnit`
Packit 67cb25
   then the diagonal elements of the matrix :data:`A` are taken as unity and
Packit 67cb25
   are not referenced.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: SYMV, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_ssymv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, float alpha, const gsl_matrix_float * A, const gsl_vector_float * x, float beta, gsl_vector_float * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dsymv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, double alpha, const gsl_matrix * A, const gsl_vector * x, double beta, gsl_vector * y)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the matrix-vector product and sum :math:`y = \alpha A x + \beta y`
Packit 67cb25
   for the symmetric matrix :data:`A`.  Since the
Packit 67cb25
   matrix :data:`A` is symmetric only its upper half or lower half need to be
Packit 67cb25
   stored.  When :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle
Packit 67cb25
   and diagonal of :data:`A` are used, and when :data:`Uplo` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle and diagonal of :data:`A` are
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: HEMV, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_chemv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, const gsl_vector_complex_float * x, const gsl_complex_float beta, gsl_vector_complex_float * y)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zhemv (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, const gsl_vector_complex * x, const gsl_complex beta, gsl_vector_complex * y)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the matrix-vector product and sum :math:`y = \alpha A x + \beta y`
Packit 67cb25
   for the hermitian matrix :data:`A`.  Since the
Packit 67cb25
   matrix :data:`A` is hermitian only its upper half or lower half need to be
Packit 67cb25
   stored.  When :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle
Packit 67cb25
   and diagonal of :data:`A` are used, and when :data:`Uplo` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle and diagonal of :data:`A` are
Packit 67cb25
   used.  The imaginary elements of the diagonal are automatically assumed
Packit 67cb25
   to be zero and are not referenced.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: GER, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
   single: GERU, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_sger (float alpha, const gsl_vector_float * x, const gsl_vector_float * y, gsl_matrix_float * A)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dger (double alpha, const gsl_vector * x, const gsl_vector * y, gsl_matrix * A)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_cgeru (const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_vector_complex_float * x, const gsl_vector_complex_float * y, gsl_matrix_complex_float * A)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zgeru (const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_vector_complex * x, const gsl_vector_complex * y, gsl_matrix_complex * A)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the rank-1 update :math:`A = \alpha x y^T + A` of
Packit 67cb25
   the matrix :data:`A`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: GERC, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_cgerc (const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_vector_complex_float * x, const gsl_vector_complex_float * y, gsl_matrix_complex_float * A)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zgerc (const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_vector_complex * x, const gsl_vector_complex * y, gsl_matrix_complex * A)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the conjugate rank-1 update :math:`A = \alpha x y^H + A`
Packit 67cb25
   of the matrix :data:`A`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: SYR, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_ssyr (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, float alpha, const gsl_vector_float * x, gsl_matrix_float * A)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dsyr (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, double alpha, const gsl_vector * x, gsl_matrix * A)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the symmetric rank-1 update :math:`A = \alpha x x^T + A`
Packit 67cb25
   of the symmetric matrix :data:`A`.  Since the matrix :data:`A` is
Packit 67cb25
   symmetric only its upper half or lower half need to be stored.  When
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle and diagonal of
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`A` are used, and when :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasLower` then the
Packit 67cb25
   lower triangle and diagonal of :data:`A` are used.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: HER, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_cher (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, float alpha, const gsl_vector_complex_float * x, gsl_matrix_complex_float * A)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zher (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, double alpha, const gsl_vector_complex * x, gsl_matrix_complex * A)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the hermitian rank-1 update :math:`A = \alpha x x^H + A`
Packit 67cb25
   of the hermitian matrix :data:`A`.  Since the matrix :data:`A` is
Packit 67cb25
   hermitian only its upper half or lower half need to be stored.  When
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle and diagonal of
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`A` are used, and when :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasLower` then the
Packit 67cb25
   lower triangle and diagonal of :data:`A` are used.  The imaginary elements
Packit 67cb25
   of the diagonal are automatically set to zero.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: SYR2, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_ssyr2 (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, float alpha, const gsl_vector_float * x, const gsl_vector_float * y, gsl_matrix_float * A)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dsyr2 (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, double alpha, const gsl_vector * x, const gsl_vector * y, gsl_matrix * A)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the symmetric rank-2 update :math:`A = \alpha x y^T + \alpha y x^T + A`
Packit 67cb25
   of the symmetric matrix :data:`A`.  Since the
Packit 67cb25
   matrix :data:`A` is symmetric only its upper half or lower half need to be
Packit 67cb25
   stored.  When :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle
Packit 67cb25
   and diagonal of :data:`A` are used, and when :data:`Uplo` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle and diagonal of :data:`A` are
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: HER2, Level-2 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_cher2 (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_vector_complex_float * x, const gsl_vector_complex_float * y, gsl_matrix_complex_float * A)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zher2 (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_vector_complex * x, const gsl_vector_complex * y, gsl_matrix_complex * A)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the hermitian rank-2 update :math:`A = \alpha x y^H + \alpha^* y x^H + A`
Packit 67cb25
   of the hermitian matrix :data:`A`.  Since the
Packit 67cb25
   matrix :data:`A` is hermitian only its upper half or lower half need to be
Packit 67cb25
   stored.  When :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle
Packit 67cb25
   and diagonal of :data:`A` are used, and when :data:`Uplo` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle and diagonal of :data:`A` are
Packit 67cb25
   used.  The imaginary elements of the diagonal are automatically set to zero.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Level 3
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: GEMM, Level-3 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_sgemm (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransB, float alpha, const gsl_matrix_float * A, const gsl_matrix_float * B, float beta, gsl_matrix_float * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dgemm (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransB, double alpha, const gsl_matrix * A, const gsl_matrix * B, double beta, gsl_matrix * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_cgemm (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransB, const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * B, const gsl_complex_float beta, gsl_matrix_complex_float * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zgemm (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransB, const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, const gsl_matrix_complex * B, const gsl_complex beta, gsl_matrix_complex * C)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the matrix-matrix product and sum :math:`C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C`
Packit 67cb25
   where :math:`op(A) = A`, :math:`A^T`,
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`A^H` for :data:`TransA` = :code:`CblasNoTrans`, :code:`CblasTrans`,
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasConjTrans` and similarly for the parameter :data:`TransB`.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: SYMM, Level-3 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_ssymm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, float alpha, const gsl_matrix_float * A, const gsl_matrix_float * B, float beta, gsl_matrix_float * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dsymm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, double alpha, const gsl_matrix * A, const gsl_matrix * B, double beta, gsl_matrix * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_csymm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * B, const gsl_complex_float beta, gsl_matrix_complex_float * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zsymm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, const gsl_matrix_complex * B, const gsl_complex beta, gsl_matrix_complex * C)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the matrix-matrix product and sum :math:`C = \alpha A B + \beta C`
Packit 67cb25
   for :data:`Side` is :code:`CblasLeft` and :math:`C = \alpha B A + \beta C`
Packit 67cb25
   for :data:`Side` is :code:`CblasRight`, where the
Packit 67cb25
   matrix :data:`A` is symmetric.  When :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then
Packit 67cb25
   the upper triangle and diagonal of :data:`A` are used, and when :data:`Uplo`
Packit 67cb25
   is :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle and diagonal of :data:`A` are
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: HEMM, Level-3 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_chemm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * B, const gsl_complex_float beta, gsl_matrix_complex_float * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zhemm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, const gsl_matrix_complex * B, const gsl_complex beta, gsl_matrix_complex * C)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the matrix-matrix product and sum :math:`C = \alpha A B + \beta C`
Packit 67cb25
   for :data:`Side` is :code:`CblasLeft` and :math:`C = \alpha B A + \beta C`
Packit 67cb25
   for :data:`Side` is :code:`CblasRight`, where the
Packit 67cb25
   matrix :data:`A` is hermitian.  When :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then
Packit 67cb25
   the upper triangle and diagonal of :data:`A` are used, and when :data:`Uplo`
Packit 67cb25
   is :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle and diagonal of :data:`A` are
Packit 67cb25
   used.  The imaginary elements of the diagonal are automatically set to
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: TRMM, Level-3 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_strmm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, float alpha, const gsl_matrix_float * A, gsl_matrix_float * B)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dtrmm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, double alpha, const gsl_matrix * A, gsl_matrix * B)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_ctrmm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, gsl_matrix_complex_float * B)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_ztrmm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, gsl_matrix_complex * B)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the matrix-matrix product :math:`B = \alpha op(A) B`
