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<page xmlns="" type="guide" style="ui" id="shell-windows" xml:lang="pt-BR">
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    <link type="guide" xref="shell-overview#apps"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.4.0" date="2012-02-19" status="review"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.13.92" date="2014-09-22" status="review"/>
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    <credit type="author">
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      <name>Projeto de documentação do GNOME</name>
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    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>
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    <desc>Mova e organize suas janelas.</desc>
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    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
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      <mal:name>Rodolfo Ribeiro Gomes</mal:name>
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      <mal:years>2011, 2012.</mal:years>
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    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
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      <mal:name>Enrico Nicoletto</mal:name>
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    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
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      <mal:name>João Santana</mal:name>
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    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
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      <mal:name>Rafael Fontenelle</mal:name>
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  <title>Janelas e espaços de trabalho</title>
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Assim como em outros ambientes, o GNOME usa janelas para exibir seus aplicativos em execução. Usando ambos panorama de <gui xref="shell-introduction#activities">Atividades</gui> e dash, você pode inicializar novos aplicativos e controlar janelas ativas.

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Você também pode agrupar seus aplicativos em espaços de trabalho. Visite os tópicos de ajuda sobre janela e espaço de trabalho logo abaixo para aprender mais sobre como usar esses recursos.

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In the <gui>Activities</gui> overview, the <gui>dash</gui> displays your

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  favorite applications as well as your running applications. 
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  The <gui>dash</gui> will place a slight glow behind any running applications.
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Clicking the application icon will launch it if it is not running.

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  If it is already running, clicking the application will open the last used 
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  window of that application.

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Right clicking the application icon for a running application will

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  bring all windows for that application forward. A menu with the titles of your
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  windows will be displayed. You can select a window from this menu. It also 
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  provides options to open a new window for that application and to remove or 
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  add that application to favorites depending on its current status.

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Windows are shown on their corresponding

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  <link xref="shell-windows-workspaces">workspaces</link>.

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<section id="working-with-windows" style="2column">
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    <title type="link" role="trail">Janelas</title>
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 <title>Trabalhando com janelas</title>
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<section id="working-with-workspaces" style="2column">
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    <title type="link" role="trail">Espaços de trabalho</title>
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 <title>Trabalhando com espaços de trabalho</title>
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