Introduction ============ Writing effects is very easy: just create a file with the extion ".effect" and use the following format for it: [Effect] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=[The human readable effect name] Name[LangCode]=[The translated human readable effect name] ... Comment=[Optional Element: Description of the effect] Comment[LangCode]=[Optional Element: Translation of the description of the effect] ... Category=[The category of your effect, e.g. "Colors".] PipelineDescription=[A valid GStreamer pipeline] Possible Effect Categories ========================== Analysis Blur Colors Fancy Geometry Noise Time A sample effect could look like =============================== [Effect] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=The Hulk Name[de]=Der Hulk Name[it]=Lo Hulk Comment=Transform yourself into the amazing Hulk Comment[de]=Verwandle dich in den unglaublichen Hulk Comment[it]=Trasformati in Hulk Category=Color;Fancy; PipelineDescription=videobalance saturation=1.5 hue=-0.5