Blame demo/approximate.dem

Packit 0986c0
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# Show use of pseudodata mechanism '+' to use plot styles with more than 
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# one relevant value per x coordinate. In this example we use the style
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# "filledcurves" to show the difference between two analytic functions.
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# This corresponds to the specification of multiple columns in the 
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# 'using' option for input from data files.
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approx_1(x) = x - x**3/6
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approx_2(x) = x - x**3/6 + x**5/120 
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approx_3(x) = x - x**3/6 + x**5/120 - x**7/5040
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label1 = "x - {x^3}/3!"
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label2 = "x - {x^3}/3! + {x^5}/5!"
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label3 = "x - {x^3}/3! + {x^5}/5! - {x^7}/7!"
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set termoption enhanced
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save_encoding = GPVAL_ENCODING
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set encoding utf8
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set title "Polynomial approximation of sin(x)"
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set key Left center top reverse
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set xrange [ -3.2 : 3.2 ]
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set xtics ("-π" -pi, "-π/2" -pi/2, 0, "π/2" pi/2, "π" pi)
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set format y "%.1f"
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set samples 500
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set style fill solid 0.4 noborder
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plot '+' using 1:(sin($1)):(approx_1($1)) with filledcurve title label1 lt 3, \
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     '+' using 1:(sin($1)):(approx_2($1)) with filledcurve title label2 lt 2, \
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     '+' using 1:(sin($1)):(approx_3($1)) with filledcurve title label3 lt 1, \
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     sin(x) with lines lw 1 lc rgb "black"
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pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
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set encoding save_encoding
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