Συμβουλή οθόνης (Vala) Tiffany Antopolski tiffany.antopolski@gmail.com 2013 Προσθέστε συμβουλές στα γραφικά στοιχεία σας Ελληνική μεταφραστική ομάδα GNOME team@gnome.gr 2012-2015 Δημήτρης Σπίγγος dmtrs32@gmail.com 2012, 2013 Μαρία Θουκιδίδου marablack3@gmail.com 2014 Θάνος Τρυφωνίδης tomtryf@gmail.com 2014, 2015 Συμβουλή οθόνης

Μια εργαλειοθήκη με μια συμβουλή οθόνης (με μια εικόνα) για ένα κουμπί.

Αυτό το παράδειγμα δομεί στο παράδειγμα εργαλειοθήκη.

Ο χρησιμοποιούμενος κώδικας για παραγωγή αυτού παραδείγματος /* This is the Window */ class MyWindow : Gtk.ApplicationWindow { /* Instance variables belonging to the window */ Gtk.Toolbar toolbar; Gtk.ToolButton new_button; Gtk.ToolButton open_button; Gtk.ToolButton undo_button; Gtk.ToolButton fullscreen_button; Gtk.ToolButton leave_fullscreen_button; /* Constructor */ internal MyWindow (MyApplication app) { Object (application: app, title: "Toolbar with Tooltips Example"); this.set_default_size (400, 200); var grid = new Gtk.Grid (); this.add (grid); grid.show (); create_toolbar (); toolbar.set_hexpand (true); grid.attach (toolbar, 0, 0, 1, 1); toolbar.show (); /* create the "undo" window action action */ var undo_action = new SimpleAction ("undo", null); undo_action.activate.connect (undo_callback); this.add_action (undo_action); /* create the "fullscreen" window action */ var fullscreen_action = new SimpleAction ("fullscreen", null); fullscreen_action.activate.connect (fullscreen_callback); this.add_action (fullscreen_action); } /* Callback for query_tooltip signal */ bool undo_tooltip_callback (int x, int y, bool keyboard_tooltip, Gtk.Tooltip tooltip) { /* set the text for the tooltip */ tooltip.set_text ("Undo your last action"); /* set an icon fot the tooltip */ tooltip.set_icon_from_stock("gtk-undo", Gtk.IconSize.MENU); /* show the tooltip */ return true; } /* This function creates the toolbar, its ToolButtons, * and assigns the actions names to the ToolButtons.*/ void create_toolbar () { toolbar = new Gtk.Toolbar (); toolbar.get_style_context ().add_class (Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_PRIMARY_TOOLBAR); new_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock (Gtk.Stock.NEW); /* tooltip with text */ new_button.set_tooltip_text ("Create a new file"); new_button.is_important = true; //decides whether to show the label toolbar.add (new_button); new_button.show (); new_button.action_name = "app.new"; open_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock (Gtk.Stock.OPEN); /* a tooltip using Pango markup language */ open_button.set_tooltip_markup ("Open an <i>existing</i> file"); open_button.is_important = true; toolbar.add (open_button); open_button.show (); open_button.action_name = "app.open"; undo_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock (Gtk.Stock.UNDO); /* For a tooltip to have an image, first we must set_has_tooltip to be 'true' */ (undo_button as Gtk.Widget).set_has_tooltip (true); /* Connect the query_tooltip signal to the callback */ undo_button.query_tooltip.connect (undo_tooltip_callback); undo_button.is_important = true; toolbar.add (undo_button); undo_button.show (); undo_button.action_name = "win.undo"; fullscreen_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock (Gtk.Stock.FULLSCREEN); fullscreen_button.is_important = true; toolbar.add (fullscreen_button); fullscreen_button.show (); fullscreen_button.action_name = "win.fullscreen"; leave_fullscreen_button = new Gtk.ToolButton.from_stock (Gtk.Stock.LEAVE_FULLSCREEN) ; leave_fullscreen_button.is_important = true; toolbar.add (leave_fullscreen_button); leave_fullscreen_button.action_name = "win.fullscreen"; } void undo_callback (SimpleAction simple, Variant? parameter) { print ("You clicked \"Undo\".\n"); } void fullscreen_callback (SimpleAction simple, Variant? parameter) { if ((this.get_window ().get_state () & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) != 0) { this.unfullscreen (); leave_fullscreen_button.hide (); fullscreen_button.show (); } else { this.fullscreen (); fullscreen_button.hide (); leave_fullscreen_button.show (); } } } /* This is the application */ class MyApplication : Gtk.Application { protected override void activate () { new MyWindow (this).show (); } protected override void startup () { base.startup (); /* Create the "new" action and add it to the app*/ var new_action = new SimpleAction ("new", null); new_action.activate.connect (new_callback); this.add_action (new_action); /* Create the "open" action, and add it to the app */ var open_action = new SimpleAction ("open", null); open_action.activate.connect (open_callback); this.add_action (open_action); /* You could also add the action to the app menu * if you wanted to. */ //var menu = new Menu (); //menu.append ("New", "app.new"); //this.app_menu = menu; } void new_callback (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) { print ("You clicked \"New\".\n"); } void open_callback (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter) { print ("You clicked \"Open\".\n"); } } /* The main function creates the application and runs it. */ int main (string[] args) { return new MyApplication ().run (args); }
Αναφορές API

Σε αυτό το παράδειγμα χρησιμοποιήσαμε τα παρακάτω:

Συμβουλή οθόνης Gtk (Gtk.Tooltip)


Συμβουλή οθόνης ερωτήματος γραφικού στοιχείου Gtk (Gtk.Widget.query_tooltip)

Έτοιμα στοιχεία (Stock Items)