Phil Bull ウイルスがあなたのコンピューターに感染する可能性は大きくありませんが、あなたがメールを送った相手先のコンピューターに感染する可能性があります。 松澤 二郎 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 赤星 柔充 2011, 2012 Kentaro KAZUHAMA 2012 Shushi Kurose 2012 Noriko Mizumoto 2013, 2014 坂本 貴史 2013, 2014 日本GNOMEユーザー会 2011, 2012 メールのウイルススキャンをする必要がありますか?


Viruses that can affect computers running Linux are quite rare, so you are unlikely to get a virus through email or otherwise. If you receive an email with a virus hidden in it, it will probably have no effect on your computer. As such, you probably don’t need to scan your email for viruses.

You may, however, wish to scan your email for viruses in case you happen to forward a virus from one person to another. For example, if one of your friends has a Windows computer with a virus and sends you a virus-infected email, and you then forward that email to another friend with a Windows computer, then the second friend might get the virus too. You could install an anti-virus application to scan your emails to prevent this, but it’s unlikely to happen and most people using Windows and Mac OS have anti-virus software of their own anyway.