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<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" xmlns:xi="" type="guide" style="task" id="" xml:lang="ko">
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    <title type="text">ComboBox(Python)</title>
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    <link type="guide" xref=""/>
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    <link type="next" xref=""/>
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    <revision version="0.1" date="2012-06-03" status="draft"/>
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    <credit type="author copyright">
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      <name>Marta Maria Casetti</name>
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      <email its:translate="no"></email>
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    <desc>항목 목록을 선택할 때 사용하는 위젯</desc>
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    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
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  <title>ComboBox(두 칸 짜리)</title>
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  <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="media/combobox_multicolumn.png"/>
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이 ComboBox는 여러분이 바꿔서 선택한 내용을 터미널에 나타냅니다.

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  <links type="section"/>
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  <section id="code">
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    <title>예제 결과를 만드는 코드</title>
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    from gi.repository import Gtk
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import sys
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actions = [["Select", None],
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           ["New", Gtk.STOCK_NEW],
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           ["Open", Gtk.STOCK_OPEN],
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           ["Save", Gtk.STOCK_SAVE]]
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class MyWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
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    def __init__(self, app):
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        Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Welcome to GNOME", application=app)
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        self.set_default_size(200, -1)
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        # the data in the model, of type string on two columns
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        listmodel = Gtk.ListStore(str, str)
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        # append the data
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        for i in range(len(actions)):
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        # a combobox to see the data stored in the model
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        combobox = Gtk.ComboBox(model=listmodel)
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        # cellrenderers to render the data
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        renderer_pixbuf = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
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        renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText()
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        # we pack the cell into the beginning of the combobox, allocating
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        # no more space than needed;
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        # first the image, then the text;
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        # note that it does not matter in which order they are in the model,
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        # the visualization is decided by the order of the cellrenderers
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        combobox.pack_start(renderer_pixbuf, False)
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        combobox.pack_start(renderer_text, False)
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        # associate a property of the cellrenderer to a column in the model
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        # used by the combobox
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        combobox.add_attribute(renderer_text, "text", 0)
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        combobox.add_attribute(renderer_pixbuf, "stock_id", 1)
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        # the first row is the active one at the beginning
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        # connect the signal emitted when a row is selected to the callback
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        # function
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        combobox.connect("changed", self.on_changed)
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        # add the combobox to the window
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    def on_changed(self, combo):
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        # if the row selected is not the first one, write on the terminal
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        # the value of the first column in the model
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        if combo.get_active() != 0:
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            print("You chose " + str(actions[combo.get_active()][0]) + "\n")
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        return True
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class MyApplication(Gtk.Application):
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    def __init__(self):
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    def do_activate(self):
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        win = MyWindow(self)
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    def do_startup(self):
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app = MyApplication()
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exit_status =
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  <section id="methods">
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    <title>ComboBox 위젯에 쓸만한 함수</title>
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ComboBox 위젯은 모델/뷰/컨트롤러 설계 방식따라 설계했습니다. 모델에는 데이터가 들어가고요, View에는 바뀜 알림을 받아서 모델의 내용을 표시합니다. 마지막으로, 컨트롤러에서는, 모델의 상태를 바꾸고 뷰가 바뀌었다는걸 알리죠. ComboBox에서 쓸만한 메서드 목록 내용은 <link xref=""/>를 확인해보시죠.

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45번째 줄에서, widget.connect(signal, callback function) 코드로 "changed" 시그널을 on_changed() 콜백 함수에 연결했습니다. 더 자세한 설명은 <link xref=""/>를 참조하십시오.

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  <section id="references">
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    <title>API 참고서</title>
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이 예제는 다음 참고자료가 필요합니다:

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<link href="">GtkComboBox</link>

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<link href="">GtkListStore</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">GtkCellRendererText</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">GtkCellRendererPixbuf</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">스톡 항목</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">pygobject - GObject 인트로스펙션 파이썬 바인딩</link>

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