TreeView with TreeStore (Python) Marta Maria Casetti 2012 A TreeView displaying a TreeStore (more complex example, with CellRendererToggle) Fran Dieguez 2012-2013. More Complex TreeView with TreeStore

This TreeView displays a TreeStore with two columns, one of which is rendered as a toggle.

Código usado para xerar este exemplo from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Pango import sys books = [["Tolstoy, Leo", ["War and Peace", True], ["Anna Karenina", False]], ["Shakespeare, William", ["Hamlet", False], ["Macbeth", True], ["Othello", False]], ["Tolkien, J.R.R.", ["The Lord of the Rings", False]]] class MyWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow): def __init__(self, app): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Library", application=app) self.set_default_size(250, 100) self.set_border_width(10) # the data are stored in the model # create a treestore with two columns = Gtk.TreeStore(str, bool) # fill in the model for i in range(len(books)): # the iter piter is returned when appending the author in the first column # and False in the second piter =, [books[i][0], False]) # append the books and the associated boolean value as children of # the author j = 1 while j < len(books[i]):, books[i][j]) j += 1 # the treeview shows the model # create a treeview on the model view = Gtk.TreeView() view.set_model( # the cellrenderer for the first column - text renderer_books = Gtk.CellRendererText() # the first column is created column_books = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Books", renderer_books, text=0) # and it is appended to the treeview view.append_column(column_books) # the cellrenderer for the second column - boolean rendered as a toggle renderer_in_out = Gtk.CellRendererToggle() # the second column is created column_in_out = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Out?", renderer_in_out, active=1) # and it is appended to the treeview view.append_column(column_in_out) # connect the cellrenderertoggle with a callback function renderer_in_out.connect("toggled", self.on_toggled) # add the treeview to the window self.add(view) # callback function for the signal emitted by the cellrenderertoggle def on_toggled(self, widget, path): # the boolean value of the selected row current_value =[path][1] # change the boolean value of the selected row in the model[path][1] = not current_value # new current value! current_value = not current_value # if length of the path is 1 (that is, if we are selecting an author) if len(path) == 1: # get the iter associated with the path piter = # get the iter associated with its first child citer = # while there are children, change the state of their boolean value # to the value of the author while citer is not None:[citer][1] = current_value citer = # if the length of the path is not 1 (that is, if we are selecting a # book) elif len(path) != 1: # get the first child of the parent of the book (the first book of # the author) citer = piter = citer = # check if all the children are selected all_selected = True while citer is not None: if[citer][1] == False: all_selected = False break citer = # if they do, the author as well is selected; otherwise it is not[piter][1] = all_selected class MyApplication(Gtk.Application): def __init__(self): Gtk.Application.__init__(self) def do_activate(self): win = MyWindow(self) win.show_all() def do_startup(self): Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) app = MyApplication() exit_status = sys.exit(exit_status)
Métodos útiles para o widget TreeView

The TreeView widget is designed around a Model/View/Controller design: the Model stores the data; the View gets change notifications and displays the content of the model; the Controller, finally, changes the state of the model and notifies the view of these changes. For more information and for a list of useful methods for TreeModel see .

In line 48 the "toggled" signal is connected to the callback function on_toggled() using widget.connect(signal, callback function). See for a more detailed explanation.

API References

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