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<page xmlns="" type="topic" style="task" id="files-rename" xml:lang="sl">
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    <link type="guide" xref="files#common-file-tasks"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.5.92" version="0.2" date="2012-09-19" status="review"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.13.92" date="2014-09-22" status="review"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.18" date="2015-09-29" status="final"/>
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    <credit type="author">
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      <name>Dokumentacijski projekt GNOME</name>
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    <credit type="author">
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      <name>Shaun McCance</name>
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    <credit type="author">
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      <name>Jim Campbell</name>
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    <credit type="editor">
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      <name>Michael Hill</name>
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    <credit type="editor">
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      <name>David King</name>
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    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>
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    <desc>Sprememba imena datoteke ali mape.</desc>
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  <title>Preimenovanje datoteke ali mape</title>
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As with other file managers, you can use <app>Files</app> to change the

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  name of a file or folder.

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    <title>Za preimenovanje datoteke ali mape:</title>
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Desno kliknite na predmet in izberite <gui>Preimenuj</gui> ali izberite datoteko in pritisnite <key>F2</key>.

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Type the new name and press <key>Enter</key> or click

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Datoteko lahko preimenujete tudi iz okna <link xref="nautilus-file-properties-basic">lastnosti</link>.

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When you rename a file, only the first part of the name of the file is

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  selected, not the file extension (the part after the last <file>.</file>).
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  The extension normally denotes what type of file it is (for example,
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  <file>file.pdf</file> is a PDF document), and you usually do not want to
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  change that. If you need to change the extension as well, select the entire
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  file name and change it.

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  <note style="tip">
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If you renamed the wrong file, or named your file improperly, you can

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    undo the rename. To revert the action, immediately click the menu button in
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    the toolbar and select <gui>Undo Rename</gui>, or press
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    <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Z</key></keyseq>, to restore the former
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  <section id="valid-chars">
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    <title>Veljavni znaki za imena datotek</title>
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You can use any character except the <file>/</file> (slash) character in

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    file names. Some devices, however, use a file system that has more
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    restrictions on file names. Therefore, it is a best practice to avoid the
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    following characters in your file names: <file>|</file>, <file>\</file>,
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    <file>?</file>, <file>*</file>, <file><</file>, <file>"</file>,
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    <file>:</file>, <file>></file>, <file>/</file>.

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    <note style="warning">
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If you name a file with a <file>.</file> as the first character, the

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    file will be <link xref="files-hidden">hidden</link> when you attempt to
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    view it in the file manager.

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  <section id="common-probs">
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    <title>Pogoste težave</title>
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        <title>Ime datoteke je že v uporabi</title>
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You cannot have two files or folders with the same name in the same

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        folder. If you try to rename a file to a name that already exists in
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        the folder you are working in, the file manager will not allow it.

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Imena in mape so občutljive na velikost črk. Tako sta <file>Datoteka.txt</file> in <file>DATOTEKA.txt</file> različni imeni. To je dovoljeno, vendar ni vedno pametno.

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        <title>Ime datoteke je predolgo</title>
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On some file systems, file names can have no more than 255

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        characters in their names.  This 255 character limit includes both the
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        file name and the path to the file (for example,
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        <file>/home/wanda/Documents/work/business-proposals/…</file>), so you
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        should avoid long file and folder names where possible.

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        <title>Možnost za preimenovanje je osivela</title>
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V primeru da je <gui>Preimenuj</gui> osivel, nimate dovoljenj za preimenovanje datoteke. V splošnem datotek do katerih nimate ustreznih dovoljenj za preimenovanje ni pametno preimenovati. Za več podrobnosti si oglejte <link xref="nautilus-file-properties-permissions"/>.

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