Blame docs/README

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Notes on the gnuplot help files and documentation.
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Gnuplot documentation is available in three ways:
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1 - interactively, within gnuplot
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2 - as a printed document. 
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3 - as a manual page, through the Unix man(1) facility
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The third form tells how to run gnuplot.
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The first two forms describe the inner workings, and contain equivalent
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information.  They derive their information from the file "gnuplot.doc",
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which is the master copy of gnuplot help information.  All other forms,
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except for the man page "gnuplot.1", are derived from it. 
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PostScript, PDF, or HTML versions of the manual can be created from the TeX 
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version if you have latex, pdflatex, and htlatex available, respectively.
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gnuplot.doc -> gnuplot.gih 
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            -> gnuplot.hlp
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            -> gnuplot.ipf
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            -> gnuplot.rnh
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            -> gnuplot.rtf
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            -> wgnuplot.html
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            -> gnuplot.tex
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On Unix and MSDOS the interactive help is built into the
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program, and uses the file "gnuplot.gih" ('make gih').
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On VMS, the interactive help is supplied by the system help facility,
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using the file "gnuplot.hlp".  This is built by default, either by 
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doc2hlp, or doc2rnh and RUNOFF which format gnuplot.doc for the VMS
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HELP indenting conventions.  The help file is placed in a help library, 
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"gnuplot.hlb" but it may be also be placed in one of the system-wide 
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help libraries, using lib/help ('help lib').  If VMS users prefer the 
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gnuplot interactive help facility to the system facility, this can be 
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easily changed by not defining NO_GIH.
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The PDF and HTML versions of the gnuplot manual can include hyperlinks to
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demonstration plots.  There is a special makefile target "make pdf"
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to generate and include sample plots directly in the manual itself.
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Under EMACS, interactive help uses the file "" ('make info').
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On OS/2, the Information Presentation Facility Compiler converts the
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file "gnuplot.ipf" to a "gnuplot.inf" file.
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The printed document is available in troff/nroff (ms) format, using
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the file "".  For nroff, use 'make nroff'. For troff, type
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'make ms' and then 'troff -ms' in whatever way you use troff.
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For groff (on linux), use  'groff -t -e -mgs'
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On MS-Windows, the Microsoft HTML help compiler converts the file
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"wgnuplot.html" to a 'chm' file which is used by the standard Windows
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help program. Hyperlinks and sample plots are included. Alternatively,
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the Microsoft help compiler converts the file "gnuplot.rtf" to a 'hlp'
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Manual entries for the terminals are not included in "gnuplot.doc";
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instead, each "driver.trm" file (in the directory /term) contains its
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own documentation section.  See "term/README" for details.
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When you build gnuplot, only some of the terminal drivers are loaded;
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these are selected in "term.h" by compiler directives specified in the
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makefile.  The interactive help generators use the same set of compiler
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directives in "term.h", and thus interactive help contains information
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for just those terminals actually loaded.
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The printed manual generators and the html generator contain information
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about all terminals.  This is accomplished by concatenating all of the
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".trm" files into a single one, "allterm.h".
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The file "termdoc.c" is used by each of the nine processing programs
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("doc2gih.c", etc.); it #includes either "term.h" or "allterm.h", as is
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appropriate.  If you wish to override the default decision about which
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terminals are to appear in the documentation, edit the appropriate target
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in the Makefile and add/remove -DALL_TERM_DOC to/from the compiler flags.
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Description of the gnuplot.doc format:
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Here is an example of the DOC master help format:
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1 gnuplot
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 GNUPLOT is a command-driven interactive function plotting program.  It
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2 exit
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 'exit', 'quit' and ...
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2 expressions
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 In general, any mathematical expression accepted by C, ...
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 functions operators
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?expressions functions
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3 functions
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 The functions in GNUPLOT are ...
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 abs acos arg ...
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?expressions functions abs
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?functions abs
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4 abs
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 This function returns the absolute value of its argument.  The
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 returned value is of the same type as the argument. 
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?expressions functions acos
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?functions acos
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4 acos
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 This function returns the arc cosine (inverse cosine) of its
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 argument.  'acos' returns its argument in radians. 
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Some notes about the format:
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Remember that all text must be able to be processed by gnuplot, VMS,
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 nroff, troff, info, itl, and latex, and always do something reasonable. 
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The first column is reserved for control characters.
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Text does not start in the first column.
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Lines that start in column 2 may be typeset by LaTeX.
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Lines that have a space in column 2 are to be printed in a verbatim
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 environment by LaTeX.
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Tables must have a space in column 2.
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Do NOT use tabs in the help file.
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Conversion from this format to vax .hlp file involves removal of
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 lines starting with [?@#$%] (see doc2hlp). VMS uses the numbers
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 to represent a tree. 
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Conversion from this format to gnuplot .gih file involves removal of
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 lines starting with [0-9@#$%] (see doc2gih). Gnuplot matches your
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 help query against the ? lines to find the help information.
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 Multiple ? lines for one text block constitute synonyms. The most
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 specific should be first, eg 'expressions functions' before 'functions'.
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 Spaces are allowed here, but should be single.
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Backquote pairs are converted by the doc2tex program into boldface;
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 that is, `some text` is converted to {\bf some text}. Be sure to pair
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 the backquotes, or the whole document will be boldface! doc2ms converts
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 `` pairs to \fB...\fR, except inside tables : for the moment, this
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 has to be done manually on the lines starting %, but we ought to
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 find some way to allow tables to be entered just the once !
