AboutDialog (JavaScript) Taryn Fox jewelfox@fursona.net 2012 Informationen zur Anwendung anzeigen Mario Blättermann mario.blaettermann@gmail.com 2011, 2013 AboutDialog

A modal dialog window which shows information about an application and its creators. This one is triggered by clicking "About" in the application's menu, which is normally a good place to put it.

#!/usr/bin/gjs imports.gi.versions.Gtk = '3.0'; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; class AboutDialogExample { // Create the application itself constructor() { this.application = new Gtk.Application({ application_id: 'org.example.jsaboutdialog', flags: Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE }); // Connect 'activate' and 'startup' signals to the callback functions this.application.connect('activate', this._onActivate.bind(this)); this.application.connect('startup', this._onStartup.bind(this)); } // Callback function for 'activate' signal presents windows when active _onActivate() { this._window.present(); } // Callback function for 'startup' signal creates the menu and builds the UI _onStartup() { this._initMenus(); this._buildUI(); } // Build the application's UI _buildUI() { // Create the application window this._window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow({ application: this.application, window_position: Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER, title: "AboutDialog Example", default_height: 250, default_width: 350 }); // Show the window and all child widgets this._window.show_all(); } // Create the application menu _initMenus() { let menu = new Gio.Menu(); menu.append("About", 'app.about'); menu.append("Quit",'app.quit'); this.application.set_app_menu(menu); // Create the "About" menu option and have it call the _showAbout() function let aboutAction = new Gio.SimpleAction({ name: 'about' }); aboutAction.connect('activate', () => { this._showAbout(); }); this.application.add_action(aboutAction); // Create the "Quit" menu option and have it close the window let quitAction = new Gio.SimpleAction ({ name: 'quit' }); quitAction.connect('activate', () => { this._window.destroy(); }); this.application.add_action(quitAction); } _showAbout() { // String arrays of the names of the people involved in the project var authors = ["GNOME Documentation Team"]; var documenters = ["GNOME Documentation Team"]; // Create the About dialog let aboutDialog = new Gtk.AboutDialog({ title: "AboutDialog Example", program_name: "GtkApplication Example", copyright: "Copyright \xa9 2012 GNOME Documentation Team", authors: authors, documenters: documenters, website: "http://developer.gnome.org", website_label: "GNOME Developer Website" }); // Attach the About dialog to the window aboutDialog.modal = true; aboutDialog.transient_for = this._window; // Show the About dialog aboutDialog.show(); // Connect the Close button to the destroy signal for the dialog aboutDialog.connect('response', function() { aboutDialog.destroy(); }); } }; // Run the application let app = new AboutDialogExample(); app.application.run(ARGV);

In this sample we used the following:




