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<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" xmlns:xi="" type="guide" style="task" id="" xml:lang="es">
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    <title type="text">FileChooserDialog (Python)</title>
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    <link type="guide" xref=""/>
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    <link type="seealso" xref=""/>
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    <link type="seealso" xref=""/>
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    <link type="seealso" xref=""/>
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    <link type="next" xref=""/>
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    <revision version="0.1" date="2012-08-14" status="draft"/>
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    <credit type="author copyright">
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      <name>Marta Maria Casetti</name>
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      <email its:translate="no"></email>
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    <desc>Un diálogo adecuado para comandos «Abrir» y «Guardar»</desc>
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    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
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      <mal:name>Daniel Mustieles</mal:name>
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      <mal:years>2011 - 2017</mal:years>
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    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
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      <mal:name>Nicolás Satragno</mal:name>
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      <mal:years>2012 - 2013</mal:years>
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    <mal:credit xmlns:mal="" type="translator copyright">
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      <mal:name>Jorge González</mal:name>
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  <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="media/filechooserdialog_save.png"/>
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Este «FileChooserDialog» guarda un documento de texto, que puede abrirse o escribirse desde cero en un «TextView» (vea a continuación).

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  <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="media/filechooserdialog_menu.png"/>
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También es posible llamar a un «FileChooserDialog» para abrir un documento nuevo.

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  <links type="sections"/>
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  <section id="overview">
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  <title>Pasos para recrear el ejemplo</title>
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Cree un archivo «.ui» para describir un menú de aplicación con elementos «New», «Open», «Save», «Save as», y «Quit». Esto puede hacerse con Glade o en un editor de texto. Consulte <link xref="#xml"/>

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Cree un programa en Python para un «Gtk.TextView» con un «Gtk.Buffer» self.buffer, y un self.file que será un «Gio.File» establecido inicialmente a None.

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En este programa, también cree las acciones correspondientes a los elementos en el menú de aplicación, conéctelos a funciones de retorno de llamada, e importe el menú en el método do_startup() con un «Gtk.Builder».

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Las acciones y funciones de retorno de llamada «New» y «Quit» son bastante directas, consulte <link xref="#code"/>. Consulte la <link xref=""/> para obtener una explicación más detallada de señales y funciones de retorno de llamada.

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La devolución de llamada «Open» debe crear y abrir un «Gtk.FileChooserDialog» para «Abrir», conectado con otra función de retorno de llamada por cada uno de los dos botones «Open» y «Cancel» del «FileChooserDialog».

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«Save as» funciona básicamente como «Open», pero la función de retorno de llamada del botón «Save» depende en un método más complejo, save_to_file().

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«Save» puede reducirse al caso en el que el archivo es None, es decir en el caso en el que self.file es un archivo nuevo, que a su vez es el caso de «Save as»; y al caso en el que el archivo no es None, que a su vez se reduce a save_to_file().

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Finalmente, el método save_to_file(): consulte <link xref="#code"/>, líneas 146 - 175.

