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Credentials Handling
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        For accessing a service, the application typically needs to
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        present credentials. The application can request the
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        credentials via GOA. First the application should invoke the
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        method on the account object. If this succeeds, the
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        application can request the credentials using e.g.  OAuthBased.GetAccessToken()
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        or OAuth2Based.GetAccessToken()
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        depending on what kind of credentials the account is using.
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        If the service returns an authorization error (say, the access
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        token expired), the application should call Account.EnsureCredentials()
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        again to e.g. renew the credentials.
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        On the other hand, if Account.EnsureCredentials()
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        ever fails, then the user will get notified that there is a
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        problem with the account so he can take actions to fix it.
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        Applications can listen to changes on the Account.AttentionNeeded
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        property to get notified when it's time to try accessing the
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        account again.
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        Note that the implementation for a provider may switch from
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        e.g. OAuth to OAuth2 in a newer release of GNOME Online
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        Accounts. Therefore, applications must never assume that the
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        GoaObject for an account implements a fixed set of
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