Dialog (JavaScript) Taryn Fox jewelfox@fursona.net 2012 Une fenêtre surgissante Luc Rebert, traduc@rebert.name 2011 Alain Lojewski, allomervan@gmail.com 2011-2012 Luc Pionchon pionchon.luc@gmail.com 2011 Bruno Brouard annoa.b@gmail.com 2011-12 Luis Menina liberforce@freeside.fr 2014 Boîte de dialogue

Une fenêtre surgissante personnalisable, avec une zone de contenu et une zone d'action. Cet exemple de boîte de dialogue montre que dans la zone de contenu il y a un petit message et dans la zone d'action il y a un bouton qui ferme la boîte.

#!/usr/bin/gjs imports.gi.versions.Gtk = '3.0'; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; class DialogExample { // Create the application itself constructor() { this.application = new Gtk.Application ({ application_id: 'org.example.jsdialog', flags: Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE }); // Connect 'activate' and 'startup' signals to the callback functions this.application.connect('activate', this._onActivate.bind(this)); this.application.connect('startup', this._onStartup.bind(this)); } // Callback function for 'activate' signal presents windows when active _onActivate() { this._window.present(); } // Callback function for 'startup' signal builds the UI _onStartup() { this._buildUI(); } // Build the application's UI _buildUI() { // Create the application window this._window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow ({ application: this.application, window_position: Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER, title: "Gtk.Dialog Example", default_height: 50, default_width: 250 }); // Create a button this._button = new Gtk.Button ({label: "Click Me"}); this._window.add (this._button); // Bind it to the function that creates the dialog this._button.connect ("clicked", this._createDialog.bind(this)); // Show the window and all child widgets this._window.show_all(); } _createDialog() { // Create the dialog this._dialog = new Gtk.Dialog ({ transient_for: this._window, modal: true, title: "A Gtk+ dialog" }); // Create the dialog's content area, which contains a message this._contentArea = this._dialog.get_content_area(); this._message = new Gtk.Label ({label: "This demonstrates a dialog with a label"}); this._contentArea.add (this._message); // Create the dialog's action area, which contains a stock OK button this._actionArea = this._dialog.get_action_area(); this._OKButton = Gtk.Button.new_from_stock (Gtk.STOCK_OK); this._actionArea.add (this._OKButton); // Connect the button to the function that handles what it does this._OKButton.connect ("clicked", this._OKHandler.bind(this)); this._dialog.show_all(); } _OKHandler(dialog, response_id) { // Destroy the dialog this._dialog.destroy(); } }; // Run the application let app = new DialogExample (); app.application.run (ARGV);

Dans cet exemple, les éléments suivants sont utilisés :


