all: html distclean: clean clean: rm -f *.gnu *.html *.dat *.tmp *.js *.par *.png jsdir GNUPLOT_LIB = .. # # Auto-generation of html demo set. # html_3d: binary.html bivariat.html contours.html datastrings.html discrete.html errorbars.html fenceplot.html hidden.html hidden2.html margins.html multimsh.html pm3dcolors.html pm3d.html pm3d_lighting.html pointsize.html random.html rgb_variable.html sampline.html scatter.html singulr.html surface1.html surface2.html azimuth.html transparent_solids.html vector.html world.html world2.html zerror.html html_2d: airfoil.html approximate.html array.html barchart_art.html bins.html boxplot.html boxclusters.html candlesticks.html canvas_utf8.html circles.html cities.html controls.html custom_key.html dashtypes.html electron.html enhanced_utf8.html fillbetween.html fillcrvs.html fillstyle.html finance.html histograms.html histograms2.html hypertext.html gantt.html index.html iterate.html jitter.html layout.html lines_arrows.html linkedaxes.html monotonic_spline.html multiaxis.html multiplt.html nonlinear1.html nonlinear3.html nokey.html param.html piecewise.html polar.html poldat.html prob2.html prob.html rainbow.html ellipse.html rectangle.html rgba_lines.html rgbalpha.html rotate_labels.html rugplot.html running_avg.html simple.html smooth.html solar_path.html smooth_splines.html spline.html steps.html transparent.html timedat.html ttics.html using.html varcolor.html world.html heatmaps.html stats.html violinplot.html html: html_2d html_3d index.html: index.canvas mouseable.js cp index.canvas index.html cp ../../term/js/*.png . mouseable.js: ../../src/gnuplot mouseable.dem ellipse.html: random.html rugplot.html: random.html canvas_utf8.html: canvas_utf8.dem gnuplot canvas_utf8.dem # # Examples of mousing code # smooth_splines.html: jsdir ./ --mouse --grid smooth_splines cities.html: jsdir ./ --mouse cities cat cities.html | sed -e 's/grid_lines/zoom_text/' > xxx mv xxx cities.html # This example needs patching to report the mouse readout in the right units linkedaxes.html: jsdir ./ --mouse linkedaxes patch < linkedaxes.patch jsdir: cp ../../term/js/*.png . cp ../../term/js/*.js . cp ../../term/js/*.css . cp ../../term/js/canvas_help.html . cp canvasmath.js canvastext.js touch jsdir %.html: $(GNUPLOT_LIB)/%.dem ./ jsdir ./ --mouse $*