Phil Bull Shaun McCance Michael Hill 特殊なネットワークを使用し、他のデバイスをコンピューターおよびそのネットワーク接続につなげることができるようにします。 松澤 二郎 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 赤星 柔充 2011, 2012 Kentaro KAZUHAMA 2012 Shushi Kurose 2012 Noriko Mizumoto 2013, 2014 坂本 貴史 2013, 2014 日本GNOMEユーザー会 2011, 2012 ワイヤレスアクセスポイントを作成する

You can use your computer as a wireless hotspot. This allows other devices to connect to you without a separate network, and allows you to share an internet connection you’ve made with another interface, such as to a wired network or over the cellular network.

Open the system menu from the right side of the top bar.

Select Wi-Fi Not Connected or the name of the wireless network to which you are already connected. The Wi-Fi section of the menu will expand.

Click Wi-Fi Settings.

Click the Use as Hotspot… button.

If you are already connected to a wireless network, you will be asked if you want to disconnect from that network. A single wireless adapter can connect to or create only one network at a time. Click Turn On to confirm.

A network name (SSID) and security key are automatically generated. The network name will be based on the name of your computer. Other devices will need this information to connect to the hotspot you’ve just created.