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<title>Generated Code: GNOME Online Accounts Reference Manual</title>
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Packit 79f644
Generated Code
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GoaObject — Specialized GDBusObject types
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GoaObjectManagerClient — Generated GDBusObjectManagerClient type
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GoaManager — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Manager D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaAccount — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Account D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaOAuthBased — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.OAuthBased D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaOAuth2Based — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.OAuth2Based D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaPasswordBased — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.PasswordBased D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaMail — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Mail D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaCalendar — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Calendar D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaContacts — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Contacts D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaChat — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Chat D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaDocuments — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Documents D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaMaps — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Maps D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaMusic — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Music D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaPhotos — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Photos D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaFiles — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Files D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaExchange — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Exchange D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaMediaServer — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.MediaServer D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaTicketing — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Ticketing D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaTodo — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Todo D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaReadLater — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.ReadLater D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
Packit 79f644
GoaPrinters — Generated C code for the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Printers D-Bus interface
Packit 79f644
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Generated by GTK-Doc V1.28
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