Майкл Хилл (Michael Hill) mdhillca@gmail.com 2012 Paul Cutler pcutler@gnome.org 2017 Хранение контактов в локальной адресной книге или в адресной книге сетевой учётной записи. Александр Прокудин alexandre.prokoudine@gmail.com 2011 Алексей Кабанов ak099@mail.ru 2011-2012 Станислав Соловей whats_up@tut.by 2013-2014 Юлия Дронова juliette.tux@gmail.com 2013-2014 Юрий Мясоедов ymyasoedov@yandex.ru 2015 Первый запуск приложения <app>Контакты</app>

When you run Contacts for the first time, the Select Address Book window opens.

If you have online accounts configured, they are listed with Local Address Book. Select an item from the list and click Done. All new contacts you create will be saved to the address book you choose. You are also able to view and edit contacts in other address books.

If you have no online accounts configured, click Online Accounts to begin the setup. If you do not wish to set up online accounts at this time, click Local Address Book.