Ekaterina Gerasimova kittykat3756@gmail.com 2013 Fran Dieguez frandieguez@gnome.org 2009-2013. Leandro Regueiro leandro.regueiro@gmail.com 2011. Write some help Set up help

Write some Mallard pages and add them to help/C/.

Most projects should have an index.page and some content pages, although you may not need an index.page if you are dropping plugin help into another project.

<file>help/C/index.page</file> <media type="image" mime="image/png" its:translate="no" src="figures/icon.png" /> Application name
<file>help/C/introduction.page</file> Your Name mail@example.com 2013 Welcome to _Application name_ Introduction

This application is awesome!
