Blame lang/python/tests/

Packit Service 672cf4
#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
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# This file is part of GPGME.
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# GPGME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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# (at your option) any later version.
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# GPGME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
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# Public License for more details.
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
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from __future__ import absolute_import
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from __future__ import division
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from __future__ import print_function
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
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import argparse
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import glob
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import os
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import subprocess
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import sys
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class SplitAndAccumulate(argparse.Action):
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    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
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        current = getattr(namespace, self.dest, list())
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        setattr(namespace, self.dest, current)
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parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run tests.')
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parser.add_argument('tests', metavar='TEST', type=str, nargs='+',
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                    help='A test to run')
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parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", default=False,
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                    help='Be verbose.')
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parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action="store_true", default=False,
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                    help='Be quiet.')
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parser.add_argument('--interpreters', metavar='PYTHON', type=str,
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                    default=[], action=SplitAndAccumulate,
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                    help='Use these interpreters to run the tests, ' +
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                    'separated by spaces.')
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parser.add_argument('--srcdir', type=str,
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                    default=os.environ.get("srcdir", ""),
Packit Service 6c01f9
                    help='Location of the tests.')
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parser.add_argument('--builddir', type=str,
Packit Service 6c01f9
                    default=os.environ.get("abs_builddir", ""),
Packit Service 6c01f9
                    help='Location of the tests.')
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parser.add_argument('--python-libdir', type=str,
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                    help='Optional location of the in-tree module lib directory.')
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parser.add_argument('--parallel', action="store_true", default=False,
Packit Service 6c01f9
                    help='Ignored.  For compatibility with run-tests.scm.')
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args = parser.parse_args()
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if not args.interpreters:
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    args.interpreters = [sys.executable]
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out = sys.stdout if args.verbose else None
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err = sys.stderr if args.verbose else None
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def status_to_str(code):
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    return {0: "PASS", 77: "SKIP", 99: "ERROR"}.get(code, "FAIL")
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results = list()
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for interpreter in args.interpreters:
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    version = subprocess.check_output(
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        [interpreter, "-c", "import sys; print('{0}.{1}'.format(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]))"]).strip().decode()
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    if args.python_libdir:
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        python_libdir = args.python_libdir
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        pattern = os.path.join(args.builddir, "..",
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        libdirs = glob.glob(pattern)
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        if len(libdirs) == 0:
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            sys.exit("Build directory matching {0!r} not found.".format(pattern))
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        elif len(libdirs) > 1:
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            sys.exit("Multiple build directories matching {0!r} found: {1}".format(
Packit Service 6c01f9
                pattern, libdirs))
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        python_libdir = libdirs[0]
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    env = dict(os.environ)
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    env["PYTHONPATH"] = python_libdir
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    if not args.quiet:
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        print("Running tests using {0} ({1})...".format(interpreter, version))
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    for test in args.tests:
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        status =
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            [interpreter, os.path.join(args.srcdir, test)],
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            env=env, stdout=out, stderr=err)
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        if not args.quiet:
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            print("{0}: {1}".format(status_to_str(status), test))
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def count(status):
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    return len(list(filter(lambda x: x == status, results)))
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def failed():
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    return len(list(filter(lambda x: x not in (0, 77, 99), results)))
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if not args.quiet:
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    print("{0} tests run, {1} succeeded, {2} failed, {3} skipped.".format(
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        len(results), count(0), failed(), count(77)))
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    sys.exit(len(results) - count(0) - count(77))
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