@deftypefun {int} {gnutls_ocsp_resp_list_import2} (gnutls_ocsp_resp_t ** @var{ocsps}, unsigned int * @var{size}, const gnutls_datum_t * @var{resp_data}, gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t @var{format}, unsigned int @var{flags}) @var{ocsps}: Will hold the parsed OCSP response list. @var{size}: It will contain the size of the list. @var{resp_data}: The PEM encoded OCSP list. @var{format}: One of @code{GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM} or @code{GNUTLS_X509_FMT_DER} @var{flags}: must be (0) or an OR'd sequence of gnutls_certificate_import_flags. This function will convert the given PEM encoded OCSP response list to the native gnutls_ocsp_resp_t format. The output will be stored in @code{ocsps} which will be allocated and initialized. The OCSP responses should have a header of "OCSP RESPONSE". To deinitialize responses, you need to deinitialize each @code{gnutls_ocsp_resp_t} structure independently, and use @code{gnutls_free()} at @code{ocsps} . In PEM files, when no OCSP responses are detected @code{GNUTLS_E_REQUESTED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE} will be returned. @strong{Returns:} the number of responses read or a negative error value. @strong{Since:} 3.6.3 @end deftypefun