Packit 67cb25
   for :data:`Side` is :code:`CblasLeft` and :math:`B = \alpha B op(A)` for
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Side` is :code:`CblasRight`.  The matrix :data:`A` is triangular and
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`op(A) = A`, :math:`A^T`, :math:`A^H` for :data:`TransA` =
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasNoTrans`, :code:`CblasTrans`, :code:`CblasConjTrans`. When
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle of :data:`A` is
Packit 67cb25
   used, and when :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle
Packit 67cb25
   of :data:`A` is used.  If :data:`Diag` is :code:`CblasNonUnit` then the
Packit 67cb25
   diagonal of :data:`A` is used, but if :data:`Diag` is :code:`CblasUnit` then
Packit 67cb25
   the diagonal elements of the matrix :data:`A` are taken as unity and are
Packit 67cb25
   not referenced.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: TRSM, Level-3 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_strsm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, float alpha, const gsl_matrix_float * A, gsl_matrix_float * B)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dtrsm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, double alpha, const gsl_matrix * A, gsl_matrix * B)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_ctrsm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, gsl_matrix_complex_float * B)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_ztrsm (CBLAS_SIDE_t Side, CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t TransA, CBLAS_DIAG_t Diag, const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, gsl_matrix_complex * B)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute the inverse-matrix matrix product 
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`B = \alpha op(inv(A))B` for :data:`Side` is 
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasLeft` and :math:`B = \alpha B op(inv(A))` for
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Side` is :code:`CblasRight`.  The matrix :data:`A` is triangular and
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`op(A) = A`, :math:`A^T`, :math:`A^H` for :data:`TransA` =
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasNoTrans`, :code:`CblasTrans`, :code:`CblasConjTrans`. When
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle of :data:`A` is
Packit 67cb25
   used, and when :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle
Packit 67cb25
   of :data:`A` is used.  If :data:`Diag` is :code:`CblasNonUnit` then the
Packit 67cb25
   diagonal of :data:`A` is used, but if :data:`Diag` is :code:`CblasUnit` then
Packit 67cb25
   the diagonal elements of the matrix :data:`A` are taken as unity and are
Packit 67cb25
   not referenced.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: SYRK, Level-3 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_ssyrk (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, float alpha, const gsl_matrix_float * A, float beta, gsl_matrix_float * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dsyrk (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, double alpha, const gsl_matrix * A, double beta, gsl_matrix * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_csyrk (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, const gsl_complex_float beta, gsl_matrix_complex_float * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zsyrk (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, const gsl_complex beta, gsl_matrix_complex * C)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute a rank-k update of the symmetric matrix :data:`C`,
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`C = \alpha A A^T + \beta C` when :data:`Trans` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasNoTrans` and :math:`C = \alpha A^T A + \beta C` when
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Trans` is :code:`CblasTrans`.  Since the matrix :data:`C` is symmetric
Packit 67cb25
   only its upper half or lower half need to be stored.  When :data:`Uplo` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle and diagonal of :data:`C` are
Packit 67cb25
   used, and when :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle
Packit 67cb25
   and diagonal of :data:`C` are used.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: HERK, Level-3 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_cherk (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, float alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, float beta, gsl_matrix_complex_float * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zherk (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, double alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, double beta, gsl_matrix_complex * C)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute a rank-k update of the hermitian matrix :data:`C`,
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`C = \alpha A A^H + \beta C` when :data:`Trans` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasNoTrans` and :math:`C = \alpha A^H A + \beta C` when
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Trans` is :code:`CblasConjTrans`.  Since the matrix :data:`C` is hermitian
Packit 67cb25
   only its upper half or lower half need to be stored.  When :data:`Uplo` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle and diagonal of :data:`C` are
Packit 67cb25
   used, and when :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle
Packit 67cb25
   and diagonal of :data:`C` are used.  The imaginary elements of the
Packit 67cb25
   diagonal are automatically set to zero.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: SYR2K, Level-3 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_ssyr2k (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, float alpha, const gsl_matrix_float * A, const gsl_matrix_float * B, float beta, gsl_matrix_float * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_dsyr2k (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, double alpha, const gsl_matrix * A, const gsl_matrix * B, double beta, gsl_matrix * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_csyr2k (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * B, const gsl_complex_float beta, gsl_matrix_complex_float * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zsyr2k (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, const gsl_matrix_complex * B, const gsl_complex beta, gsl_matrix_complex * C)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute a rank-2k update of the symmetric matrix :data:`C`,
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`C = \alpha A B^T + \alpha B A^T + \beta C` when :data:`Trans` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasNoTrans` and :math:`C = \alpha A^T B + \alpha B^T A + \beta C` when
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Trans` is :code:`CblasTrans`.  Since the matrix :data:`C` is symmetric
Packit 67cb25
   only its upper half or lower half need to be stored.  When :data:`Uplo` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle and diagonal of :data:`C` are
Packit 67cb25
   used, and when :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle
Packit 67cb25
   and diagonal of :data:`C` are used.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. index::
Packit 67cb25
   single: HER2K, Level-3 BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. function:: int gsl_blas_cher2k (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, const gsl_complex_float alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * A, const gsl_matrix_complex_float * B, float beta, gsl_matrix_complex_float * C)
Packit 67cb25
              int gsl_blas_zher2k (CBLAS_UPLO_t Uplo, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE_t Trans, const gsl_complex alpha, const gsl_matrix_complex * A, const gsl_matrix_complex * B, double beta, gsl_matrix_complex * C)
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   These functions compute a rank-2k update of the hermitian matrix :data:`C`,
Packit 67cb25
   :math:`C = \alpha A B^H + \alpha^* B A^H + \beta C` when :data:`Trans` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasNoTrans` and :math:`C = \alpha A^H B + \alpha^* B^H A + \beta C` when
Packit 67cb25
   :data:`Trans` is :code:`CblasConjTrans`.  Since the matrix :data:`C` is hermitian
Packit 67cb25
   only its upper half or lower half need to be stored.  When :data:`Uplo` is
Packit 67cb25
   :code:`CblasUpper` then the upper triangle and diagonal of :data:`C` are
Packit 67cb25
   used, and when :data:`Uplo` is :code:`CblasLower` then the lower triangle
Packit 67cb25
   and diagonal of :data:`C` are used.  The imaginary elements of the
Packit 67cb25
   diagonal are automatically set to zero.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
The following program computes the product of two matrices using the
Packit 67cb25
Level-3 BLAS function DGEMM,
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. only:: not texinfo
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
   .. math::
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
        0.11&0.12&0.13 \\
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
        1011&1012 \\
Packit 67cb25
        1021&1022 \\
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
        367.76&368.12 \\
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. only:: texinfo
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
      [ 0.11 0.12 0.13 ]  [ 1011 1012 ]     [ 367.76 368.12 ]
Packit 67cb25
      [ 0.21 0.22 0.23 ]  [ 1021 1022 ]  =  [ 674.06 674.72 ]
Packit 67cb25
                          [ 1031 1032 ]
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
The matrices are stored in row major order, according to the C convention 
Packit 67cb25
for arrays.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. include:: examples/blas.c
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Here is the output from the program,
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. include:: examples/blas.txt
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. _sec_blas-references:
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
References and Further Reading
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Information on the BLAS standards, including both the legacy and
Packit 67cb25
updated interface standards, is available online from the BLAS
Packit 67cb25
Homepage and BLAS Technical Forum web-site.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
* BLAS Homepage,
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
* BLAS Technical Forum,
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
The following papers contain the specifications for Level 1, Level 2 and
Packit 67cb25
Level 3 BLAS.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
* C. Lawson, R. Hanson, D. Kincaid, F. Krogh, "Basic Linear Algebra
Packit 67cb25
  Subprograms for Fortran Usage", ACM Transactions on Mathematical
Packit 67cb25
  Software, Vol.: 5 (1979), Pages 308--325.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
* J.J. Dongarra, J. DuCroz, S. Hammarling, R. Hanson, "An Extended Set of
Packit 67cb25
  Fortran Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms", ACM Transactions on
Packit 67cb25
  Mathematical Software, Vol.: 14, No.: 1 (1988), Pages 1--32.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
* J.J. Dongarra, I. Duff, J. DuCroz, S. Hammarling, "A Set of
Packit 67cb25
  Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms", ACM Transactions on
Packit 67cb25
  Mathematical Software, Vol.: 16 (1990), Pages 1--28.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
Postscript versions of the latter two papers are available from
Packit 67cb25 A CBLAS wrapper for Fortran BLAS
Packit 67cb25
libraries is available from the same location.
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. rubric:: Footnotes
Packit 67cb25
Packit 67cb25
.. [#f1] In the low-level CBLAS interface, a negative stride accesses the vector elements
Packit 67cb25
         in reverse order, i.e. the :math:`i`-th element is given by
Packit 67cb25
         :math:`(N-i)*|incx|` for :math:`incx < 0`.