Blame src/datafile.h

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/* GNUPLOT - datafile.h */
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 * Copyright 1986 - 1993, 1998, 2004   Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley
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 * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
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 * documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
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 * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
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 * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
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 * in supporting documentation.
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 * Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to
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 * distribute the complete modified source code.  Modifications are to
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 * be distributed as patches to the released version.  Permission to
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 * distribute binaries produced by compiling modified sources is granted,
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 * provided you
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 *   1. distribute the corresponding source modifications from the
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 *    released version in the form of a patch file along with the binaries,
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 *   2. add special version identification to distinguish your version
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 *    in addition to the base release version number,
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 *   3. provide your name and address as the primary contact for the
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 *    support of your modified version, and
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 *   4. retain our contact information in regard to use of the base
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 *    software.
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 * Permission to distribute the released version of the source code along
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 * with corresponding source modifications in the form of a patch file is
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 * granted with same provisions 2 through 4 for binary distributions.
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 * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty
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 * to the extent permitted by applicable law.
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/* #if... / #include / #define collection: */
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#include "axis.h"
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#include "graph3d.h"
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#include "graphics.h"
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/* returns from DF_READLINE in datafile.c */
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/* +ve is number of columns read */
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enum DF_STATUS {
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    DF_BAD = 0,
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    DF_GOOD = 1,
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    DF_EOF = -1,
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    DF_UNDEFINED = -2,
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    DF_FIRST_BLANK = -3,
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    DF_MISSING = -5,
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/* large file support (offsets potentially > 2GB) */
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#if defined(HAVE_FSEEKO) && defined(HAVE_OFF_T)
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#  define fseek(stream,pos,whence) fseeko(stream,pos,whence)
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#  define ftell(stream) ftello(stream)
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#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
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#  define fseek(stream,pos,whence) _fseeki64(stream,pos,whence)
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#  define ftell(stream) _ftelli64(stream)
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#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
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#  define fseek(stream,pos,whence) fseeko64(stream,pos,whence)
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#  define ftell(stream) ftello64(stream)
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/* Variables of datafile.c needed by other modules: */
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/* how many using columns were specified in the current command */
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extern int df_no_use_specs;
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/* Maximum number of columns returned to caller by df_readline		*/
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/* Various data structures are dimensioned to hold this many entries.	*/
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/* As of June 2013, plot commands never ask for more than 7 columns of	*/
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/* data, but fit commands can use more. "fit" is also limited by	*/
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/* the number of parameters that can be passed	to a user function, so	*/
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/* let's try setting MAXDATACOLS to match.				*/
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/* At present this bumps it from 7 to 14.				*/
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/* suggested x value if none given */
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extern int df_datum;
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/* is this a matrix splot? */
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extern TBOOLEAN df_matrix;
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/* is this a binary file? */
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extern TBOOLEAN df_binary;
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extern char *df_filename;
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extern int df_line_number;
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extern AXIS_INDEX df_axis[];
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extern struct udft_entry ydata_func; /* deprecated "thru" function */
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/* Returned to caller by df_readline() */
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extern char *df_tokens[];
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extern struct value df_strings[];	/* used only by TABLESTYLE */
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/* number of columns in first row of data return to user in STATS_columns */
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extern int df_last_col;
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/* string representing missing values, ascii datafiles */
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extern char *missing_val;
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/* input field separators, NULL if whitespace is the separator */
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extern char *df_separators;
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/* comments chars */
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extern char *df_commentschars;
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/* flag if any 'inline' data are in use, for the current plot */
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extern TBOOLEAN plotted_data_from_stdin;
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/* Setting this allows the parser to recognize Fortran D or Q   */
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/* format constants in the input file. But it slows things down */
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extern TBOOLEAN df_fortran_constants;
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/* Setting this disables initialization of the floating point exception */
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/* handler before every expression evaluation in a using specifier.   	 */
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/* This can speed data input significantly, but assumes valid input.    */
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extern TBOOLEAN df_nofpe_trap;
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extern TBOOLEAN evaluate_inside_using;
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extern TBOOLEAN df_warn_on_missing_columnheader;
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/* Used by plot title columnhead, stats name columnhead */
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extern char *df_key_title;
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/* Prototypes of functions exported by datafile.c */
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int df_open __PROTO((const char *, int, struct curve_points *));
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int df_readline __PROTO((double [], int));
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void df_close __PROTO((void));
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void df_init __PROTO((void));
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char * df_fgets __PROTO((FILE *));
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void df_showdata __PROTO((void));
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int df_2dbinary __PROTO((struct curve_points *));
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int df_3dmatrix __PROTO((struct surface_points *, int));
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void df_set_key_title __PROTO((struct curve_points *));
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void df_set_key_title_columnhead __PROTO((struct curve_points *));
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char * df_parse_string_field __PROTO((char *));
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int expect_string __PROTO((const char column ));
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void df_reset_after_error __PROTO((void));
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void f_dollars __PROTO((union argument *x));
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void f_column  __PROTO((union argument *x));
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void f_columnhead  __PROTO((union argument *x));
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void f_valid   __PROTO((union argument *x));
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void f_timecolumn   __PROTO((union argument *x));
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void f_stringcolumn   __PROTO((union argument *x));
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struct use_spec_s {
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    int column;
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    int expected_type;
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    struct at_type *at;
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    int depends_on_column;
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/* Details about the records contained in a binary data file. */
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typedef enum df_translation_type {
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    DF_TRANSLATE_DEFAULT,     /* Gnuplot will position in first quadrant at origin. */
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} df_translation_type;
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typedef enum df_sample_scan_type {
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    DF_SCAN_POINT = -3,  /* fastest */
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    DF_SCAN_LINE  = -4,
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    DF_SCAN_PLANE = -5   /* slowest */
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} df_sample_scan_type;
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/* To generate a swap, take the bit-wise complement of the lowest two bits. */
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typedef enum df_endianess_type {
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    DF_ENDIAN_TYPE_LENGTH  /* Must be last */
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} df_endianess_type;
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/* The various types of numerical types that can be read from a data file. */
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typedef enum df_data_type {
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} df_data_type;
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/* Some macros for making the compiler figure out what function
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 * the "machine independent" names should execute to read the
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 * appropriately sized variable from a data file.
