Toolbar (C) Monica Kochofar 2012 단추 표시줄 조성호 2017 Toolbar

Toolbar에는 텍스트나 스톡 아이콘을 넣을 수 있습니다. 이 예제에서는 스톡 아이콘을 사용하겠습니다. 이 예제에는 전체 화면 기능이 있습니다.

SimpleAction(창과 앱)을 활용하는 예제입니다. 앱 동작은 앱 메뉴에서 쉽게 추가할 수 있습니다.

#include <gtk/gtk.h> /* Declare these two Toolbuttons, as they will be used in both the fullscreen * action callback as well as the activate function. */ GtkToolItem *fullscreen_button; GtkToolItem *leavefullscreen_button; /* Callback function for the undo action */ static void undo_callback (GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) { g_print ("You clicked \"Undo\".\n"); } /* Callback function for the fullscreen action */ static void fullscreen_callback (GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) { GdkWindow *window = gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (user_data)); GdkWindowState current_state = gdk_window_get_state (window); /* If the window is currently in fullscreen mode */ if ( (current_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN) != 0) { /* Minimize the window and change to the fullscreen button */ gdk_window_unfullscreen (window); gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET(leavefullscreen_button)); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET(fullscreen_button)); } else { /* Maximize the window, and change to the unfullscreen button */ gdk_window_fullscreen (window); gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (fullscreen_button)); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (leavefullscreen_button)); } } static void activate (GtkApplication *app, gpointer user_data) { /* Initialize variables */ GtkWidget *window; GtkWidget *grid; GtkWidget *toolbar; GtkToolItem *new_button; GtkToolItem *open_button; GtkToolItem *undo_button; GtkStyleContext *style_context; GSimpleAction *undo_action; GSimpleAction *fullscreen_action; GSimpleAction *leavefullscreen_action; /* Create a window with a title and a default size */ window = gtk_application_window_new (app); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Toolbar Example"); gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 400, 200); /* Here we begin to create the toolbar */ toolbar = gtk_toolbar_new (); /* Set the toolbar to be the primary toolbar of the application */ style_context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (toolbar); gtk_style_context_add_class (style_context, GTK_STYLE_CLASS_PRIMARY_TOOLBAR); /* Create a button for the "new" action, with a stock image */ new_button = gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_NEW); /* Show the "new" button's label */ gtk_tool_item_set_is_important (new_button, TRUE); /* Insert the button in the desired position within the toolbar */ gtk_toolbar_insert (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), new_button, 0); /* Show the button */ gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (new_button)); /* Set the action name for the "new" action. We use "" to * indicate that the action controls the application. */ gtk_actionable_set_action_name (GTK_ACTIONABLE (new_button), ""); /* Repeat the same steps for the "open" action */ open_button = gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_OPEN); gtk_tool_item_set_is_important (open_button, TRUE); gtk_toolbar_insert (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), open_button, 1); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (open_button)); gtk_actionable_set_action_name (GTK_ACTIONABLE (open_button), ""); /* Repeat the same steps for the "undo" action */ undo_button = gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_UNDO); gtk_tool_item_set_is_important (undo_button, TRUE); gtk_toolbar_insert (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), undo_button, 2); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (undo_button)); /* In this case, we use "win.undo" to indicate that * the action controls only the window */ gtk_actionable_set_action_name (GTK_ACTIONABLE (undo_button), "win.undo"); /* Repeat the same steps for the "fullscreen" action */ fullscreen_button = gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_FULLSCREEN); gtk_tool_item_set_is_important (fullscreen_button, TRUE); gtk_toolbar_insert (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), fullscreen_button, 3); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (fullscreen_button)); gtk_actionable_set_action_name (GTK_ACTIONABLE (fullscreen_button), "win.fullscreen"); /*Repeat the same steps for the "leavefullscreen" action */ leavefullscreen_button = gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN); gtk_tool_item_set_is_important (leavefullscreen_button, TRUE); gtk_toolbar_insert (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar), leavefullscreen_button, 3); /* The only difference here is that we don't show the leavefullscreen button, * as it will later replace the fullscreen button. */ gtk_actionable_set_action_name (GTK_ACTIONABLE (leavefullscreen_button), "win.leavefullscreen"); /* Once we've created the bare-bones of the toolbar, we make * sure it has enough horizontal space. */ gtk_widget_set_hexpand (toolbar, TRUE); gtk_widget_show (toolbar); /* Attach the toolbar to the grid and add it to the overall window */ grid = gtk_grid_new (); gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), toolbar, 0, 0, 1, 1); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), GTK_WIDGET (grid)); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (grid)); /* Use the action names to create the actions that control the window, and * connect them to the appropriate callbackfunctions. */ undo_action = g_simple_action_new ("undo", NULL); g_signal_connect (undo_action, "activate", G_CALLBACK (undo_callback), GTK_WINDOW (window)); g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), G_ACTION (undo_action)); fullscreen_action = g_simple_action_new ("fullscreen", NULL); g_signal_connect (fullscreen_action, "activate", G_CALLBACK (fullscreen_callback), GTK_WINDOW (window)); g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), G_ACTION (fullscreen_action)); leavefullscreen_action = g_simple_action_new ("leavefullscreen", NULL); g_signal_connect (leavefullscreen_action, "activate", G_CALLBACK (fullscreen_callback), GTK_WINDOW (window)); g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (window), G_ACTION (leavefullscreen_action)); gtk_widget_show (window); } /* Callback function for the new action */ static void new_callback (GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) { g_print ("You clicked \"New\".\n"); } /* Callback function for the open action */ static void open_callback (GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) { g_print ("You clicked \"Open\".\n"); } /* In this function, we create the actions in which control the window, and * connect their signals to the appropriate callback function. */ static void startup (GApplication *app, gpointer user_data) { GSimpleAction *new_action; GSimpleAction *open_action; new_action = g_simple_action_new ("new", NULL); g_signal_connect (new_action, "activate", G_CALLBACK (new_callback), app); g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (app), G_ACTION (new_action)); open_action = g_simple_action_new ("open", NULL); g_signal_connect (open_action, "activate", G_CALLBACK (open_callback), app); g_action_map_add_action (G_ACTION_MAP (app), G_ACTION (open_action)); } /* Startup function for the application */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { GtkApplication *app; int status; app = gtk_application_new ("org.gtk.example", G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE); g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL); g_signal_connect (app, "startup", G_CALLBACK (startup), NULL); status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); g_object_unref (app); return status; }

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