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<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" xmlns:if="" type="topic" style="task" version="1.0 if/1.0" id="shell-workspaces-movewindow" xml:lang="sl">
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    <link type="guide" xref="shell-windows#working-with-workspaces"/>
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    <link type="seealso" xref="shell-workspaces"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.8" version="0.3" date="2013-05-10" status="review"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.10" date="2013-11-04" status="candidate"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.13.92" date="2014-09-22" status="candidate"/>
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    <credit type="author">
Packit 6d2957
      <name>Dokumentacijski projekt GNOME</name>
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    <credit type="editor">
Packit 6d2957
      <name>Michael Hill</name>
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    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>
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    <desc>Go to the <gui>Activities</gui> overview and drag the window to a
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    different workspace.</desc>
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  <title>Premakne trenutno okno na drugo delovno površino</title>
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    <title>Uporaba miške:</title>
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Open the

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      <gui xref="shell-introduction#activities">Activities</gui> overview.

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Open the

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      <gui xref="shell-introduction#activities">Activities Overview</gui> from the
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      <gui xref="shell-introduction#activities">Applications</gui> menu
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      at the top left of the screen.

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Kliknite in povlecite okno na desni del zaslona.

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The workspace selector will

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Drop the window onto an empty

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      workspace. This workspace now contains the window you have dropped, and a
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      new empty workspace appears at the bottom of the workspace
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Drop the window onto an empty

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      workspace. This workspace now contains the window you have dropped.

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    <title>Uporaba tipkovnice:</title>
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Select the window that you want to move (for example, using the

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      <keyseq><key xref="keyboard-key-super">Super</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq>
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      window switcher).

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Press <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>Shift</key><key>Page

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      Up</key></keyseq> to move the window to a workspace which is above the
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      current workspace on the workspace selector.

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Press <keyseq><key>Super</key><key>Shift</key><key>Page

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      Down</key></keyseq> to move the window to a workspace which is below the
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      current workspace on the workspace selector.

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