@deftypefun {const gnutls_datum_t *} {gnutls_certificate_get_peers} (gnutls_session_t @var{session}, unsigned int * @var{list_size}) @var{session}: is a gnutls session @var{list_size}: is the length of the certificate list (may be @code{NULL} ) Get the peer's raw certificate (chain) as sent by the peer. These certificates are in raw format (DER encoded for X.509). In case of a X.509 then a certificate list may be present. The list is provided as sent by the server; the server must send as first certificate in the list its own certificate, following the issuer's certificate, then the issuer's issuer etc. However, there are servers which violate this principle and thus on certain occasions this may be an unsorted list. In resumed sessions, this function will return the peer's certificate list as used in the first/original session. @strong{Returns:} a pointer to a @code{gnutls_datum_t} containing the peer's certificates, or @code{NULL} in case of an error or if no certificate was used. @end deftypefun