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<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="topic" style="task" id="files-browse" xml:lang="kn">
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    <link type="guide" xref="files#common-file-tasks"/>
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    <link type="seealso" xref="files-copy"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.5.92" version="0.2" date="2012-09-16" status="review"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.13.92" date="2014-09-20" status="review"/>
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    <revision pkgversion="3.18" date="2015-09-28" status="review"/>
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    <credit type="author">
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      <name>Tiffany Antopolski</name>
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    <credit type="author">
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      <name>Shaun McCance</name>
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    <credit type="author">
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      <name>Phil Bull</name>
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    <credit type="editor">
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      <name>Michael Hill</name>
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    <credit type="editor">
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      <name>David King</name>
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    <include xmlns="" href="legal.xml"/>
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    <desc>Manage and organize files with the file manager.</desc>
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<title>Browse files and folders</title>
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Use the <app>Files</app> file manager to browse and organize the files on

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your computer. You can also use it to manage files on storage devices (like
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external hard disks), on <link xref="nautilus-connect">file servers</link>, and
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on network shares.

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To start the file manager, open <app>Files</app> in the

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<gui xref="shell-introduction#activities">Activities</gui> overview. You can also search
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for files and folders through the overview in the same way you would
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<link xref="shell-apps-open">search for applications</link>.
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<section id="files-view-folder-contents">
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  <title>Exploring the contents of folders</title>
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In the file manager, double-click any folder to view its contents, and

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double-click or <link xref="mouse-middleclick">middle-click</link> any file to
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open it with the default application for that file. Middle-click a folder to
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open it in a new tab. You can also right-click a folder to open it in a new tab
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or new window.

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When looking through the files in a folder, you can quickly <link xref="files-preview">preview each file</link> by pressing the space bar

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to be sure you have the right file before opening it, copying it, or
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deleting it.

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The path bar above the list of files and folders shows you which

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folder you’re viewing, including the parent folders of the current folder.
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Click a parent folder in the path bar to go to that folder. Right-click any
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folder in the path bar to open it in a new tab or window, or access its
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If you want to quickly <link xref="files-search">search for a file</link>,

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in or below the folder you are viewing, start typing its name. A search
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bar will appear at the top of the window and only files which match your
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search will be shown. Press <key>Esc</key> to cancel the search.

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You can quickly access common places from the sidebar. If you do

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not see the sidebar, click <gui>Files</gui> in the top bar and then select
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<gui>Sidebar</gui>. You can add bookmarks to folders that you use often and
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they will appear in the sidebar. Drag a folder to the sidebar, and drop it over
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<gui>New bookmark</gui>, which appears dynamically, or click the window menu 
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and then select <gui style="menuitem">Bookmark this Location</gui>.

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