MessageDialog (Vala) Tiffany Antopolski 2012 Unha xanela de mensaxe Fran Dieguez 2012-2013. MessageDialog

A modal message dialog which can cause the world to explode.

//A window in the application public class Window : Gtk.ApplicationWindow { public Window (Application app) { Object (application: app, title: "Gtk.MessageDialog Example"); var label = new Gtk.Label ("This application goes boom!"); this.add (label); var message_action = new SimpleAction ("message", null); message_action.activate.connect (message); this.add_action (message_action); this.set_default_size (400, 200); this.show_all (); } void dialog_response (Gtk.Dialog dialog, int response_id) { switch (response_id) { case Gtk.ResponseType.OK: print ("*boom*\n"); break; case Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL: print ("good choice\n"); break; case Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT: print ("dialog closed or cancelled\n"); break; } dialog.destroy(); } void message (SimpleAction simple, Variant? parameter) { var messagedialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog (this, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL, Gtk.MessageType.WARNING, Gtk.ButtonsType.OK_CANCEL, "This action will cause the universe to stop existing."); messagedialog.response.connect (dialog_response); (); } } //This is the Application public class Application : Gtk.Application { protected override void activate () { new Window (this); } protected override void startup () { base.startup (); var menu = new Menu (); menu.append ("Message", "win.message"); menu.append ("Quit", "app.quit"); this.app_menu = menu; var quit_action = new SimpleAction ("quit", null); //quit_action.activate.connect (this.quit); this.add_action (quit_action); } public Application () { Object (application_id: "org.example.application"); } } //main function creates Application and runs it int main (string[] args) { return new Application ().run (args); }

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