Dokumentacijski projekt GNOME Natalia Ruz Leiva Michael Hill S Preučevalnikom porabe diska ali Nadzornikom sistema lahko preverite razpoložljiv prostor in zmogljivost. Preverjanje koliko prostora na disku je ostalo

Količino prostega prostora na disku lahko preverite s pomočjo programov Preučevalnik porabe diska ali Nadzornik sistema.

Preveri s Preučevalnikom porabe diska

Da s programom Preučevalnik porabe diska preverite prazen prostor in velikost diska:

Open Disk Usage Analyzer from the Activities overview. The window will display a list of file locations together with the usage and capacity of each.

Click one of the items in the list to view a detailed summary of the usage for that item. Click the menu button, and then Scan Folder… or Scan Remote Folder… to scan a different location.

The information is displayed according to Folder, Size, Contents and when the data was last Modified. See more details in Disk Usage Analyzer.

Preveri s programom Nadzornik sistema

Da bi preverili količino prostora na disku, ki je na voljo in velikost diska s programom Nadzornik sistema:

Odprite program Nadzornik sistema iz pregleda Dejavnosti.

Select the File Systems tab to view the system’s partitions and disk space usage. The information is displayed according to Total, Free, Available and Used.

Kaj storiti, če je disk prepoln?

V primeru da je disk prepoln:

Delete files that aren’t important or that you won’t use anymore.

Make backups of the important files that you won’t need for a while and delete them from the hard drive.