GNOME Documentation Project Petr Kovar Consider switching to GNOME Classic if you prefer a more traditional desktop experience. What is GNOME Classic?

GNOME Classic is a feature for users who prefer a more traditional desktop experience. While GNOME Classic is based on GNOME 3 technologies, it provides a number of changes to the user interface, such as the Applications and Places menus on the top bar, and a window list at the bottom of the screen.

GNOME Classic is a feature for users who prefer a more traditional desktop experience. While GNOME Classic is based on GNOME 3 technologies, it provides a number of changes to the user interface, such as the Applications and Places menus on the top bar, and a window list at the bottom of the screen.

You can use the Applications menu on the top bar to launch applications. The Activities overview is available by selecting the Activities Overview item from the menu.

To access the Activities overview, you can also press the Super key.

Window list

The window list at the bottom of the screen provides access to all your open windows and applications and lets you quickly minimize and restore them.

At the right-hand side of the window list, GNOME displays a short identifier for the current workspace, such as 1 for the first (top) workspace. In addition, the identifier also displays the total number of available workspaces. To switch to a different workspace, you can click the identifier and select the workspace you want to use from the menu.

If an application or a system component wants to get your attention, it will display a blue icon at the right-hand side of the window list. Clicking the blue icon shows the message tray, which lets you access all your notifications.

Switch to and from GNOME Classic

GNOME Classic is only available on systems with certain GNOME Shell extensions installed. Some Linux distributions may not have these extensions available or installed by default.

To switch from <em>GNOME</em> to <em>GNOME Classic</em>:

Save any open work, and then log out. Click the system menu on the right side of the top bar, click your name and then choose the right option.

A confirmation message will appear. Select Log Out to confirm.

At the login screen, select your name from the list.

Enter your password in the password entry box.

Click the options icon, which is displayed to the left of the Sign In button, and select GNOME Classic.

Click the Sign In button.

To switch from <em>GNOME Classic</em> to <em>GNOME</em>:

Save any open work, and then log out. Click the system menu on the right side of the top bar, click your name and then choose the right option.

A confirmation message will appear. Select Log Out to confirm.

At the login screen, select your name from the list.

Enter your password in the password entry box.

Click the options icon, which is displayed to the left of the Sign In button, and select GNOME.

Click the Sign In button.