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<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="topic" style="task" id="net-vpn-connect" xml:lang="pt">
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    <link type="guide" xref="net-wireless"/>
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    <link type="guide" xref="net-wired"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.4.0" date="2012-02-19" status="review"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.10" date="2013-12-05" status="review"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.18" date="2015-09-28" status="final"/>
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    <credit type="author">
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      <name>Projeto de documentação de GNOME</name>
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    <credit type="editor">
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      <name>Michael Hilh</name>
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    <credit type="editor">
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      <name>Ekaterina Gerasimova</name>
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    <desc>Aprenda como configurar uma conexão VPN a uma rede local mediante Internet.</desc>
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    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>
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<title>Ligar a uma VPN</title>
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A VPN (or Virtual Private Network) is a way of connecting to a

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 local network over the internet. For example, say you want to connect to the
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 local network at your workplace while you’re on a business trip. You would
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 find an internet connection somewhere (like at a hotel) and then connect to
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 your workplace’s VPN. It would be as if you were directly connected to the
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 network at work, but the actual network connection would be through the
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 hotel’s internet connection. VPN connections are usually encrypted
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 to prevent people from accessing the local network you’re connecting to
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 without logging in.

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There are a number of different types of VPN. You may have to install some

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 extra software depending on what type of VPN you’re connecting to. Find out
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 the connection details from whoever is in charge of the VPN and see which
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 VPN client you need to use. Then, go to the software installer
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 application and search for the <app>NetworkManager</app> package which works
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 with your VPN (if there is one) and install it.

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If there isn’t a NetworkManager package for your type of VPN, you will

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 probably have to download and install some client software from the company
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 that provides the VPN software. You’ll probably have to follow some different
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 instructions to get that working.

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Para configurar uma conexão VPN:

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Abra a vista de <gui xref="shell-introduction#activities">Atividades</gui> e comece a escrever <gui>Rede</gui>.

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Carregue em <gui>Rede</gui> para abrir o painel.

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Na parte inferior da lista, à esquerda, carregue o botão <gui>+</gui> para acrescentar uma conexão nova.

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Escolha <gui>VPN</gui> na lista de interfaces.

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Selecione que tipo de conexão VPN tem.

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Recheie os detalhes da conexão VPN e carregue <gui>Acrescentar</gui> quando tenha terminado.

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Quando termine de configurar a VPN, abra o <gui xref="shell-introduction#yourname">menu do sistema</gui> na parte direita da barra superior, carregue em <gui>VPN apagada</gui> e selecione <gui>Ligar</gui>. É possível que deva introduzir uma palavra-passe antes de estabelecer a conexão. Quando a conexão se estabeleça, verá um ícone dum cadeado na barra superior.

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Se todo vai bem, ligar-se-á corretamente à VPN. Caso contrário, pode que precise voltar a verificar a configuração VPN que introduziu. Pode fazê-lo clicando desde o painel de <gui>Rede</gui> que usou para criar a conexão, selecionando a conexão VPN na lista e clicando o botão <media its:translate="no" type="image" src="figures/emblem-system.png">configuração</media> para revisar a configuração.

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Para desligar-se da VPN, carregue no menu do sistema na barra superior e carregue <gui>Apagar</gui> sob o nome da sua conexão VPN.

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