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<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="topic" style="problem" id="net-slow" xml:lang="sl">
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    <link type="guide" xref="net-problem"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.4.0" date="2012-02-21" status="final"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.18" date="2015-09-28" status="final"/>
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    <credit type="author">
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      <name>Phil Bull</name>
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    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>
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    <desc>Morda se prejemajo druge stvari, morda imate slabo povezavo ali pa je zaposlen čas dneva.</desc>
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  <title>Internet je počasen</title>
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V primeru da uporabljate internet in se zdi počasen, obstajajo številne stvari, ki bi lahko povzročile upočasnitev.

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Nekaj hitrih popravkov, ki jih lahko poskusite, so zaprtje in ponovno odprtje spletnega brskalnika in prekinitev in ponovna vzpostavitev povezave z internetom. (To ponastavi veliko stvari, ki lahko upočasnijo delovanje interneta.)

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Zaposleni čas dneva

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Internet service providers commonly setup internet connections so that

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      they are shared between several households. Even though you connect
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      separately, through your own phone line or cable connection, the
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      connection to the rest of the internet at the telephone exchange might
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      actually be shared. If this is the case and lots of your neighbors are
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      using the internet at the same time as you, you might notice a slow-down.
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      You’re most likely to experience this at times when your neighbors are
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      probably on the internet (in the evenings, for example).

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Prejemanje več stvari hkrati

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V primeru da vi ali nekdo drug, ki uporablja vašo internetno povezavo, prejema več datotek hkrati, ali gleda videoposnetke, internetna povezava morda ni dovolj hitra za zahteve. V tem primeru bo videti počasnejša.

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Nezanesljiva povezava

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Nekatere internetne povezave so nezanesljive, še posebno začasne na področjih z velikimi zahtevami. V primeru da ste v zasedeni kavarni ali konferenčnem centru, je morda internetna povezava prezaposlena ali enostavno nezanesljiva.

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Šibek signal brezžične povezave

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If you’re connected to the internet by wireless (wifi), check the

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      network icon on the top bar to see if you have good wireless signal. If
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      not, the internet may be slow because you don’t have a very strong
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Uporaba počasne mobilne internetne povezave

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If you have a mobile internet connection and notice that it is slow,

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      you may have moved into an area where signal reception is poor. When this
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      happens, the internet connection will automatically switch from a fast
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      “mobile broadband” connection like 3G to a more reliable, but slower,
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      connection like GPRS.

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Spletni brskalnik ima težavo

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Sometimes web browsers encounter a problem that makes them run slow.

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      This could be for any number of reasons — you could have visited a
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      website that the browser struggled to load, or you might have had the
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      browser open for a long time, for example. Try closing all of the
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      browser’s windows and then opening the browser again to see if this makes
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      a difference.

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