@deftypefun {int} {gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_info_access} (gnutls_x509_crt_t @var{crt}, unsigned int @var{seq}, int @var{what}, gnutls_datum_t * @var{data}, unsigned int * @var{critical}) @var{crt}: Holds the certificate @var{seq}: specifies the sequence number of the access descriptor (0 for the first one, 1 for the second etc.) @var{what}: what data to get, a @code{gnutls_info_access_what_t} type. @var{data}: output data to be freed with @code{gnutls_free()} . @var{critical}: pointer to output integer that is set to non-zero if the extension is marked as critical (may be @code{NULL} ) Note that a simpler API to access the authority info data is provided by @code{gnutls_x509_aia_get()} and @code{gnutls_x509_ext_import_aia()} . This function extracts the Authority Information Access (AIA) extension, see RFC 5280 section for more information. The AIA extension holds a sequence of AccessDescription (AD) data. The @code{seq} input parameter is used to indicate which member of the sequence the caller is interested in. The first member is 0, the second member 1 and so on. When the @code{seq} value is out of bounds, @code{GNUTLS_E_REQUESTED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE} is returned. The type of data returned in @code{data} is specified via @code{what} which should be @code{gnutls_info_access_what_t} values. If @code{what} is @code{GNUTLS_IA_ACCESSMETHOD_OID} then @code{data} will hold the accessMethod OID (e.g., ""). If @code{what} is @code{GNUTLS_IA_ACCESSLOCATION_GENERALNAME_TYPE} , @code{data} will hold the accessLocation GeneralName type (e.g., "uniformResourceIdentifier"). If @code{what} is @code{GNUTLS_IA_URI} , @code{data} will hold the accessLocation URI data. Requesting this @code{what} value leads to an error if the accessLocation is not of the "uniformResourceIdentifier" type. If @code{what} is @code{GNUTLS_IA_OCSP_URI} , @code{data} will hold the OCSP URI. Requesting this @code{what} value leads to an error if the accessMethod is not aka OCSP, or if accessLocation is not of the "uniformResourceIdentifier" type. In that case @code{GNUTLS_E_UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM} will be returned, and @code{seq} should be increased and this function called again. If @code{what} is @code{GNUTLS_IA_CAISSUERS_URI} , @code{data} will hold the caIssuers URI. Requesting this @code{what} value leads to an error if the accessMethod is not aka caIssuers, or if accessLocation is not of the "uniformResourceIdentifier" type. In that case handle as in @code{GNUTLS_IA_OCSP_URI} . More @code{what} values may be allocated in the future as needed. If @code{data} is NULL, the function does the same without storing the output data, that is, it will set @code{critical} and do error checking as usual. The value of the critical flag is returned in * @code{critical} . Supply a NULL @code{critical} if you want the function to make sure the extension is non-critical, as required by RFC 5280. @strong{Returns:} @code{GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS} on success, @code{GNUTLS_E_INVALID_REQUEST} on invalid @code{crt} , @code{GNUTLS_E_CONSTRAINT_ERROR} if the extension is incorrectly marked as critical (use a non-NULL @code{critical} to override), @code{GNUTLS_E_UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM} if the requested OID does not match (e.g., when using @code{GNUTLS_IA_OCSP_URI} ), otherwise a negative error code. @strong{Since:} 3.0 @end deftypefun