FileChooserDialog (Vala) Tiffany Antopolski 2012 Un diálogo adecuado para comandos «Abrir» y «Guardar». Daniel Mustieles 2011 - 2017 Nicolás Satragno 2012 - 2013 Jorge González 2011 FileChooserDialog
Visión general del ejemplo

Este ejemplo demuestra cómo usar el «FileChooserDialog». Está incorporado en una aplicación de edición de texto muy simple. Todas las acciones, incluyendo los comandos «open», «save» y «save-as» pueden encontrarse en el menú de la aplicación. Aquí, el menú se crea usando un archivo de IU XML, que a su vez se importa a la aplicación usando «Gtk.Builder».

Archivo de IU XML que crea el menú de la aplicación <?xml version="1.0"?> <interface> <menu id="appmenu"> <section> <item> <attribute name="label">New</attribute> <attribute name="action"></attribute> </item> <item> <attribute name="label">Open</attribute> <attribute name="action"></attribute> </item> </section> <section> <item> <attribute name="label">Save</attribute> <attribute name="action"></attribute> </item> <item> <attribute name="label">Save As...</attribute> <attribute name="action"></attribute> </item> </section> <section> <item> <attribute name="label">Quit</attribute> <attribute name="action">app.quit</attribute> </item> </section> </menu> </interface>
Código en Vala class MyWindow: Gtk.ApplicationWindow { /* MyWindow instance variables. */ GLib.File? file; Gtk.TextBuffer buffer; Gtk.TextView textview; Gtk.ScrolledWindow scrolled_window; /* Create ActionEntries. */ const ActionEntry[] actions = { { "new", new_cb }, { "open", open_cb }, { "save", save_cb }, { "save-as", save_as_cb } }; /* Constructor creates MyWindow, and add the scrolled_window. */ internal MyWindow (MyApplication app) { Object (application: app, title: "FileChooserDialog Example"); this.set_default_size (400, 400); /* Add the ActionEntries to MyWindow. */ this.add_action_entries (actions, this); buffer = new Gtk.TextBuffer (null); //stores text to be displayed textview = new Gtk.TextView.with_buffer (buffer); //displays TextBuffer textview.set_wrap_mode (Gtk.WrapMode.WORD); //sets line wrapping scrolled_window = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (null, null); scrolled_window.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC); scrolled_window.add (textview); scrolled_window.set_border_width (5); this.add (scrolled_window); this.show_all (); } void new_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) { file = null; buffer.set_text (""); print ("New file created\n"); } /* Create FileChooserDialog in OPEN mode. */ void open_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) { var open_dialog = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog ("Pick a file", this as Gtk.Window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN, Gtk.Stock.CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.Stock.OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT); open_dialog.local_only = false; //allow for uri open_dialog.set_modal (true); open_dialog.response.connect (open_response_cb); (); } /* Either open the file and load the file contents or cancel. */ void open_response_cb (Gtk.Dialog dialog, int response_id) { var open_dialog = dialog as Gtk.FileChooserDialog; switch (response_id) { case Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: //open the file file = open_dialog.get_file(); uint8[] file_contents; try { file.load_contents (null, out file_contents, null); } catch (GLib.Error err) { //handle the exception error ("%s\n", err.message); } /* Set the buffer text to be the contents of the file. */ buffer.set_text ((string) file_contents, file_contents.length); print ("opened: %s\n", (open_dialog.get_filename ())); break; case Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL: print ("cancelled: FileChooserAction.OPEN\n"); break; } dialog.destroy (); } /* Create FileChooserDialog in SAVE mode. */ void save_as_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) { var save_dialog = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog ("Pick a file", this as Gtk.Window, Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE, Gtk.Stock.CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.Stock.SAVE, Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT); save_dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation (true); save_dialog.set_modal (true); if (file != null) { try { (save_dialog as Gtk.FileChooser).set_file (file); } catch (GLib.Error error) { print ("%s\n", error.message); } } save_dialog.response.connect (save_as_response_cb); (); } void save_as_response_cb (Gtk.Dialog dialog, int response_id) { var save_dialog = dialog as Gtk.FileChooserDialog; switch (response_id) { case Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: file = save_dialog.get_file(); this.save_to_file (); break; default: break; } dialog.destroy (); } /* Save the existing contents to the file. * If file does not exist, call save_as_cb. */ void save_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) { if (file != null) { this.save_to_file (); } else { save_as_cb (action, parameter); } } void save_to_file (){ Gtk.TextIter start; Gtk.TextIter end; buffer.get_bounds (out start, out end); string current_contents = buffer.get_text (start, end, false); try { file.replace_contents (, null, false, GLib.FileCreateFlags.NONE, null, null); print ("saved: %s\n", file.get_path ()); } catch (GLib.Error err) { error ("%s\n", err.message); } } } /* This is the application */ class MyApplication: Gtk.Application { protected override void activate () { new MyWindow (this).show_all; } const ActionEntry[] actions = { { "quit", quit_cb } }; void quit_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) { this.quit (); } protected override void startup () { base.startup (); /* Setup actions */ this.add_action_entries (actions, this); /* Setup menus */ var builder = new Gtk.Builder (); try { builder.add_from_file ("filechooserdialog.ui"); } catch (GLib.Error err) { error ("Unable to load file: %s\n", err.message); } this.app_menu = builder.get_object ("appmenu") as MenuModel; } } /* main creates and runs the application. */ public int main (string[] args) { return new MyApplication ().run (args); }
Documentación de la API relevante

En este ejemplo se usa lo siguiente:



