@deftypefun {int} {gnutls_pkcs11_copy_x509_crt2} (const char * @var{token_url}, gnutls_x509_crt_t @var{crt}, const char * @var{label}, const gnutls_datum_t * @var{cid}, unsigned int @var{flags}) @var{token_url}: A PKCS @code{11} URL specifying a token @var{crt}: The certificate to copy @var{label}: The name to be used for the stored data @var{cid}: The CKA_ID to set for the object -if NULL, the ID will be derived from the public key @var{flags}: One of GNUTLS_PKCS11_OBJ_FLAG_* This function will copy a certificate into a PKCS @code{11} token specified by a URL. Valid flags to mark the certificate: @code{GNUTLS_PKCS11_OBJ_FLAG_MARK_TRUSTED} , @code{GNUTLS_PKCS11_OBJ_FLAG_MARK_PRIVATE} , @code{GNUTLS_PKCS11_OBJ_FLAG_MARK_CA} , @code{GNUTLS_PKCS11_OBJ_FLAG_MARK_ALWAYS_AUTH} . @strong{Returns:} On success, @code{GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS} (0) is returned, otherwise a negative error value. @strong{Since:} 3.4.0 @end deftypefun