@deftypefun {int} {gnutls_system_key_add_x509} (gnutls_x509_crt_t @var{crt}, gnutls_x509_privkey_t @var{privkey}, const char * @var{label}, char ** @var{cert_url}, char ** @var{key_url}) @var{crt}: the certificate to be added @var{privkey}: the key to be added @var{label}: the friendly name to describe the key @var{cert_url}: if non-NULL it will contain an allocated value with the certificate URL @var{key_url}: if non-NULL it will contain an allocated value with the key URL This function will added the given key and certificate pair, to the system list. @strong{Returns:} On success, @code{GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS} (0) is returned, otherwise a negative error value. @strong{Since:} 3.4.0 @end deftypefun