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#define SIGNED_TEST(val) ((val)==sizeof(long) ? DF_LONG : \
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			 ((val)==sizeof(long long) ? DF_LONGLONG : \
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			 ((val)==sizeof(int) ? DF_INT : \
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			 ((val)==sizeof(short) ? DF_SHORT : \
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			 ((val)==sizeof(char) ? DF_CHAR : DF_BAD_TYPE)))))
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#define UNSIGNED_TEST(val) ((val)==sizeof(unsigned long) ? DF_ULONG : \
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			   ((val)==sizeof(unsigned long long) ? DF_ULONGLONG : \
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			   ((val)==sizeof(unsigned int) ? DF_UINT : \
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			   ((val)==sizeof(unsigned short) ? DF_USHORT : \
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			   ((val)==sizeof(unsigned char) ? DF_UCHAR : DF_BAD_TYPE)))))
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#define FLOAT_TEST(val) ((val)==sizeof(float) ? DF_FLOAT : \
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			((val)==sizeof(double) ? DF_DOUBLE : DF_BAD_TYPE))
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typedef enum df_records_type {
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} df_records_type;
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typedef struct df_binary_type_struct {
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    df_data_type read_type;
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    unsigned short read_size;
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} df_binary_type_struct;
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typedef struct df_column_bininfo_struct {
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    long skip_bytes;
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    df_binary_type_struct column;
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} df_column_bininfo_struct;
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 * "cart" means Cartesian, i.e., the (x,y,z) [or (r,t,z)] coordinate
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 * system of the plot.  "scan" refers to the scanning method of the
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 * file in question, i.e., first points, then lines, then planes.
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 * The important variables for a file type function to fill in are
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 * those beginning with "scan".  There is a tricky set of rules
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 * related to the "scan_cart" mapping, the file-specified variables,
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 * the default variables, and the command-line variables.  Basically,
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 * command line overrides data file which overrides default.  (Yes,
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 * like a confusing version of rock, paper, scissors.) So, from the
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 * file type function perspective, it is better to leave those
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 * variables which are not specifically known from file data or
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 * otherwise (e.g., sample periods "scan_delta") unaltered in case
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 * the user has issued "set datafile" to define defaults.
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typedef struct df_binary_file_record_struct {
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    int cart_dim[3];                  /* dimension array size, x/y/z */
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    int cart_dir[3];                  /* 1 scan in positive direction, -1 negative, x/y/z */
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    double cart_delta[3];             /* spacing between array points, x/y/z */
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    df_translation_type cart_trans;   /* translate via origin, center or default */
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    double cart_cen_or_ori[3];        /* vector representing center or origin, x/y/z */
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    double cart_alpha;                /* 2D rotation angle (rotate) */
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    double cart_p[3];                 /* 3D rotation normal vector (perpendicular) */
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    df_sample_scan_type cart_scan[3]; /* how to assign the dimensions read from file when generating coordinates */
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    TBOOLEAN scan_generate_coord;     /* whether or not Gnuplot should generate coordinates. */
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    off_t scan_skip[3];               /* skip bytes before the record, line, plane */
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    /* Not controllable by the user, only by file type functions.
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     * These are all points/lines/planes format.
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    int scan_dim[3];                  /* number of points, lines, planes */
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    int scan_dir[3];                  /* 1 scan in positive direction wrt Cartesian coordinate system, -1 negative */
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    double scan_delta[3];             /* sample period along points, lines, planes */
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    df_translation_type scan_trans;   /* translate via origin, center or default */
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    double scan_cen_or_ori[3];        /* vector representing center or origin, x/y/z */
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    /* *** Do not modify outside of datafile.c!!! *** */
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    char GPFAR *memory_data;
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} df_binary_file_record_struct;
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extern df_binary_file_record_struct *df_bin_record;
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extern int df_num_bin_records;
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extern struct coordinate blank_data_line;
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extern struct use_spec_s use_spec[];
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/* Prototypes of functions exported by datafile.c */
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void df_show_binary __PROTO((FILE *fp));
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void df_show_datasizes __PROTO((FILE *fp));
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void df_show_filetypes __PROTO((FILE *fp));
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void df_set_datafile_binary __PROTO((void)); 
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void df_unset_datafile_binary __PROTO((void));
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void df_add_binary_records __PROTO((int, df_records_type));
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void df_extend_binary_columns __PROTO((int));
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void df_set_skip_before __PROTO((int col, int bytes));                /* Number of bytes to skip before a binary column. */
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#define df_set_skip_after(col,bytes) df_set_skip_before(col+1,bytes)  /* Number of bytes to skip after a binary column. */
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void df_set_read_type __PROTO((int col, df_data_type type));          /* Type of data in the binary column. */
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df_data_type df_get_read_type __PROTO((int col));                     /* Type of data in the binary column. */
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int df_get_read_size __PROTO((int col));                              /* Size of data in the binary column. */
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int df_get_num_matrix_cols __PROTO((void));
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void df_set_plot_mode __PROTO((int));
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