prog-group = GnuTLS; config-header = config.h; gnu-usage; disable-save; long-opts; no-xlate = opt; version = "@VERSION@"; no-misuse-usage; export = '#include '; copyright = { date = "2000-2020"; owner = "Free Software Foundation, and others"; author = "Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos, Simon Josefsson and others; " "see /usr/share/doc/gnutls/AUTHORS for a complete list."; eaddr = "@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@"; type = gpl; }; help-value = h; flag = { name = debug; value = d; arg-type = number; arg-range = "0 -> 9999"; descrip = "Enable debugging"; doc = "Specifies the debug level."; }; #ifdef VERBOSE_OPT flag = { name = verbose; value = V; max = NOLIMIT; descrip = "More verbose output"; doc = ""; }; #endif #ifdef INFILE_OPT flag = { name = infile; arg-type = file; file-exists = yes; descrip = "Input file"; doc = ""; }; #endif #ifdef OUTFILE_OPT flag = { name = outfile; arg-type = string; descrip = "Output file"; doc = ""; }; #endif