ApplicationWindow (Python) Tiffany Antopolski 2012 Marta Maria Casetti 2012 Subclase GtkWindow con soporte de GtkApplication Daniel Mustieles 2011 - 2017 Nicolás Satragno 2012 - 2013 Jorge González 2011 ApplicationWindow

La ventana de GtkApplication más sencilla que puede soportar .

Código usado para generar este ejemplo from gi.repository import Gtk import sys # a Gtk ApplicationWindow class MyWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow): # constructor: the title is "Welcome to GNOME" and the window belongs # to the application app def __init__(self, app): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Welcome to GNOME", application=app) class MyApplication(Gtk.Application): # constructor of the Gtk Application def __init__(self): Gtk.Application.__init__(self) # create and activate a MyWindow, with self (the MyApplication) as # application the window belongs to. # Note that the function in C activate() becomes do_activate() in Python def do_activate(self): win = MyWindow(self) # show the window and all its content # this line could go in the constructor of MyWindow as well win.show_all() # start up the application # Note that the function in C startup() becomes do_startup() in Python def do_startup(self): Gtk.Application.do_startup(self) # create and run the application, exit with the value returned by # running the program app = MyApplication() exit_status = sys.exit(exit_status)
Métodos útiles para un widget «Gtk.ApplicationWindow»

set_default_size(200, 100) establece el tamaño predeterminado de la ventana a una anchura de 200 y una altura de 100; si en lugar de un número positivo le pasa -1 tendrá el tamaño predeterminado.

set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) centra la ventana. Otras opciones son Gtk.WindowPosition.NONE, Gtk.WindowPosition.MOUSE, Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER_ALWAYS, Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER_ON_PARENT.

Referencias de la API

En este ejemplo se usa lo siguiente:

