@deftypefun {int} {gnutls_x509_name_constraints_add_excluded} (gnutls_x509_name_constraints_t @var{nc}, gnutls_x509_subject_alt_name_t @var{type}, const gnutls_datum_t * @var{name}) @var{nc}: The nameconstraints @var{type}: The type of the constraints @var{name}: The data of the constraints This function will add a name constraint to the list of excluded constraints. The constraints @code{type} can be any of the following types: @code{GNUTLS_SAN_DNSNAME} , @code{GNUTLS_SAN_RFC822NAME} , @code{GNUTLS_SAN_DN} , @code{GNUTLS_SAN_URI} , @code{GNUTLS_SAN_IPADDRESS} . For the latter, an IP address in network byte order is expected, followed by its network mask (which is 4 bytes in IPv4 or 16-bytes in IPv6). @strong{Returns:} On success, @code{GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS} (0) is returned, otherwise a negative error value. @strong{Since:} 3.3.0 @end deftypefun