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Control characters in first column:
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?    used by .gih format, for builtin interactive help - keyword
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0-9  used by VMS help and by doc2{tex,ms,html} formatters to define level,keyword
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@    used by doc2{tex,ms,rnh} to define table start/end
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#    used by doc2tex: table entry
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#TeX used by doc2tex: LaTeX command to be inserted in output stream (e.g. \newpage)
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#b   bulleted list entry
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##   continuation of bulleted item      
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=    used by doc2tex: index entry
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F    used by doc2{tex,html}: embedded figure (followed by base name of the pdf file)
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%    used by doc2ms: table entry
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^    used by doc2{tex,html}: hypertext link / HTML code
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<    the help from the terminal driver files is inserted at this point.
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C    comment (mainly for RCS ID line)
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C#   reserved form of comment (used internally by termdoc.c)
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Here is a sample table:
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@start table - first is interactive cleartext form
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     Symbol       Example      Explanation
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       ?:          a?b:c     ternary operation
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#\begin{tabular}{|ccl|} \hline
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#\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Ternary Operator} \\
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#Symbol & Example & Explanation \\ \hline
Packit 0986c0
#\verb~?:~ & \verb~a?b:c~ & ternary operation\\
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%c c l .
Packit 0986c0
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%?:@a?b:c@* ternary operation
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@end table
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"doc2tex" and "doc2ms" are the formats that do something with tables
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other than copy them verbatim.  It is best to bracket a table in a
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"@start table"/"@end table" pair.
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Inside the "@start"/"@end" block are three independent sets of commands:
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those that begin with "#" will be processed by "doc2tex" only, those
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that begin with "%" will be processed by "doc2ms" only, and all others
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will be copied verbatim by all other "doc2"s.  So the commands may be
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shuffled together, as long as the order of each of the three sets is
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unchanged.  That is, the example could be written this way without any
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effect on the result:
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@start table - first is interactive cleartext form
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#\begin{tabular}{|ccl|} \hline
Packit 0986c0
%c c l .
Packit 0986c0
#\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Ternary Operator} \\
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Packit 0986c0
     Symbol       Example      Explanation
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#Symbol & Example & Explanation \\ \hline
Packit 0986c0
Packit 0986c0
       ?:          a?b:c     ternary operation
Packit 0986c0
#\verb~?:~ & \verb~a?b:c~ & ternary operation\\
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%?:@a?b:c@* ternary operation
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@end table
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In LaTeX, the command "\begin{tabular}{|ccl|} \hline" creates a
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three-column table having the first two columns centered, the third column
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left-justified, a vertical line at each side, and a horizontal line drawn
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first.  Thus the table will be enclosed in a box ("doc2tex" provides the
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closing "\hline").  A double-backslash is a line skip.  In the table
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entries themselves, the ampersand is the column separator.  If any LaTeX
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special characters are in the table, they must be written within "\verb"
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constructs, as is the case with the question mark in the example.
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In nroff, the command "c c l ." creates a three-column table justified
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the same way as the LaTeX table discussed above.  The ampersand is the
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column separator.
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Rules for stylistic consistency (courtesy Jens Emmerich):
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0. General
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   * Use your brain -- the reader has one, too (at least in theory).
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   * Format according to the logical structure, not according to
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     visual charm.
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   * Keep things short.  Don't split lines without a good reason.  Many
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     people still use 24 line terminals/screens.  Backslashify lines
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     only in code examples.
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1. Verbatim lines: start column and line length 
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   * Verbatim text starts in column 8 (7 spaces before the text).  The
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     reason is that "Syntax:" is 7 and "Examples:" is 9 characters
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     wide.  Adding the space in column 1 we have 1 resp. 3 characters
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     "overlap" in the online text versions, which is still easy to
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     read as all commands are at least 3 characters long.  This does
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     not apply to the "interactive clear text form"-tables.
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   * The rightmost used column is column 73 (counting from 1).  This
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     allows LaTeX formatted documents with only slightly wider text
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     than default, which adds to readability.
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2. Line spacing
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   * An empty line goes before "Syntax:" and "Example:", but not after
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     them.  Without these keywords, add an empty line before verbatim
Packit 0986c0
     lines if they are not embedded in a sentence.
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   * Leave blank lines within verbatim environments only if it is
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     really needed for clarity.
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   * Verbatim environments are separated from the following text by a
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     blank line, but not if they are embedded in a sentence.
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   * Short explanations within examples can be embedded within
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     comments if they are really short, otherwise use "normal" text
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     (beginning at column 2) and leave no blank lines between the text
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     and the example.
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3. Spaces around braces 
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   * In general don't put a space after an opening "{" or before a
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     closing brace "}".  This makes everything wider and harder to
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   * Do insert a space in the following situations:
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     - where it adds clarity to nesting levels >=3 of braces; usually
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       only one brace for the outermost brace on a particular line 
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       (see 'set grid')
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     - on multiple line optional constructs (see 'set xtics')
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   * Separate multiple optional constructs by a space.
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   * Don't separate them if they belong together. (see 'set title')
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   * Do separate them if they belong together but require a space in
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     between (see 'set ticscale').
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   * Part of these rules are really a consequence of gnuplot's
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     inconsistent syntax.
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4. Placing and spaces around "|"
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   * Place a space before and after the "|".  Otherwise the
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     alternatives tend to optically 'melt' and they are harder to
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   * Keep or-expressions on one line, if possible.
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   * On multi-line expressions place the "|" at the beginning of the
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     next line rather than the end of the first.  This makes it easier
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     to see that the expression continues.  Align the first components;
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     this requires indenting the first line a bit further (see 'set
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5. Comma-separated optional argument lists
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   * Place the space before the opening brace rather within the braces
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     after the comma (as one normally does) (see 'set isosamples').
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