ProgressBar (Vala) Tiffany Antopolski 2012 A widget which indicates progress visually ProgressBar

This ProgressBar "fills in" by a fraction of the bar until it is full.

public class MyApplication : Gtk.Application { Gtk.ProgressBar progress_bar; protected override void activate () { var window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow (this); window.set_title ("ProgressBar Example"); window.set_default_size (220, 20); progress_bar = new Gtk.ProgressBar (); window.add (progress_bar); window.show_all (); double fraction = 0.0; progress_bar.set_fraction (fraction); GLib.Timeout.add (500, fill); } bool fill () { double fraction = progress_bar.get_fraction (); //get current progress fraction += 0.1; //increase by 10% each time this function is called progress_bar.set_fraction (fraction); /* This function is only called by GLib.Timeout.add while it returns true; */ if (fraction < 1.0) return true; return false; } } public int main (string[] args) { var progress_bar_application = new MyApplication (); int status = (args); return status; }

In this sample we used the following:

