
Packit 709fb3
# Customize                           -*- makefile -*-
Packit 709fb3
# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
Packit 709fb3
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
Packit 709fb3
# (at your option) any later version.
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# GNU General Public License for more details.
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
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# Cause the tool(s) built by this package to be used also when running
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# commands via e.g., "make syntax-check".  Doing this a little sooner
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# would have avoided a grep infloop bug.
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export PATH := $(builddir)/src$(PATH_SEPARATOR)$(PATH)
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# Used in's web-manual rule
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manual_title = GNU Grep: Print lines matching a pattern
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# Use the direct link.  This is guaranteed to work immediately, while
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# it can take a while for the faster mirror links to become usable.
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url_dir_list =$(PACKAGE)
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# Tests not to run as part of "make distcheck".
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local-checks-to-skip =			\
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# Tools used to bootstrap this package, used for "announcement".
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bootstrap-tools = autoconf,automake,gnulib
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# Override the default Cc: used in generating an announcement.
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announcement_Cc_ = $(translation_project_), $(PACKAGE)
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# The tight_scope test gets confused about inline functions.
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# like 'to_uchar'.
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_gl_TS_unmarked_extern_functions = main usage mb_clen to_uchar dfaerror dfawarn
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# Now that we have better tests, make this the default.
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export VERBOSE = yes
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# Comparing tarball sizes compressed using different xz presets, we see
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# that -6e adds only 60 bytes to the size of the tarball, yet reduces
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# (from -9) the decompression memory requirement from 64 MiB to 9 MiB.
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# Don't be tempted by -5e, since -6 and -5 use the same dictionary size.
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# $ for i in {4,5,6,7,8,9}{e,}; do \
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#     (n=$(xz -$i < grep-2.11.tar|wc -c);echo $n $i) & done |sort -nr
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# 1236632 4
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# 1162564 5
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# 1140988 4e
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# 1139620 6
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# 1139480 7
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# 1139480 8
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# 1139480 9
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# 1129552 5e
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# 1127616 6e
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# 1127556 7e
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# 1127556 8e
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# 1127556 9e
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export XZ_OPT = -6e
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old_NEWS_hash = a708c1088278e4d60e8e4ad2759228de
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# Many m4 macros names once began with 'jm_'.
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# Make sure that none are inadvertently reintroduced.
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	@grep -nE 'jm_[A-Z]'						\
Packit 709fb3
		$$($(VC_LIST) m4 |grep '\.m4$$'; echo /dev/null) &&	\
Packit 709fb3
	    { echo '$(ME): do not use jm_ in m4 macro names'		\
Packit 709fb3
	      1>&2; exit 1; } || :
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	halt='do not use echo ''-e or echo ''-n; use printf instead'	\
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# Look for lines longer than 80 characters, except omit:
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# - program-generated long lines in diff headers,
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# - the help2man script copied from upstream,
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# - tests involving long checksum lines, and
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# - the 'pr' test cases.
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  /^[^:]*\.diff:[^:]*:@@ / d;						\
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  \|^[^:]*TODO:| d;							\
Packit 709fb3
  \|^[^:]*man/help2man:| d;						\
Packit 709fb3
  \|^[^:]*tests/misc/sha[0-9]*sum.*\.pl[-:]| d;				\
Packit 709fb3
  \|^[^:]*tests/pr/|{ \|^[^:]*tests/pr/pr-tests:| !d; };
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	@files=$$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT))					\
Packit 709fb3
	halt='line(s) with more than $(LINE_LEN_MAX) characters; reindent'; \
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	for file in $$files; do						\
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	  expand $$file | grep -nE '^.{$(LINE_LEN_MAX)}.' |		\
Packit 709fb3
	  sed -e "s|^|$$file:|" -e '$(FILTER_LONG_LINES)';		\
Packit 709fb3
	done | grep . && { msg="$$halt" $(_sc_say_and_exit) } || :
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# Indent only with spaces.
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	@prohibit='^ *	'						\
Packit 709fb3
	halt='TAB in indentation; use only spaces'			\
Packit 709fb3
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# Don't use "indent-tabs-mode: nil" anymore.  No longer needed.
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	@prohibit='^( *[*#] *)?indent-tabs-mode:'			\
Packit 709fb3
	halt='use of emacs indent-tabs-mode: setting'			\
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# Ensure that the list of test file names in tests/ is sorted.
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	@perl -0777 -ne \
Packit 709fb3
	    '/^TESTS =(.*?)^$$/ms; ($$t = $$1) =~ s/[\\\s\n]+/\n/g;print $$t' \
Packit 709fb3
	  tests/ | sort -c
Packit 709fb3
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# is a list of name/email pairs for people who are mentioned in
Packit 709fb3
# commit logs (and generated ChangeLog), but who are not also listed as an
Packit 709fb3
# author of a commit.  Name/email pairs of commit authors are automatically
Packit 709fb3
# extracted from the repository.  As a very minor factorization, when
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# someone who was initially listed only in later authors a commit,
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# this rule detects that their pair may now be removed from
Packit 709fb3
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	@{ git log --pretty=format:%aN | sort -u;			\
Packit 709fb3
	    cut -b-36 | sed '/^$$/d;s/  *$$//'; }		\
Packit 709fb3
	  | sort | uniq -d | grep .					\
Packit 709fb3
	    && { echo '$(ME): remove the above names from'	\
Packit 709fb3
		  1>&2; exit 1; } || :
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# Ensure that tests don't use `cmd ... && fail=1` as that hides crashes.
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# The "exclude" expression allows common idioms like `test ... && fail=1`
Packit 709fb3
# and the 2>... portion allows commands that redirect stderr and so probably
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# independently check its contents and thus detect any crash messages.
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	@prohibit='&& fail=1'						\
Packit 709fb3
	exclude='(stat|kill|test |EGREP|grep|compare|2> *[^/])'		\
Packit 709fb3
	halt='&& fail=1 detected. Please use: returns_ 1 ... || fail=1'	\
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	in_vc_files='^tests/'						\
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update-copyright-env = \
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include $(abs_top_srcdir)/
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exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_bindtextdomain = \
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exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_strcmp = /colorize-.*\.c$$
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exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_xalloc_without_use = ^src/kwset\.c$$
Packit 709fb3
exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_tab_based_indentation = \
Packit 709fb3
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exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_doubled_word = ^tests/count-newline$$
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exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_long_lines = ^tests/.*$$