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  <section id="xml">
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  <title>Archivo XML que crea el menú de aplicación</title>
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  <?xml version="1.0"?>
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  <menu id="appmenu">
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        <attribute name="label">New</attribute>
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        <attribute name="action"></attribute>
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        <attribute name="label">Open</attribute>
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        <attribute name="action"></attribute>
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        <attribute name="label">Save</attribute>
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        <attribute name="action"></attribute>
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        <attribute name="label">Save As...</attribute>
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        <attribute name="action"></attribute>
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        <attribute name="label">Quit</attribute>
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        <attribute name="action">app.quit</attribute>
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  <section id="code">
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  <title>Código usado para generar este ejemplo</title>
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  from gi.repository import Gtk
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from gi.repository import Gdk
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from gi.repository import Gio
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from gi.repository import GObject
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import sys
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class MyWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
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    def __init__(self, app):
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            self, title="FileChooserDialog Example", application=app)
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        self.set_default_size(400, 400)
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        # the actions for the window menu, connected to the callback functions
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        new_action ="new", None)
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        new_action.connect("activate", self.new_callback)
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        open_action ="open", None)
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        open_action.connect("activate", self.open_callback)
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        save_action ="save", None)
Packit 1470ea
        save_action.connect("activate", self.save_callback)
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        save_as_action ="save-as", None)
Packit 1470ea
        save_as_action.connect("activate", self.save_as_callback)
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        # the file
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        self.file = None
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        # the textview with the buffer
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        self.buffer = Gtk.TextBuffer()
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        textview = Gtk.TextView(buffer=self.buffer)
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        # a scrolled window for the textview
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        self.scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
Packit 1470ea
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            Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)
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        # add the scrolled window to the window
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    # callback for new
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    def new_callback(self, action, parameter):
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        print("New file created")
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    # callback for open
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    def open_callback(self, action, parameter):
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        # create a filechooserdialog to open:
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        # the arguments are: title of the window, parent_window, action,
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        # (buttons, response)
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        open_dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Pick a file", self,
Packit 1470ea
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                                           (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
Packit 1470ea
                                            Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT))
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        # not only local files can be selected in the file selector
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        # dialog always on top of the textview window
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        # connect the dialog with the callback function open_response_cb()
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        open_dialog.connect("response", self.open_response_cb)
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        # show the dialog
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    # callback function for the dialog open_dialog
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    def open_response_cb(self, dialog, response_id):
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        open_dialog = dialog
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        # if response is "ACCEPT" (the button "Open" has been clicked)
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        if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT:
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            # self.file is the file that we get from the FileChooserDialog
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            self.file = open_dialog.get_file()
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            # an empty string (provisionally)
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            content = ""
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                # load the content of the file into memory:
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                # success is a boolean depending on the success of the operation
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                # content is self-explanatory
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                # etags is an entity tag (can be used to quickly determine if the
Packit 1470ea
                # file has been modified from the version on the file system)
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                [success, content, etags] = self.file.load_contents(None)
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            except GObject.GError as e:
Packit 1470ea
                print("Error: " + e.message)
Packit 1470ea
            # set the content as the text into the buffer
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            self.buffer.set_text(content, len(content))
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            print("opened: " + open_dialog.get_filename())
Packit 1470ea
        # if response is "CANCEL" (the button "Cancel" has been clicked)
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        elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL:
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            print("cancelled: FileChooserAction.OPEN")
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        # destroy the FileChooserDialog
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    # callback function for save_as
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    def save_as_callback(self, action, parameter):
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        # create a filechooserdialog to save:
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        # the arguments are: title of the window, parent_window, action,
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        # (buttons, response)
Packit 1470ea
        save_dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Pick a file", self,
Packit 1470ea
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                                           (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
Packit 1470ea
                                            Gtk.STOCK_SAVE, Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT))
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        # the dialog will present a confirmation dialog if the user types a file name that
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        # already exists
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        # dialog always on top of the textview window
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        # if self.file has already been saved
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        if self.file is not None:
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                # set self.file as the current filename for the file chooser
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            except GObject.GError as e:
Packit 1470ea
                print("Error: " + e.message)
Packit 1470ea
        # connect the dialog to the callback function save_response_cb()
Packit 1470ea
        save_dialog.connect("response", self.save_response_cb)
Packit 1470ea
        # show the dialog
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    # callback function for the dialog save_dialog
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    def save_response_cb(self, dialog, response_id):
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        save_dialog = dialog
Packit 1470ea
        # if response is "ACCEPT" (the button "Save" has been clicked)
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        if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT:
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            # self.file is the currently selected file
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            self.file = save_dialog.get_file()
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            # save to file (see below)
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        # if response is "CANCEL" (the button "Cancel" has been clicked)
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        elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL:
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            print("cancelled: FileChooserAction.SAVE")
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        # destroy the FileChooserDialog
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    # callback function for save
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    def save_callback(self, action, parameter):
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        # if self.file is not already there
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        if self.file is not None:
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        # self.file is a new file
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            # use save_as
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            self.save_as_callback(action, parameter)
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    # save_to_file
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    def save_to_file(self):
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        # get the content of the buffer, without hidden characters
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        [start, end] = self.buffer.get_bounds()
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        current_contents = self.buffer.get_text(start, end, False)
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        # if there is some content
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        if current_contents != "":
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            # set the content as content of self.file.
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            # arguments: contents, etags, make_backup, flags, GError
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Packit 1470ea
                print("saved: " + self.file.get_path())
Packit 1470ea
            except GObject.GError as e:
Packit 1470ea
                print("Error: " + e.message)
Packit 1470ea
        # if the contents are empty
Packit 1470ea
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            # create (if the file does not exist) or overwrite the file in readwrite mode.
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            # arguments: etags, make_backup, flags, GError
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                print("saved: " + self.file.get_path())
Packit 1470ea
            except GObject.GError as e:
Packit 1470ea
                print("Error: " + e.message)
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
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class MyApplication(Gtk.Application):
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    def __init__(self):
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Packit 1470ea
    def do_activate(self):
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        win = MyWindow(self)
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    def do_startup(self):
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        # app action quit, connected to the callback function
Packit 1470ea
        quit_action ="quit", None)
Packit 1470ea
        quit_action.connect("activate", self.quit_callback)
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        # get the menu from the ui file with a builder
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        builder = Gtk.Builder()
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
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            print("file not found")
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        menu = builder.get_object("appmenu")
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
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    # callback function for quit
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    def quit_callback(self, action, parameter):
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app = MyApplication()
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exit_status =
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  <section id="methods">
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  <title>Métodos útiles para un «FileChooserDialog»</title>
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Tenga en cuenta que la acción del «FileChooserDialog» puede ser una de las siguientes: Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN (el selector de archivo sólo le permitirá al usuario elegir un archivo existente), Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE (se le permitirá al usuario elegir un archivo existente, o introducir uno nuevo), Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER se le permitirá al usuario elegir una carpeta existente), o Gtk.FileChooserAction.CREATE_FOLDER (se le permitirá al usuario elegir una carpeta nueva o existente).

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Además de los métodos usados en el <link xref="#code"/>, existen:

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set_show_hidden(True) se usa para mostrar carpetas y archivos ocultos.

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set_select_multiple(True) indica que se pueden seleccionar múltiples archivos. Esto sólo es relevante si el modo es Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN o Gtk.FileChooserAction.SELECT_FOLDER.

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En el diálogo «Save as», set_current_name(nombre_actual) establece nombre_actual en el selector de archivo, como si lo hubiera introducido el usuario; nombre_actual puede ser algo como Sin nombre.txt. Este método no debe usarse excepto en un diálogo «Save as».

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La carpeta actual predeterminada es «elementos recientes». Para establecer otra carpeta use set_current_folder_uri(uri); pero tenga en cuenta que debe usar este método y hacer que el selector de archivo muestre una carpeta específica sólo cuando está ejecutando un comando «Save as» y ya tenga un archivo guardado en algún lado.

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  <section id="references">
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  <title>Referencias de la API</title>
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En este ejemplo se usa lo siguiente:

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<link href="">GtkFileChooserDialog</link>

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<link href="">GtkFileChooser</link>

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<link href="">GtkWindow</link>

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<link href="">GtkTextView</link>

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<link href="">GtkTextBuffer</link>

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<link href="">GtkScrolledWindow</link>

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<link href="">GFile</link>

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<link href="">GSimpleAction</link>

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<link href="">GtkBuilder</link>

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