Blame gnome-help/sl/

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<page xmlns="" type="topic" style="tip" id="get-involved" xml:lang="sl">
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    <link type="guide" xref="more-help"/>
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    <desc>Kako in kje poročati težave s temi temami pomoči.</desc>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.4.0" date="2012-02-19" status="review"/>
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    <credit type="author">
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      <name>Tiffany Antopolski</name>
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    <credit type="author">
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      <name>Petr Kovar</name>
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    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>
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  <title>Sodelujte pri izboljšavi tega vodnika</title>
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  <section id="submit-issue">
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   <title>Submit an issue</title>
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This help documentation is created by a volunteer community. You are

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   welcome to participate. If you notice a problem with these help pages
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   (like typos, incorrect instructions or topics that should be covered but
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   are not), you can submit a new issue. To submit a new issue, go to
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   the <link href="">issue
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You need to register, so you can submit an issue and receive updates by

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   email about its status. If you do not already have an account, click the
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   <gui><link href="">Sign in / Register</link></gui>
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   button to create one.

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Once you have an account, make sure you are logged in, then go back to the

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   <link href="">documentation
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   issue tracker</link> and click
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   <gui><link href="">New
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   issue</link></gui>. Before reporting a new issue, please
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   <link href="">browse</link>
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   for the issue to see if something similar already exists.

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Before submitting your issue, choose the appropriate label in the

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   <gui>Labels</gui> menu. If you are filing an issue against this
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   documentation, you should choose the <gui>gnome-help</gui> label. If you are
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   not sure which component your issue pertains to, do not choose any.

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If you are requesting help about a topic that you feel is not covered,

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   choose <gui>Feature</gui> as the label. Fill in the Title and Description
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   sections and click <gui>Submit issue</gui>.

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Your issue will be given an ID number, and its status will be updated as

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   it is being dealt with. Thanks for helping make the GNOME Help better!

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   <section id="contact-us">
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   <title>Stopite v stik z nami</title>
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Če se želite naučiti več o tem kako se pridružiti dokumentacijskih ekipi, pošljite <link href="">e-poštno sporočilo</link> na dopisni seznam dokumentacije GNOME.

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