Image (Vala) Tiffany Antopolski 2012 A widget displaying an image Mario Blättermann 2011, 2013 Bild

This GtkApplication displays an image file from the current directory.

If the image file isn't loaded successfully, the image will contain a "broken image" icon. The filename.png needs to be in the current directory for this code to work. Use your favorite picture!

public class MyWindow : Gtk.ApplicationWindow { internal MyWindow (MyApplication app) { Object (application: app, title: "Welcome to GNOME"); var image = new Gtk.Image (); image.set_from_file ("gnome-image.png"); this.add (image); this.set_default_size (300, 300); } } public class MyApplication : Gtk.Application { protected override void activate () { new MyWindow (this).show_all (); } internal MyApplication () { Object (application_id: "org.example.MyApplication"); } } public int main (string[] args) { return new MyApplication ().run (args); }

In this sample we used the following:


