このデスクトップヘルプを利用する上でのいくつかのヒント GNOME ドキュメンテーションプロジェクト gnome-doc-list@gnome.org 松澤 二郎 jmatsuzawa@gnome.org 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 赤星 柔充 yasumichi@vinelinux.org 2011, 2012 Kentaro KAZUHAMA kazken3@gmail.com 2012 Shushi Kurose md81bird@hitaki.net 2012 Noriko Mizumoto noriko@fedoraproject.org 2013, 2014 坂本 貴史 o-takashi@sakamocchi.jp 2013, 2014 日本GNOMEユーザー会 http://www.gnome.gr.jp/ 2011, 2012 このガイドについて

This guide is designed to give you a tour of the features of your desktop, answer your computer-related questions, and provide tips on using your computer more effectively. We’ve tried to make this guide as easy to use as possible:

The guide is sorted into small, task-oriented topics — not chapters. This means that you don’t need to skim through an entire manual to find the answer to your questions.

Related items are linked together. “See Also” links at the bottom of some pages will direct you to related topics. This makes it easy to find similar topics that might help you perform a certain task.


The guide is constantly being improved. Although we attempt to provide you with a comprehensive set of helpful information, we know we won’t answer all of your questions here. We will keep adding more information to make things more helpful, though.


-- GNOME ドキュメンテーションチーム