Toolbar (Vala) Tiffany Antopolski 2012 Une barre de boutons Luc Rebert, 2011 Alain Lojewski, 2011-2012 Luc Pionchon 2011 Bruno Brouard 2011-12 Luis Menina 2014 Barre d'outils

La barre d'outils peut contenir soit du texte, soit des icônes de la collection. Dans cet exemple, nous utilisons les icônes de la collection. Cet exemple possède la fonction plein écran.

Cet exemple utilise SimpleActions (fenêtre et application). Les actions applications peuvent être facilement ajoutées au menu « Applications ».

/* This is the Window */ class MyWindow : Gtk.ApplicationWindow { /* Instance variables belonging to the window */ Gtk.Toolbar toolbar; Gtk.ToolButton new_button; Gtk.ToolButton open_button; Gtk.ToolButton undo_button; Gtk.ToolButton fullscreen_button; Gtk.ToolButton leave_fullscreen_button; /* Constructor */ internal MyWindow (MyApplication app) { Object (application: app, title: "Toolbar Example"); this.set_default_size (400, 200); var grid = new Gtk.Grid (); this.add (grid); (); create_toolbar (); toolbar.set_hexpand (true); grid.attach (toolbar, 0, 0, 1, 1); (); /* create the "undo" window action action */ var undo_action = new SimpleAction ("undo", null); undo_action.activate.connect (undo_callback); this.add_action (undo_action); /* create the "fullscreen" window action */ var fullscreen_action = new SimpleAction ("fullscreen", null); fullscreen_action.activate.connect (fullscreen_callback); this.add_action (fullscreen_action); } /* This function creates the toolbar, its ToolButtons, * and assigns the actions names to the ToolButtons.*/ void create_toolbar () { toolbar = new Gtk.Toolbar (); toolbar.get_style_context ().add_class (Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_PRIMARY_TOOLBAR); new_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock (Gtk.Stock.NEW); new_button.is_important = true; //decides whether to show the label toolbar.add (new_button); (); new_button.action_name = ""; open_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock (Gtk.Stock.OPEN); open_button.is_important = true; toolbar.add (open_button); (); open_button.action_name = ""; undo_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock (Gtk.Stock.UNDO); undo_button.is_important = true; toolbar.add (undo_button); (); undo_button.action_name = "win.undo"; fullscreen_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock (Gtk.Stock.FULLSCREEN); fullscreen_button.is_important = true; toolbar.add (fullscreen_button); (); fullscreen_button.action_name = "win.fullscreen"; leave_fullscreen_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock (Gtk.Stock.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN) ; leave_fullscreen_button.is_important = true; toolbar.add (leave_fullscreen_button); leave_fullscreen_button.action_name = "win.fullscreen"; } void undo_callback (SimpleAction simple, Variant? parameter) { print ("You clicked \"Undo\".\n"); } void fullscreen_callback (SimpleAction simple, Variant? parameter) { if ((this.get_window ().get_state () & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0) { this.unfullscreen (); leave_fullscreen_button.hide (); (); } else { this.fullscreen (); fullscreen_button.hide (); (); } } } /* This is the application */ class MyApplication : Gtk.Application { protected override void activate () { new MyWindow (this).show (); } protected override void startup () { base.startup (); /* Create the "new" action and add it to the app*/ var new_action = new SimpleAction ("new", null); new_action.activate.connect (new_callback); this.add_action (new_action); /* Create the "open" action, and add it to the app */ var open_action = new SimpleAction ("open", null); open_action.activate.connect (open_callback); this.add_action (open_action); /* You could also add the action to the app menu * if you wanted to. */ //var menu = new Menu (); //menu.append ("New", ""); //this.app_menu = menu; } void new_callback (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) { print ("You clicked \"New\".\n"); } void open_callback (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) { print ("You clicked \"Open\".\n"); } } /* The main function creates the application and runs it. */ int main (string[] args) { return new MyApplication ().run (args); }

Dans cet exemple, les éléments suivants sont utilisés :


